Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News How to overcome dyeing wrinkles on polyester microfiber brushed fabrics

How to overcome dyeing wrinkles on polyester microfiber brushed fabrics

涤纶超细纤维磨毛织物染色时极易产生折皱(鸡爪印),尤其是大红、藏青和深灰等色泽一旦发生很难修复。这种织物的组成大多是75D72F(经向)×150D/228F(纬向),密度为144×93,门幅4000px。一般采用退浆→预定形→磨毛→染色→拉幅定形→成品检验染整工艺。 <br / 实践证明,形成折皱的因素颇多� For example, after th…


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实践证明,形成折皱的因素颇多� For example, after the fabric is desized, pre-shaped and sanded, its warp and weft tearing strength decreases by 11% and 50% respectively; and then dyed at high temperature of 130°C, it will inevitably intensify the molecular chain movement in the crystallization area of ​​the fabric, and the nozzles on the dyeing machine Due to the high-speed friction between the pressure and the cloth guide roller, the fabric is folded in the machine and fixed with different angles. �尤其是织物转速越慢,染浴中的染料应付地在织物变形区结集,并且浓度越大,折皱印就越深(明显),尽管采取缓慢降温等措施,也无济于事� �</p

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After repeated practice, it has been found that to overcome this wrinkle mark, improvements must be made from the following aspects:</p

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(2) Pre-setting must be regarded as final setting, that is, 190-200℃×30s, and the actual temperature of the main setting box in the heat-setting machine must be strictly controlled. The moisture content of the setting fabric must be 5%-7%, and it should not be too high. Dry, especially when the climate is relatively dry in autumn and summer �</p

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The influence of different processes on fabric strength reduction</p

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Process warp direction weft direction<br /
Gray cloth 3.76 3.2<br /
Before finalization 2.16 2.08<br /
After sanding 1.92 1.04</p

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(4)要选择品质好的分散染料,对色泽牢度要求较高的,则应选择高坚牢度的分散染料,染色时还需添加移染性较好的高温匀染剂� Practice has proven that repair agents have good dye migration properties. For example, add repair agent WT-L9 (Huanian) as a dye retarder, and at the same time add 1%-1.5% of high-temperature bath anti-wrinkle agent, such as bath anti-wrinkle agent. WT-BH (Huanian) to ensure uniform dyeing �此外,在染色工艺上特别要注意降温速度� �一般以1℃/min为宜� �后,在染色操作上,机械的喷嘴压力和导布辊一定要降到低程度,尽量减少设备与织物的摩擦� �</p

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织物好在短环履带式烘干机上干燥后,再进行热定形� �这也是减少折皱形成的方法之一�

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