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Yu Jianyong: Promote new breakthroughs in digital technology and create new advantages in digital fashion

Yu Jianyong: Promote new breakthroughs in digital technology and create new advantages in digital fashion On April 28, at the 2021 China Textile Innovation Annual Conference·Design…

Yu Jianyong: Promote new breakthroughs in digital technology and create new advantages in digital fashion

On April 28, at the 2021 China Textile Innovation Annual Conference·Design Summit held in Dalang Fashion Town, Longhua District, Shenzhen, Yu Jianyong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and President of Donghua University, launched the “Fashion Industry Digital Technology Innovation Alliance” “Inauguration Ceremony” speech. The following is the full text of the speech:

Dear President Sun, Director Cao, President Chen, distinguished leaders, distinguished guests:

Good afternoon everyone!

I am very happy to attend today’s event. Facing the world’s major changes unseen in a century, how to seize the new dividends of the digital technology of the times and obtain new growth in the digital industry are new opportunities and challenges faced by China and even the global textile and apparel industry. Under the guidance of the ChinaTextile Industry Federation, the “Fashion Industry Digital Technology Innovation Alliance” was established to link the fashion industry and digital technology in the form of an innovative ecological community and promote the digitalization of the industry. Development is very meaningful. Here, I would like to express my warm congratulations!

Since the new century, the new generation of information technology represented by artificial intelligence, quantum information, Internet of Things, and blockchain is accelerating the transformation of manufacturing industry into intelligent and service and green transformation. The digital economy has become a new engine of world economic growth, the commanding heights of a new round of global industrial competition, and a new driving force that promotes the revitalization of the real economy and accelerates transformation and upgrading. The global epidemic has accelerated the process of digital industrialization and industrial digitization.

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that we must seize the opportunity of the integrated development of digitalization, networking, and intelligence, use informatization and intelligence as levers to cultivate new momentum, promote the deep integration of the Internet, big data, and artificial intelligence with the real economy, and do Enlarge and strengthen the digital economy. Looking to the future, the “14th Five-Year Plan and Outline of Long-term Goals for 2035” depicts a new blueprint for the construction of Digital China for us.

Based on the new development pattern, the integration of digital technology and fashion has become a broad blue ocean for the development of the fashion industry. First, the digital economy is becoming an important source of new competitive advantages for the fashion industry. The digital economy will fundamentally change the production methods, consumption relationships and supply chain attributes of the fashion industry. (1) Relying on digital technology and information platforms, it will accelerate the move from a single fixed limited supply to a diversified, refined, and customized effective supply, and promote the fashion industry to upgrade to large-scale customization, flexible manufacturing, and service-oriented manufacturing. ; (2) Activate the potential of fashion data elements, achieve precise marketing for thousands of people, and enhance the stickiness between products and consumers; (3) Improve efficient collaboration in the supply chain, change the asymmetry and delay of the supply chain, and build integrity Supply chain and transparent consumption chain; (4) Leading the highquality development of the fashion industry and accelerating the extension of the fashion industry chain to the high end of the global value chain.

Second, the fashion industry will give new connotation to the development of digital economy. Through the integration of advanced technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, Internet of Things, industrial Internet, blockchain, virtual reality and augmented reality with the digital technology application needs and data resources of the fashion industry, smart prediction, smart design, Smart manufacturing, smart publishing, and smart marketing are the new digital fashion business formats and new models that have triggered changes in the value of fashion industry elements, production methods, product forms, market rules, and innovation paradigms. Profound changes will be carried out and further support the development of the digital economy.

Third, the digitalization of the fashion industry has ushered in the best opportunity for development. China’s fashion industry has both the scale and technological advantages of the manufacturing economy, as well as the demographic dividend and consumption potential of the market economy. The new development pattern of “big cycle” and “double cycle” has laid a sufficient foundation for the deep integration of digital technology and fashion industry. Application scenarios, rich data resources and imaginative value space.

Standing at a new starting point in history, the “Fashion Industry Digital Technology Innovation Alliance” was established today, which will help achieve major breakthroughs in key technologies, cultivate compound innovative talents, and promote resource efficiency Collaboration and promotion of high-quality industrial development will play an important supporting role. It is expected that the “Fashion Industry Digital Technology Innovation Alliance” will follow the development ideas of innovation first, value-based and mechanism as the core, promote new breakthroughs in digital technology, accumulate new momentum in the fashion industry, and create new advantages in digital fashion.

First of all, we should focus on innovation and promote the development of digital technology in the fashion industry. The application of new generation information technology to the fashion industry is still in its infancy, and there is a lot of basic research and core key technologies that need to be explored. The alliance should gather professional forces, systematically research and analyze the development trends of global digital technology, provide advanced applicable technologies, excellent solutions and successful practical cases for the digitalization of the fashion industry, and establish strategic leadership in digital innovation in the fashion industry; alliance member units should strengthen the development of key technologies. R&D, integration of related technologies and agile development of industrial applications enhance innovation vitality.

Second, we should be value-based and strive for new growth in the fashion industry. The alliance should target the effective needs and professional scenarios of the fashion industry, starting from the upstream yarns and aspects.�, to downstream design, accessories, garment manufacturing, and terminal retail, by absorbing and exporting innovative resources inside and outside the industry, jointly carry out the application practice of digital technology research results, improve the matching of technology, products and markets, and enhance the digitalization of textile and garment enterprises Design, production, operation and decision-making capabilities can jointly obtain the benefits of technological innovation and expand market growth opportunities.

The third is to use mechanisms as the core to promote the coordinated development of the digital economy in the fashion industry. Digital technology in the fashion industry is cross-integrated in many fields. The alliance should establish a new mechanism for collaborative innovation to promote the transformation of the fashion industry from “one-way collaboration” to “network collaboration” and “distributed collaboration”, and from “intra-industry collaboration” to “cross-industry collaboration”. “International collaborative” development. Through mechanism innovation, we will provide organizational mechanism guarantee for “great collaboration”, form a new industrial system network, and create a new digital fashion ecology of mutual benefit and win-win.

Finally, I wish the “Fashion Industry Digital Technology Innovation Alliance” will be fruitful in its practice and make important contributions to promoting the sustainable development of the fashion industry’s digital economy, meeting people’s needs for a better life, and creating a bright future for the development of the industry! thank you all!



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