Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News The cooperation between Xiaomi and Li Ning has been hailed as whether “Cinderella” can be transformed with the help of “Prince”

The cooperation between Xiaomi and Li Ning has been hailed as whether “Cinderella” can be transformed with the help of “Prince”

近日,李宁公司宣布与小米生态链企业、小米手环缔造者华米科技达成战略协议,共同研发新一代智能跑鞋,共同探索大数据健康领域。李宁希望借此来解决目前遇到的转型危机,探索智能鞋的市场空间,而小米无疑是在补墙自身的生态圈。目前,新消息称,该产品还处于测试阶段,预计第三季度的7、8月份上市。   李宁公司公布了与小米合作的消息,宣布与华米科技进行战略合作,打造智能跑鞋,…



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小米公司在推出智能穿戴设备小米手环后,经历了一段爆发期,但销售量在突破100万之后,用户相对已经饱和,进入了缓慢增长的阶段� At the same time, two weeks before Li Ning announced the cooperation between the two parties, that is, on March 2, Xiaomi Technology, an ecological chain company under Xiaomi Corporation, officially launched the "Xiaomi version of GoPro" – Xiaoyi Action Camera, with the basic version priced at 399 Yuan, the travel version with added selfie stick set is priced at 499 Yuan, and will be sold simultaneously on Xiaomi’s official website, and Tmall flagship from now on �当然了,之后“让每个人都能享受科技的乐趣“的小米相机,又是一如既往的缺货中� �</p


There are three main reasons for the cooperation between Xiaomi and Li Ning. First, as we all know, judging from Xiaomi’s past products, Xiaomi, with its core competitiveness in terms of price, is good at product marketing, especially in the Internet, but it is not good at hardware research and development. No outstanding advantages �在很早之前,耐克就有过相关智能运动鞋的研发和尝试了,而这次与李宁研发研发的项目,非常像拿李宁进行一场技术大练兵� �其次,经过爆发式的发展之后,小米手环原来的市场差不多已经饱和了,迫切的需要开拓新的用户,而李宁的用户与小米的用户有一定的重合� �后,小米手环、小米相机、智能跑鞋,三者都是与运动相关的设备,串联起来对于小米深入智能硬件领域,打造一个完善的运动生态圈,是一个巨大的帮助� �</p


  而对于耗费了两年时间,改革计划没有明显起色,业绩依旧走不出亏损泥潭的运动品牌李宁而言,的确亟须转型自救的良方。一直以来,李宁作为一款运动品牌,主要消费群体却是25岁以�The rejuvenation strategies in the past two years have all ended in failure. However, Li Ning still hopes to open up the market for young people. After all, the main force of sports is the young market. This cooperation with Xiaomi, on the one hand, hopes to use Xiaomi’s brand image to increase its exposure and reputation among young people. On the other hand, in the current predicament, with the help of the trend of smart wearable devices, traditional sports shoes and clothing brands have officially entered the relatively new smart sports segment. Although this has a certain sense of gambling, it is not for those who are deeply in the quagmire of losses. For Li Ning Company, it was like a life-saving straw. At the same time, stimulated by this information, Li Ning Company’s stock price rose for five consecutive days, and even surged by 11.6% and 14.1% respectively on the 19th and 20th of that month. This also reflects that the outside world does have certain expectations for Li Ning to break through the current predicament.

It is reported that the specific content of the cooperation between the two parties is to “convert the Chinese runner data and test data accumulated by Li Ning Sports Laboratory into a series of algorithms, which will be implemented in the smart chip of the sole by the Xiaomi bracelet research and development team; the smart chip collects the data from runners Movement data and analysis of running form and gait Provide professional guidance to runners. The product will also be connected to the Xiaomi Sports mobile APP to record the runners’ exercise process and results, provide professional guidance and mileage redemption. “To put it simply, it is developed by Xiaomi. Smart chip, put it into the sole and use it with a smart bracelet �</p


  看起来似乎很高大上,但是,在鞋底加入芯片的设计概念早已被其他品牌使用过,现在这种概念已过时。早在2006年,Apple就和Nike推出了Nike+系列产品,包括Nike+iPod——用户将传感器连接至iPod Nano、iPod Touch或iPhone,跟踪用户的运动数据。智能跑鞋也并不是独创,曾经NIKE就有研发过类似的技术,也包括有记录、分析和换购等功能。但事实上产品并没有大卖,很多用户也表示购买后用了几次就没有再使用了。


In addition to the above problems, the actual functions of smart running shoes also need to be tested; as far as the current smart bracelets are concerned, there is no product on the market that can convince me that it really understands how I should exercise better than the coach. Not only that , the analysis data results generated by most smart bracelets are also not convincing. �同理,如果小米芯片记录的结果无法带来真正的指导作用,终沦为仅监测跑步时间、路线与社交作用,买智能跑鞋的意义就不大了� �就算两家公司解决了上述问题,那么可穿戴设备的电池、传输、功耗等技术上还存在的瓶颈,也是整个行业的老大难问题,不能很好解决的话,依旧会严重影响消费者体验� �</p


This time Xiaomi and Li Ning’s attempt to withdraw from smart running shoes is a good thing from the perspective of cooperation and products. However, it can also be seen from the side that in China, both Internet companies and traditional retail industries are not very innovative in terms of innovation. There is always confusion �</p

  在日新月异的数码和运动装备产业中,两家决定发布的新品,竟然和九年前耐克的设计概念相同,不知道对于本身就有一定山寨意味的两家公司,这是不是习惯使然� The launch of smart running shoes this time is not a special road that cannot be copied for Xiaomi and Li Ning. Other brands can quickly copy it. Once manufacturers with R&D capabilities such as Huawei and Lenovo join forces with Anta, Xtep, etc., they can copy the two brands. The strategy is not impossible, so for Xiaomi and Li Ning, this is definitely a blow to the head �</p



  无论如何,小米每次的投资合作,都会在业界带来一股旋风,因为每次都能让众人对他们的合作充满了想象,但是这次与李宁的合作,想象空间却是极为有限� �两家公司可能都希望自己是灰姑娘,借助对方进行华丽的变身,但是,可惜对方都不是自己的王子�

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