Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Why is cotton cellulose resistant to alkali but not acid?

Why is cotton cellulose resistant to alkali but not acid?

The chemical structure of cotton cellulose macromolecules is composed of β-D glucose residues linked to each other by 1,4 glycoside bonds. The two terminal glucose residues of the …

The chemical structure of cotton cellulose macromolecules is composed of β-D glucose residues linked to each other by 1,4 glycoside bonds. The two terminal glucose residues of the macromolecule carry different groups. One end has four free hydroxyl groups, and the other end has four free hydroxyl groups. There are three free radicals and one hemiacetal hydroxyl group �纤维素大分子链中的贰键对碱的稳定性较高,对酸则易发生水解,使大分子聚合度下降,分子间力减弱,因而强度下降� �</p

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目前纤维素对碱的作用机理说法不一,但普遍认为,碱只能与纤维大分子上的轻基发生作用� �有人将浓碱与纤维素作用后的产物用醇等试剂长时间冲洗,却总有部分碱洗不掉,说明碱确实与纤维素发生了化学反应� � </p

There are two theoretical explanations for its working principle: one view is that cellulose is a weak acid; it undergoes a similar neutralization reaction with alkali to form a sodium alcohol compound; the other view is that the alkali combines with the light group of cellulose to form a molecule compound, i.e. molecular combination theory �</p


一般认为以上两种反应可能同时存在� However, the product of the interaction between alkali and cellulose is called alkali cellulose. It is an unstable compound. It can still restore the original cellulose molecular structure after being washed with water, but the microstructure of the fiber has changed and the crystalline area has been reduced. Amorphous zone increased The crystallinity of natural cotton fiber is 70%. The crystallinity of mercerized cotton fiber after being treated with concentrated alkali is reduced to 50% to 60%. This shows that the alkali liquid puffs the fiber and destroys some of the crystallization areas. This effect is very effective. Practical significance, it is an important link in the dyeing and finishing of cotton fiber. �</p

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If the fabric is bleached with chlorine-containing bleach and then treated with dilute acid, the bleaching effect can be further enhanced; acid can be used to neutralize the remaining alkali on the fabric; cotton fabrics are treated with acid to produce organza; products such as burnout sheaths for polyester-cotton fabrics are There are applications

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