Processing methods of anti-static fabrics
Anti-static fabric, cotton anti-static fabric, CVC anti-static fabric, anti-static work clothes
The processing methods of anti-static fabrics usually include the following:
The fabric is finished with an antistatic finishing agent;
Second, the fiber is grafted and modified to make it hydrophilic in order to improve the moisture absorption of the fabric. Blending and interweaving of sexual fibers;
Third, blending or inlaying conductive fibers; The mechanisms of the first two methods are to increase fabric moisture regain, reduce insulation, and accelerate static electricity leakage. Therefore, in a dry environment or after multiple washings, the processing effect may not be durable or significant, and it is usually used on ordinary clothing fabrics. Only the third method can permanently and efficiently solve the static problem of textiles, so it is widely used in the production of anti-static work clothes. Fabrics are finished with antistatic finishing agents. The types of anti-static fabrics include: anti-static silk (conductive silk) and anti-static net fabrics, anti-static TR fabrics, CVC anti-static fabrics, cotton anti-static fabrics), etc.
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