How to choose parasol fabrics

Last year I bought an imported parasol on Taobao and the owner’s words reminded me of the fact that black glue is deceiving Chinese consumers, let alone silver glue, which does not…

Last year I bought an imported parasol on Taobao and the owner’s words reminded me of the fact that black glue is deceiving Chinese consumers, let alone silver glue, which does not have sun protection properties. If this is the case, I don’t know which one I should choose when choosing a parasol. Use fabrics to protect yourself from the sun</p

Parasol fabric selection solution 1: </p

The darker the color of the fabric, the better. It has a nylon surface, so it has stronger UV resistance. Polyester can absorb UV rays because of the benzene ring in its molecular structure. The UV protection performance must be preliminarily judged based on the fabric properties of the umbrella surface before it can be called UV protection. product �专家建议� �一般来说;防护等级标识为“UPF50+”,缎纹织物的好、丝,再根据当地日晒情况� �</p

When purchasing, consumers should carefully check the protection level mark, UVA<, viscose, etc., which have poor UV protection performance. They should open the umbrella to look at the shadow on the ground when purchasing a parasol. The darker the shadow, the better. Dermatologists suggest that the shadow Darker colors are better. Consumers should look at the fabric of the umbrella before making a choice. Choose an umbrella that suits them, the source of the umbrella, the style of the umbrella, etc. Cotton �通常用来制伞的含涤面料有色丁布� �</p




Extended reading: https://www.brandfabric. net/polyester-pongeetpe20d-tricot-laminate-fabric/
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