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Ningbo: High-quality development of fashion textile and apparel industry

Ningbo: High-quality development of fashion textile and apparel industry At the 2021 Ningbo Fashion Festival and the 25th Ningbo International Fashion Festival, the Sino-British Fa…

Ningbo: High-quality development of fashion textile and apparel industry

At the 2021 Ningbo Fashion Festival and the 25th Ningbo International Fashion Festival, the Sino-British Fashion Design School of Zhejiang Textile and Clothing Vocational and Technical College performed a design themed “Marine Silk”, “Marine Porcelain” and “Haining”. Opening show.

A government-led, policy-guaranteed

Deepening the integration of industry and education is a very urgent task to promote the supply-side structural reform of talent and human resources, and promote the highQualitydevelopment to solve the problem of “two skins” between college student training and corporate talent demand. The government urgently needs to play a leading role to provide policy guarantees for promoting high-level industry-education integration in the fashion textile and apparel industry.

First of all, the government should give full play to its role as organizer and pilot. Ningbo’s geographical location is close to Hangzhou and Shanghai, which are strong cities in the fashion industry. The talent attraction force formed by the location advantages of large cities has put serious pressure on the high-quality development of Ningbo’s fashion textile and apparel industry, while Ningbo’s traditional textile and apparel industry has shifted from low-added value development to high-quality development. , talent support is the key. The key factors in gathering talents are career and remuneration. Under the existing system and mechanism, whether it is an institution or an enterprise, the ability to retain needed talents, especially high-end talents, through careers or remuneration is relatively limited, and more needs to rely on strongindustrial clustersOnly through influence and attractiveness of talent policies can we attract and retain talents. The government’s role is the first to bear the brunt. It needs to play its role effectively and be a good organizer of school-enterprise cooperation and a pilot for the integration of industry and education, and stimulate the enthusiasm and initiative of school-enterprise cooperation and the integration of industry and education.

Secondly, the government should uniformly consider and design industrial development planning and layout and local college enrollmentemployment. Ningbo’s current fashion textile and apparel industry has relatively complete basic conditions and a relatively complete industrial chain. The fashion majors in colleges and universities can basically cover the entire industrial chain from materials, design to technology, marketing, etc., and the school-enterprise cooperation has relatively complete basic conditions. Despite this, the phenomenon of “two skins” in production and education is still prominent. Compared with enterprises, colleges and universities are full of expectations for school-enterprise cooperation and are more enthusiastic and proactive based on factors such as the implementation of national education policies and the supply and demand relationship in talent training. However, many enterprises do not devote energy and time to pursuing economic benefits. Really invest in school-enterprise cooperation to educate people. Ningbo’s “246” billion-level industrial cluster development has listed the fashion textile and apparel industry as a hundreds of billion-level industrial cluster to build, and encourages some companies with excess production capacity to “go out” , actively support the development of green, high-tech fashion industry, rationally plan and layout the high-quality development of fashion textile and apparel industry, and point out the direction for the development of schools and enterprises. The government should integrate college professional enrollment and employment into local industrial development for unified consideration and design, build a platform for school-enterprise cooperation through government media, and provide more policy support for college enrollment, training and student employment.

Finally, the government should actively leverage the role of finance and taxation to cultivate a sense of social responsibility among schools and enterprises to cooperate in educating people. The government can promptly introduce school-enterprise cooperation assessment and incentive policies in conjunction with the development of the fashion textile and apparel industry, provide more support to institutions and enterprises participating in school-enterprise cooperation and industry-education integration in terms of financial allocations and taxation, and cultivate a solid foundation for the majority of enterprises and institutions. Establish a sense of social responsibility and an awareness of the overall situation, and stimulate a spirit of collaboration and dedication, thereby effectively promoting high-quality development of the industry.

School B joins forces with enterprises for in-depth cooperation

The “Several Opinions on Deepening the Integration of Industry and Education” issued by the General Office of the State Council pointed out that the needs of the national industrial structure are deeply integrated with the supply-side reform of the university structure, and the needs of the industrytransformation and upgrading Deeply integrated with the transformation and development of universities, deeply integrated with enterprise job competency needs and the improvement of university curriculum quality, the “three integrations” provide guidance for the deep integration of industry and education in Ningbo to promote the high-quality development of the fashion textile and apparel industry.

First, we must work together to shoulder the responsibility of social development and cultivate the backbone of strengthening the development of pillar industries. Before the epidemic (2019), the total industrial output value of Ningbo’s textile and garment industry reached 120.111 billion yuan, accounting for more than 10% of Ningbo’s GDP that year. Colleges are the cradle of talent cultivation, and enterprise development must be supported by talents. The two are interdependent and reflect each other. Enterprises and schools need to improve their position, keep the overall situation in mind, take the initiative to assume social development responsibilities, and work together to build a professional-ability-oriented talent training model for the fashion textile and apparel industry, introducing production into education, enterprises into education, and associations into education. , with the participation of leading enterprises in the fashion textile and apparel industry, we will build a system of dual masters in schools and enterprises, create a “dual teacher” team, jointly build a “dual base” between schools and enterprises, implement the common responsibility of school-enterprise cooperation in educating people, and establish “technology +” “Art + Commerce + Culture” four-in-one hierarchical classification excellent talent training model for the fashion textile and apparel industry. In October this year, Boyang Group and Zhejiang Textile and Clothing Vocational and Technical College jointly established Boyang College to create a national-level industry-education integrated innovation complex integrating “government, administration, school, enterprise, and research” to boost Boyang Group Achieve the goal of the “100 billion plan” and help Ningbo create a fashion brandCareer.

