Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Sales of clothing products are booming, sales of this department store are rising

Sales of clothing products are booming, sales of this department store are rising

Sales of clothing products are booming, sales of this department store are rising According to a report by Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) on May 19: Due to the booming sales …

Sales of clothing products are booming, sales of this department store are rising

According to a report by Japan Broadcasting Corporation (NHK) on May 19: Due to the booming sales of clothing related to “cool office” in summer, sales in department stores across the country have continued to rise for two consecutive months.

According to data from the Japan Department Store Association, the sales of 249 department stores nationwide reached more than 479.9 billion yen (approximately RMB 38.392 billion) last month, a year-on-year increase of 1.3%, and continued to rise for two consecutive months.

After mid-April, the temperature rises, so the sales of spring clothing, the main product of department stores, improve; in addition, due to summer power saving, in order for consumers to have a cool summer in the office and at home, merchants launch shirts, short suits Outerwear and other clothing related to “cool office” are very popular among consumers.

Sales of expensive products such as high-end watches and gemstones have exceeded the same period last year for six consecutive months. It can be seen that shopping by foreign tourists, which has declined due to the earthquake, has also returned to pre-disaster levels.

Relevant personnel of the Japan Department Store Association said: “This month, with the clothing category as the center, the sales of various products are good, especially the consumption of daily necessities is relatively strong. However, the general environment surrounding the entire economy, such as the appreciation of the yen and the sluggish stock market, is not allowing Optimistic, consumption prospects are not clear.”


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