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Shaanxi Textile: Parks and clusters have become the main frontiers for high-quality development and innovation

Shaanxi Textile: Parks and clusters have become the main frontiers for high-quality development and innovation In recent years, through structural adjustment and transformation and…

Shaanxi Textile: Parks and clusters have become the main frontiers for high-quality development and innovation

In recent years, through structural adjustment and transformation and upgrading, Shaanxi’s textile and garment industry has gradually formed the shape of Xi’an, Xianyang and other The textile industry park is the carrier, and the industrial pattern is dominated by cotton textiles and functional clothing. By intensifying technological transformation of enterprises, the equipment level of the industry has been significantly improved, the product structure has been further optimized, the overall trend of stable and rapid development has been maintained, and market competitiveness has been further enhanced. In the past 10 years, Shaanxi has undertaken the transfer of more than 80 enterprises and more than 50 projects from the eastern region, with a total investment of 16.72 billion yuan, creating employment for 63,760 people.

From May 13th to 14th, it was hosted by Xia Lingmin, Vice President of China Textile Industry Federation, Yang Jun, Consultant of China Textile Industry Enterprise Management Association, China Textile Federation Industrial Clusters A research and evaluation team composed of Zhang Haiyan, Secretary General of the Working Committee, Bai Limin, Deputy Secretary General of the China Textile Industry Enterprise Management Association, and others, accompanied by the main leaders of the Shaanxi Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and the Shaanxi Textile Industry Association, passed the review of Changxing Textile We visited and investigated the Industrial Park, Xi’an Baqiao District (Xi’an Modern Textile Industrial Park), and Xianyang Xinxing Textile Industrial Park, and conducted special exchanges and discussions to fully understand the current status of the development of the local textile and garment industry.

Changxing Textile Industrial Park: The sound of the machine getting off the machine at Taibai Mountain

On the morning of the 13th, the research team visited Shaanxi Qinyuan Textile Co., Ltd., Shaanxi Boyu Textile Co., Ltd. and Shaanxi Xingzhou Technology Co., Ltd. in Changxing Textile Industrial Park, Meixian County, Baoji City, and held a symposium.

The meeting was chaired by Wei Zhao, Secretary of the Party Committee of Changxing Town.

Feng Wei, the mayor of Changxing Town, introduced the park. The textile industry in Changxing Textile Industrial Park has distinctive characteristics. There are 96 existing enterprises, including 56 textile enterprises, 15 textile enterprises above the designated size, and Qinyuan Textile. There are 12 textile export trading enterprises such as Xingzhou Textile, Quanxing Textile, Jinlian Textile and so on; with a total of 21,000 employees, a spinning capacity of 400,000 spindles, and an annual output of color=”#FF8040″>Cotton yarn39,000 tons, with an annual output of 460 million meters of gray fabrics and 50 million meters of printed and dyed fabrics. The products are sold all over the country and exported to the United States, France, Germany, India, Bangladesh and other countries and regions. At present, an industrial chain integrating spinning, weaving, printing and dyeing, and garment processing has been formed.

Generally speaking, there is still a certain gap in the development of textile enterprises in the park compared with the southeastern coastal areas. However, in Shaanxi and even the northwest region, the Changxing textile industry is concentrated and has a certain influence. The textile products have outstanding characteristics and have a relatively large reputation in the mainland. Good market.

It is worth mentioning that Boyu Textile has a total investment of 1.5 billion yuan to build a special yarn and fabric production line project, with a spinning workshop of 42,000 square meters, a weaving workshop of 28,000 square meters, and the purchase of 180,000 ring spinning spindles , 1,500 air-jet looms, USTER foreign fiber machines, blowroom machines, drawing equipment, high-speed warping machines, sizing machines and other supporting equipment. After completion, the project will have a high-efficiency production line with 180,000 ring spinning spindles and 1,500 air-jet looms. It will use industrial robots to create an intelligent weaving system to connect with enterprises. The existing ERP system is connected and through information transmission, the entire production process from order placement to product completion is digitally managed.