Second, we must work together to meet the latest needs of people’s livelihood and cultivate new forces to consolidate industrial development. Continuously satisfying the people’s yearning for a better life is the primary problem that enterprises and institutions must solve. Measuring the effectiveness of school running is mainly based on the quality of talent training, and the quality of talent is mainly reflected through high-level employment and high-quality development; judging whether the development of an enterprise is successful mainly depends on corporate benefits, and whether it is economic benefits or social benefits, they all need to rely on high-quality Enterprise products and services are displayed. As a local basic industry, the fashion textile and apparel industry, the integration of industry and education is an important path for schools and enterprises to achieve mutual success.

Third, we must jointly participate in international production capacity cooperation and cultivate leading forces to promote the development of advantageous industries. Ningbo has more than 3,000 textile and garment enterprises, of which traditional textile and garment manufacturing enterprises account for a large proportion. Participating in international production capacity cooperation is an important measure for the transformation and upgrading of Ningbo’s textile and garment enterprises, and relevant colleges and universities should follow suit. Through the transformation and upgrading of enterprises, a large number of design and marketing fashion textile and apparel enterprises have continued to emerge, iterating traditional industries into modern advantageous industries; colleges and universities have continuously improved the level of school running and the quality of talent training by providing talent support for “going global” enterprises. In the process of jointly participating in international production capacity cooperation, schools and enterprises have enhanced mutual trust, relied on each other, and formed a development community. A large number of leading enterprises that lead the development of fashion textile and apparel enterprises will surely stand out.

C characteristic development, pioneering and innovative

Play your unique cards well and sing “A Tale of Two Cities” well. Ningbo is the hometown of red gang tailors, and Ningbo clothing is a beautiful business card of Ningbo city; the Ningbo International Fashion Festival has been held for 23 years, and the upgraded Ningbo Fashion Festival has been held for two consecutive years. The solid industrial foundation, increasingly exciting social influence and the “Ningbo Gang” spirit of continuous inheritance and innovation have created the entrepreneurial spirit of Ningbo fashion textile and apparel enterprises to stand at the forefront and seize the day. At the same time, Ningbo colleges and universities have undergraduate, higher vocational and secondary vocational colleges in the fashion industry-related professional education types, which can provide systematic and all-round talent support for the development of the industry; more and more Ningbo companies are also taking the initiative to enter Campuses, such as Youngor Group donated 100 million yuan to build the Youngor New Business School of Ningbo University, Zhejiang Textile and Garment Vocational and Technical College Taipinge-commerce Base, Zhejiang Textile and Garment Vocational and Technical College Yisijun School-enterprise cooperation platforms such as Kai Designer Studio are constantly emerging.

Lengthen the industrial chain and strengthen the new economy. Ningbo’s fashion textile and apparel industry chain is relatively complete from yarn, textile, dyeing and finishing to design, production and marketing. In the new era, the international competition in the fashion industry has intensified and modern consumers’ increasing demand for high-quality fashion products has forced the fashion textile and apparel industry to further upgrade and transform. Currently, some leading fashion textile and apparel companies in Ningbo, such as Youngor Group, have attached great importance to upstream industries, such as cotton planting, and control product quality from the source; through school-enterprise cooperation and the integration of industry and education, colleges and universities have improved the quality and efficiency of the industry. Provide a steady stream of talent support, and the industry provides cutting-edge practical support for colleges and universities to improve the quality of talent training. At the same time, Ningbo also vigorously develops and promotes the internationalization of education, vigorously introduces high-quality foreign educational resources, and has established close ties with international fashion education institutions and enterprises in Italy, France, Japan and other countries. The Sino-British Fashion Design Institute, the Sino-French Joint Institute, A number of international cooperative education institutions, such as Sino-Japanese cooperative education and Sino-Korean cooperative education, have quietly emerged, and a large number of international fashion professionals have been trained, effectively promoting the high-quality development of Ningbo’s fashion textile and apparel industry.

[This article is a phased result of the Zhejiang Provincial Social Science Planning Project (Project Number: 19NDJC190YB)]

 (Associate professor at Zhejiang Textile and Clothing Vocational and Technical College, PhD candidate at Zhejiang University School of Education Yuan Yong)

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized the need to improve the vocational education and training system, deepen the integration of industry and education, and school-enterprise cooperation. This important discussion points out the direction for the innovative development of vocational education in the new era. Building a high-level industry-education integration mechanism is of far-reaching significance for promoting systemic changes in education and promoting high-quality industrial development. Ningbo is one of the largest textile and apparel industry bases in China, and many categories have an important position in the country. In the context of building a new “dual cycle” development pattern and Zhejiang Province fully promoting the transformation and upgrading of traditional manufacturing to version 2.0, Ningbo must continue to innovate and upgrade through high-level integration of industry and education to provide new impetus for the development of the fashion textile and apparel industry.



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