Textile intelligent manufacturing

在中国经济步入新常态的大形势下,中国的制造业处于转型升级的关键时期。在美国工业互联网、德国工业 4.0 先后出台之后,中国提出了自己的《中国制造 2025》总体战略和行动纲领,其主线体现为信息技术与制造技术的深度融合。在重点的创新驱动战略中,智能制造是核心内容,它不仅是两化深度融合的主攻方向,也是工业互联网的切入点。 <br / Intelligent…

在中国经济步入新常态的大形势下,中国的制造业处于转型升级的关键时期。在美国工业互联网、德国工业 4.0 先后出台之后,中国提出了自己的《中国制造 2025》总体战略和行动纲领,其主线体现为信息技术与制造技术的深度融合。在重点的创新驱动战略中,智能制造是核心内容,它不仅是两化深度融合的主攻方向,也是工业互联网的切入点。
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Intelligent manufacturing is the cross-fusion of manufacturing technology, digital technology, intelligent technology, and new generation information technology. It is oriented to the entire life cycle of products and has the functions of information perception, knowledge acquisition, optimized decision-making, and execution control. It is an efficient, high-quality, clean , a manufacturing model that produces products safely and serves users �它以自动化和数字化为础,网络化互联为支撑,突出知识获取、优化决策等智能化功能, 全面提升产品的设计、制造、管理和服务水平,深刻改变制造业的生产模式和产业形态� �<br /
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  在多年来推进两化融合的过程中,纺织工业面临诸多未能根本解决的困难和问题,如生产制造环节的数字化、智能化一直是个难点,亟待有所突破。智能制造及其一系列新技术的开发和应用,势必给解决这些问题带来新的思路和新的路径,突破某些关键环节的瓶颈,带动行业整体信息化水平的提升。工信部在 2015 年工作计划中,对传统行业给予了关注,明确选择钢铁、石化、纺织、轻工、电子信息等领域开展智能制造的应用示范,组织实施关键工序智能化工程。
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In view of the characteristics of the textile industry itself, the following will discuss and research the implementation scope and areas, advancement paths and key points of textile intelligent manufacturing from several aspects. It will mainly analyze the status, importance, existing foundation and focus of different fields in intelligent manufacturing. Develop ideas so that they can be taken forward in effective ways �<br /
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Equipment intelligence is the foundation and focus<br /
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  当前纺织装备普遍采用了数字化控制技术,如 PLC、数字信号处理芯片、工业控制计算机,变频器、伺服控制器也很普遍,许多配置了网络接口和在线监测装置� Recently developed ones include Shaanxi Huayan’s air-jet vortex spinning machine, Jiangsu Kaigong’s high-efficiency combing machine, Qingdao Saite Global’s fully automatic doffing roving machine, Hangzhou Honghua’s adaptive digital printing machine, Changzhou Wuyang’s high-speed Double needle bed warp knitting machines, Ningbo Cixing fully automatic computerized flat knitting machines and other equipment have reached a high level of digitization and automation, and also have some intelligent functions. �<br /
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  在此基础上的智能化要求, 已经成为装备用户的关注点,也是纺机企业正在努力的方向� �如立信高温气流染色机通过传感器采集生产数据,通过数学模型计算和分析各种颜色在水洗过程中的变化,使设备具有优化的水洗功能� New smart textile equipment must be able to perceive its own working status; have self-diagnosis functions such as fault type and location identification; have adaptive capabilities and be able to adjust according to operating data; have communication functions and connect to the manufacturer platform through the Internet , providing support for manufacturers to carry out remote services based on big data �<br /
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Product intelligence requires specific analysis<br /
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Smart clothing can be regarded as a part of smart wearable products, but it has its own characteristics. Its smart functions are mainly divided into the following three ways to achieve: one is to develop smart fibers, weave them into smart fabrics, and make them into clothes; the other is to use new Dyeing or post-finishing processing methods can make ordinary fabrics have intelligent properties and then be made into clothing; the third is to combine ordinary clothing with external electronic intelligent components and apply Internet technology �<br /
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  目前火热的智能穿戴产品涉及的智能服装主要属于第三类。该类产品装有具有感知、分析和通信功能,以移动互联网为支撑,已经列入国家智能制造试点示范项目。随着高新技术的快速发展,智能服装开始走入人们的日常生活,各种应用逐步渗透到包括通讯、 医疗、防护、运动、军事、娱乐等领域,有一定的发展潜力。下一步要加强产学研结合,开展关键技术攻关,加快科研成果的转化,使产品真正走向市场。
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Intelligent production process is the core<br /
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  经过几年来的努力,生产过程智能化在纺织工业的多个生产环节都取得了明显的进展和显著的成效。如经纬的E系���, covering the entire spinning production process from blowroom to drawing, roving, spinning and winding; Hangzhou Kaiyuan's printing and dyeing MES system provides comprehensive management of online detection, automatic control and automatic distribution of the dyeing production process; Shandong Kangpingna's fully automatic cheese dyeing system has realized automatic batching of dye auxiliaries and automatic transportation of cheese, and built an automated and continuous production line; Shanghai Heying has developed a system that ranges from three-dimensional human body measurement to clothing A full-process clothing production system with CAD, three-dimensional virtual fitting, automatic cutting, and hanging sewing.
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  生产过程智能化系统,向下连接智能化设备,向上与管理智能化软件系统集成,并对智能化新模式新业态提供必不可少的支撑,处于整个智能制造的核心地位� �下一步的发展方向包括: 建立在线监测系统,能充分采集制造进度、现场操作、质量检验、设备状态等现场信息;建立生产过程实时数据库,并与过程控制、生产管理系统实现集成� �很重要的是能够对生产计划、调度实现生产模型化分析,进行过程的量化管理,成本的在线动态跟踪� �系统的目标是实现基础数据共享,工艺流程改造,实时在线优化,全面提升企业的生产资源优化配置水平�

Extended reading: https://www.yingjietex.com/product/1200D -Polyester-DOBBY-OXFORD-Fabric.html
Extended reading:https://www.alltextile.cn/product/product-92-742.html
Extended reading: https://www.alltextile.cn/product/product-3-610.html
Extended reading: https://www.yingjietex.com/product/Dobby-Polyester-OXFORD-Fabric-4.html
Extended reading:https://www.china-fire-retardant.com/post/9570.ht
