Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Latex pillow is breathable, antibacterial and anti-mite

Latex pillow is breathable, antibacterial and anti-mite

据医学报告指出,枕头、被褥、床褥是细菌和尘螨滋生的温床,而枕头用上三年便含有10%的霉菌、螨虫粪便和遍布累累的螨虫尸骸� According to medical data, 12% to 16% of people have allergies, and 25% of these patients are allergic to dust in the h…

据医学报告指出,枕头、被褥、床褥是细菌和尘螨滋生的温床,而枕头用上三年便含有10%的霉菌、螨虫粪便和遍布累累的螨虫尸骸� According to medical data, 12% to 16% of people have allergies, and 25% of these patients are allergic to dust in the home; in addition, more than 90% of asthma patients are caused by dust in the home. , from this we can know the degree of harm caused by dust particles to people. �</p



  另外,乳胶枕能够防止螨虫滋生的另一大原因是其优质的透气性� Because latex pillows have thousands of vent holes with a small mesh structure, they can discharge waste heat and moisture from the human body, promote natural ventilation, and provide an optimal natural air-conditioning system to keep the air in the pillow fresh and healthy, making it impossible for mites to breed. Effectively improve human sleep quality �</p

As we all know, Malaysia is rich in latex, and the famous latex bedding brand Getha also comes from here. Based on the purpose of bringing people comfortable and healthy sleep, this brand has successively developed and launched a variety of products, such as the pillow series Getha square baby pillow, Happy and Healthy Pillow for Teenagers, GETHA Dream Pillow, GETHA Pure Dream Pillow, GETHA Sweet Dream Pillow, GETHA Comfortable Dream Pillow, GETH A 御梦枕等等,其透气抗菌防螨虫的卓越特性,让其享誉全球,倍受市场欢迎� �</p

  比如GETHA甜梦枕,高度适中,较为柔软,容易压下厚度使枕头高度下降,更加适合女性� �纯天然乳胶制造,健康环保,透气舒适,抗菌防螨,服帖度好,给您带来更贴心的睡眠体验�

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