“High IQ” clothing

Scientists and engineers from the British company Tactile Navigation Tool invented a sensor vest that can sense objects and people around it. The vest uses a variety of high-tech s…

Scientists and engineers from the British company Tactile Navigation Tool invented a sensor vest that can sense objects and people around it. The vest uses a variety of high-tech sensors, including lidar, ultrasonic and infrared. When an object is detected, the signal will be converted into The corresponding vibration is conveyed to the user �该款背心同时搭配使用了格子呢面料,并且在后期进行了防水涂层加工,可以通过感知空气中的水汽变化,提醒穿着者的是否应该佩戴雨具� �开发者表示,这款名为Eyeronman的背心将成为视障人士的辅助工具� �</p

来自荷兰的设计师打造了一件名为“Intimacy 2.0”的衣服,这件衣服由12块具备不同特性的特种面料拼接而成,这款卖点就是穿者兴奋时,衣服就会变成透明� According to the designer, there are three biomass sensors hidden inside this dress. The sensors can detect subtle changes in the wearer’s body temperature and heart rate. As the wearer’s heart rate and body temperature slowly rise, the color will change. finally become transparent �</p


美国麻省科技设计公司近日利用3D打印技术,制造出一种弹性贴身布料,并打印出全球第一件“4D裙”� �“4D裙”的布料纤维由2279个三角形和3316个连接点相扣而成,三角形与连接点之间的拉力,可随人体形态变化,即使变胖或变瘦,4D裙也不会不合适� According to the person in charge of the company, this garment was created using “selective laser sintering technology”, which uses a laser beam to sinter nylon powder materials to create prototypes. The laser beam will not sinter the powder between the triangles and the connection points, and will not be sintered. The powder falls out after printing to form interlocking fibers. Each skirt takes 48 hours to make and costs 1,900 pounds (approximately RMB 18,393). �此外,该公司还将研发另一套应用程式,让穿戴者先对自己的身体进行3D扫描,再选择布料尺码和形状,即时亲手度身订造独一无二的4D裙� �</p

隐形斗篷,现今依然是一个疯狂而又极具未来主义的可行性设计� �美国得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校的研究人员正在研究一款利用电池驱动的隐形斗篷,他们声称这套装置可以提高隐形能力,并确保隐形斗篷在任何光线条件下都不可见� �据研究团队的报告显示,研究工作者从现有的利用元表面偏转折射光线的隐形斗篷出发,设计的主旨在于添加电池来增强信号� In addition, because the newly designed invisibility cloak needs to expand the frequency bandwidth of the invisibility cloak, it needs to use a non-resistance filter element surface material to achieve it. The main component of this material is treated with excellent light refraction and has a weight per square meter. Special melt-blown nonwoven fabrics not exceeding 6 grams. During operation, the fabric requires an external power source to improve and maintain its surface properties. �</p


在美国航天局和加拿大航天局的帮助下,一家名为Hexoskin的创业公司开发出一件智能T恤,并以公司名称为其命名� �通过放置在T恤侧袋的蓝牙装置,用户便能够获得实时追踪的能力� �在白天,Hexoskin可以测量心率、心率变化/恢复、步数等数据;到了晚上,它还能追踪睡眠和环境,包括睡觉的姿势,以及心跳和呼吸活动� �所有这些数据会通过蓝牙同步到配套的应用程序当中,或者是在线上传,以供远程教练实时查看� �Hexoskin由透气的高品质意大利面料所制成,同时具备防水能力,这是一种速干面料,尽管它身上并没有排气孔,但在散热和排汗方面表现都非常好�

Extended reading: https://www.alltextile.cn/product/product-2-903 .html
Extended reading: https://www.alltextile.cn/product/ prouct-13-878.html
Extended reading: https://www.alltextile .cn/product/product-58-683.html
Extended reading: https://www.alltextile.cn/product/product-81-911.html
Extended reading: https://www.alltextile.cn/product/product-60-599.htm
