Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers Applications “China Cotton” sustainable development project officially launched

“China Cotton” sustainable development project officially launched

“China Cotton” sustainable development project officially launched On April 30, the China Cotton Association issued the “China Cotton” Production Management…

“China Cotton” sustainable development project officially launched

On April 30, the China Cotton Association issued the “China Cotton” Production Management Standards (hereinafter referred to as the “Standards”) and signed a “China Cotton” sustainable development project production agreement with six large key enterprises in the industry. At this point, the “China Cotton” sustainable development project (English name: Cotton China Sustainable Development Program, CCSD for short) was officially launched.

The earth is the common home of mankind. On this year’s 52nd World Earth Day, issues such as greenhouse gas accumulation, global warming, and biodiversity loss have received widespread attention. How to increase agricultural output while protecting the ecological environment and reducing resource consumption has become a sustainable development issue that all countries need to face.

China is the world’s largest cotton consumer and textileexporter country, and the second largest cotton producer. In the past thirty years, we have been committed to providing high-quality and affordable textiles and clothing to global consumers; in the future, we hope to be more and better involved in highquality, reliability Continue to produce and sell cotton products, and use this to drive changes in cotton production, circulation, and consumption patterns, expand the market share of cotton, a natural, low-carbon, environmentally friendly fiber, and serve as the guardian Do your part for Earth Home.

On April 30, the China Cotton Association released the “Specifications” and cooperated with China Cotton Group Xinjiang Cotton Co., Ltd., Xinjiang Guoxin Seed Industry Co., Ltd., Hubei Yinfeng Cotton Co., Ltd., and Xinjiang Water Control Guomao Technology Co., Ltd. Six companies, including Xinjiang Cathay Cotton Industry Co., Ltd. and Xinjiang Lihua (Group) Co., Ltd., signed a cooperation agreement on the production side of the project to plant and manage cotton in accordance with the requirements of the “Specifications”. As the first batch of production partners of the project, these six companies are all large-scale cotton backbone enterprises in the industry, with a total annual cotton operation volume of more than 1.6 million tons, and their business covers cotton production, processing, sales and other aspects. On this basis, the association will continue to cooperate with cotton-related enterprises committed to the high-quality development of the cotton industry, as well as well-known domestic brands. We will strive to produce and sell high-quality, sustainable cotton to add value to downstream brands and consumers.

Through the release of the “Specifications” and project cooperation, we hope to achieve the following goals:

Goal 1: Reduce pollution

Like other crops, cotton production requires the application of pesticides and fertilizers, and some production areas also need to lay mulch films. The negative impacts of these inputs on soil, atmosphere, and water during the production, use, and degradation processes will take a long time to digest. We will help producers understand the requirements of sustainable development and formulate input use plans: limit the use of pesticides and fertilizers, use technical means to promote precise fertilization and pesticide application, and gradually find out the precise correspondence between yield growth and input use. Achieve economic and environmental reductions in pesticides and fertilizers; promote the rational use and scientific recycling of mulch films, reduce “white pollution” and reduce the foreign fiber content of cotton.

Goal 2: Energy saving and emission reduction

Reducing resource consumption is an important part of developing a green, low-carbon circular economy. The resources here include not only natural resources such as water and soil, but also inputs such as pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and mulch films. We will enable producers to do more and better things with fewer resources and eliminate the link between economic growth and environmental degradation. These include but are not limited to: developing and improving irrigation plans, adopting water-saving irrigation measures, promoting water Saving and sustainable use of resources; adopting farming methods such as fallow and crop rotation to maintain soil health and protect biodiversity; controlling the amount of pesticides and fertilizers used to reduce greenhouse gases emitted due to their production, and contributing to global climate governance.

Goal 3: Respect labor

Cotton is an important agricultural product related to the national economy and people’s livelihood, involving the livelihood of tens of millions of people. The sustained development and progress of China’s cotton industry provides employment opportunities for many workers, helping them improve their living standards and realize their self-worth. We pay attention to the protection of workers’ rights and interests, respect their wishes, and will also work to ensure that workers enjoy equal opportunities and rights, and have opportunities for career promotion and development. We will promote multi-party collaboration to provide workers with a better working environment; respect the efforts of every worker in the cotton production process and ensure that they receive reasonable returns.

Goal 4: Improve quality

As people’s living standards improve, higher requirements are placed on textile and clothing consumption, which prompts us to produce better cotton. We start from the source of production – seeds. On the basis of considering the differences in production, environment and management models in different regions, we encourage producers to choose excellent varieties and encourage the same ecological area to choose single types of varieties with common characteristics to solve the problem of cotton The problem of cotton quality degradation caused by over-planting and cluttering. We will help producers improve their awareness and level of quality management and reduce the pollution and damage to cotton fibers caused by the mixing of impurities during planting and harvesting. good cottonFlower means high added value, the realization of high quality and low price and more returns for all parties in the industry chain.

Cotton, a plant belonging to the genus Gossypium of the Malvaceae family, is cold-tolerant, salt-alkali tolerant, and loves light, just like the Chinese cotton industry that grows toward the sun. This “cotton seed” sown in spring will take root, sprout, and thrive under our joint care.



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