Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Nankai University designs “light-sensitive color-changing T-shirt”

Nankai University designs “light-sensitive color-changing T-shirt”

  高科创办的“彩石”取自神话故事“女娲补天”,这名大四学生因与创业团队设计印制“光感变色T恤”等文化创意产品而受到关注� On April 13, Liu Yandong, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Co…

  高科创办的“彩石”取自神话故事“女娲补天”,这名大四学生因与创业团队设计印制“光感变色T恤”等文化创意产品而受到关注� On April 13, Liu Yandong, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, visited the Tianjin Youth Entrepreneurship Park. He spoke highly of Hi-Tech and its “Colored Stone” entrepreneurial team and purchased a product designed and produced by the team and printed with “Charming Tianjin”. “Light-sensitive color-changing T-shirt” with “door” theme pattern �“彩石”谐音“踩实”,高科希望自己如“五彩石”一般,在创业路上经受磨砺,填补市场空白� �</p

  爱思考的高科因一堂企业管理课,找到了填补文化衫市场“窟窿”的方法,也因此与创业结缘� “In that class, when the teacher was talking about corporate innovative materials, he shared with us the ‘photochromic’ material developed by the School of Chemistry of Nankai University. It is a material that can only show color or change color under ultraviolet irradiation.’ A magical chemical. When I heard about this material, I was very excited. My first reaction was whether it could be used in the printing and dyeing of cultural shirts. ”</p

  高科的突发奇想得到了授课教师的肯定� �经过老师介绍,他与“光感变色”材料研究组取得联系� �研究组的支持给了高科莫大鼓舞,他抱着制作“光感变色T恤”的创业想法,很快组建了团队,但T恤衫印染难题随即出现� “How to properly mix printing and dyeing inks and ‘photochromic’ materials to adapt to the adhesion of cotton fiber materials became our ‘big problem’ at the time! After 4 months of repeated trials, we finally got the result we have now ‘Photochromic printing ink’ ”</p


  这对刚起步的创业团队是一个重创,部分小伙伴选择了退出� “I was really disappointed at the time, but my teachers, family, and friends gave me a lot of support. The remaining members and I visited more than 30 printing and dyeing factories in Tianjin, Hebei, and, through free work and repeated ‘sales’, we finally Convinced two printing and dyeing factories. ”</p


Gaoke said, “When I just got my first T-shirt from the printing and dyeing factory, I was so excited! Seeing it look so gorgeous in the sun, my friends and I thought of the ‘multicolored stones’ in ‘Nuwa Mends the Sky’ . We hope that the ‘Colored Stone’ products can convey a spirit of ‘toughness’ and ‘strength’.”</p

  高科不仅将“光感变色”技术融入了文化衫,也将带有“正能量”的元素融入了“彩石”产品� “Currently, there are four themes for the ‘Light-Changing T-shirts’, namely Chinese Civilization, Jinmen Culture, Tibetan Impressions and China on the Bite of the Tongue. They respectively display my country’s classical architecture, folk art, national culture and dietary characteristics from different aspects. ” Gaoke hopes to spread Chinese culture through the patterns on cultural shirts, so that more people can understand and understand China. �</p

  “彩石”创办至今已取得20万元的销售额,并赢得许多创新创业奖项� “We will continue to improve the market operation model. Next, we will invest in e-commerce platforms and establish a product sales channel that combines ‘online + offline’.” Gaoke has a clear operational plan for the future development of “Colored Stone” and Full of expectations �</p

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