Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Zhang Xian: my country’s foreign trade has stabilized and improved, and the industry faces prominent difficulties

Zhang Xian: my country’s foreign trade has stabilized and improved, and the industry faces prominent difficulties

Zhang Xian: my country’s foreign trade has stabilized and improved, and the industry faces prominent difficulties The 2021′ Xinjiang Cotton Industry Development Forum is unde…

Zhang Xian: my country’s foreign trade has stabilized and improved, and the industry faces prominent difficulties

The 2021′ Xinjiang Cotton Industry Development Forum is underway. Zhang Xian, Vice President of the China Textile ImportExport Chamber of Commerce, spoke of “China’s Textile and Clothing Foreign TradeSituation Analysis” was introduced from the perspective of my country’s domestic textile and clothing import and export situation. my country’s import and export situation is showing an increase trend.

my country’s textile and apparel exports from January to August mainly have the following characteristics. First, affected by the sharp decline in epidemic prevention clothing, my country’s export growth to developed countries is generally lower than that to emerging markets. From January to August, exports to the United States were lower than the global average; exports to Japan and the EU showed a downward trend; exports to ASEAN and the “One ​​Belt Growth is rapid along “All the Way“. Second, the export of conventional consumer goods such as clothing and home textiles has increased significantly; third, the export of conventional consumer goods such as clothing and home textiles has increased significantly; fourth, the export of intermediate products such as yarns and fabrics has remained stable; fifth, masks Exports dropped sharply, resulting in a larger decline in textile exports.

Zhang Xian then gave a brief introduction to the outstanding difficulties currently faced by the industry. He believed that there are several main points at present. First, the negative impact of Sino-US economic and trade frictions continues to ferment, mainly manifested in the accelerated transfer of orders by US buyers, and some exports to the United States. Products have been affected by the US temporary detention order, and the possibility of other countries implementing Xinjiang-related restrictions has increased; 2. Chinese companies are full of orders, profits have fallen sharply, and orders from Southeast Asia have returned, mainly manifested by high raw material prices, rising freight prices, and tight shipping capacity; RMB appreciation squeezes profits of export companies

Then Vice President Zhang Xian made a forecast for my country’s textile and apparel exports, believing that the growth rate of my country’s textile and apparel exports in the second half of the year will be significantly lower than that in the first half of the year. The main reasons are four points. First, the export base in the first half of last year was relatively large. Second, the U.S. fiscal stimulus policy is gradually weakening, and markets such as the European Union and Japan are also sluggish in their recovery. Third, the procurement trend in major international markets is gradually reducing the proportion of purchases in China. The return of orders is only temporary. How long it will last depends mainly on the degree of resumption of work and production in neighboring countries. Vietnam has gradually increased its construction starts in September and October. Fourth, foreign demand for anti-epidemic supplies is gradually declining, prices are gradually falling, and the driving effect on textile and clothing exports is also getting smaller and smaller

Finally, Zhang Xian analyzed the long-term competitive advantages of my country’s textile and apparel industry. He believed that first of all, my country’s textile and apparel industry has the most complete industrial chain foundation and supporting system in the world. Secondly, there is a very large domestic and foreign trade market space. High-quality foreign trade processing capabilities and management capabilities can greatly improve the quality of domestic sales. The standards and specifications of factories doing foreign trade are much higher than those of factories supplying domestic sales, which is suitable for domestic sales. Supply of mid-to-high-end brands. Finally, there are cost-effective and reputable products, as well as cross-bordere-commerce and other booming new business formats. The epidemic has had a profound impact on business models and consumer behavior.



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