The research team expressed opinions and suggestions on Changxing Textile Industrial Park’s application for the national textile industrial transfer pilot park: the government must first clarify the regional status of the textile industry, technology The equipment level is leading, and the management level still has room for improvement; at present, the park has formed an industrial park based on cotton spinning, printing and dyeing and other supporting facilities. With the gradual introduction of clothing and surface accessories enterprises, the ability to strengthen and repair the chain has gradually increased; leading enterprises While building a large scale, we should use the leading effect to promote industrial transformation. Enterprises in the park should develop in a differentiated and specialized direction.

When summarizing, Xia Lingmin first said that in Shaanxi and Baoji, it is very rare to have an outstanding enterprise like Boyu Textile. Of course, it cannot be separated from the support of the park and the government. She hopes that Changxing Town can develop the textile industry as a key industry. . The textile industry still has strong vitality and its own collaboration and supporting capabilities in promoting local economic development. For future development, the textile industry must rely on technological innovation, and technology, fashion, and green must be regarded as high quality development. Through the road.

He also pointed out that the development of Changxing Park must adhere to the “four modernizations”: first, we must adhere to digitalization and accelerate the application of digitalization in the industry; second, we must become fashionable and branded, and improve product add-ons through the combination of upstream and downstream industries. Value, relying on the fashion of the terminal to develop the brand; third, greening, sustainable development must be adhered to; fourth, internationalization, developing industries with an open international perspective and driving enterprise development.

Specific to Changxing Town, he has three suggestions: First, we must pay attention to the gathering of talents. This is not the responsibility of one aspect of the enterprise or the government, but through the cooperation of multiple parties. , leave no stone unturnedThe spirit of Mengtao – this torch of exploration and innovation is still being passed down.

At the symposium, Wei Zhicheng introduced the construction and development of the park from the park’s historical evolution, development status, textile and garment industry development, public service platform construction, the park’s “14th Five-Year Plan” development plan, etc. Xianyang Textile Group, Shaanxi Dupu The heads of the two companies made special speeches on the development of the business industry, and the participants conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges.

It is understood that Xianyang Xinxing Textile Industrial Park is an area for the relocation and transformation of enterprises in old textile industrial zones. It focuses on the relocation and transformation of state-owned cotton textile enterprises, the construction of key industrial projects, the cultivation of emerging industries, the transformation of shantytowns, infrastructure construction, and social development. It has carried out business development and other tasks, optimized the industrial structure, promoted transformation and upgrading, and gradually formed three major industrial systems of “textile and apparel, equipment manufacturing, and high-tech”, and strived to create two characteristic industrial chains of textile and apparel and new energy vehicles. In 2020, the total industrial output value of textile and garment enterprises was 1.255 billion yuan, the main operating income reached 979 million yuan, and taxes paid were 14.61 million yuan.

Wang Lei said that the textile industry is an important livelihood industry and cannot be absent from high-quality development. As a traditional base for the textile industry, Xianyang will give full play to its own industrial advantages, continue to support and promote the reform and innovation of the park and related textile enterprises, create Xianyang’s characteristic textile industry, and steadily move towards high-quality development.

Xia Lingmin pointed out that the textile industry is a pillar industry for the national economy and social development, a basic industry that solves people’s livelihood and beautifies life, and an advantageous industry for international cooperation and integrated development. The park must seize the development opportunities of the “14th Five-Year Plan” and Make full use of the advantages of the existing public service platform to accelerate the integrated development of the textile industry with digitalization and new technologies, realize the full-cycle improvement of enterprises in the park from R&D, production, sales, and services, and further promote the transformation and upgrading of Xianyang’s textile and garment industry.

About the park

According to incomplete statistics, as of the end of 2019, there were about 400 textile and garment industrial parks in China. The distribution of China’s textile and garment industrial parks is closely related to national policy orientation, regional economic development level, industrial development foundation, marketing channels, local business environment, geographical location, population distribution and other factors. China’s textile and apparel industry is mainly concentrated in the eastern coastal areas, especially the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta. It has a solid industrial foundation, a high concentration of enterprises, and sufficient conditions for the formation and development of industrial parks. Driven by the national western development strategy, the “One ​​Belt, One Road” initiative, and the Yangtze River Economic Belt Development Plan, the development and opening up of the central and western regions have accelerated. The number of textile and garment industrial parks continues to increase, promoting the optimization of the industrial park pattern in the east, middle and west.

At present, there are 47 textile industry transfer pilot (demonstration) parks in China, 16 in the central region, 7 in the eastern region, and 24 in the western region.



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