Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Full analysis of bamboo fiber, bamboo pulp fiber, bamboo fiber, bamboo pulp viscose fiber

Full analysis of bamboo fiber, bamboo pulp fiber, bamboo fiber, bamboo pulp viscose fiber

近年来,关于竹纤维及其产品的研究和报道越来越多。但是,不同文献对竹纤维、竹原纤维及竹浆纤维的命名规则原理错误,命名方法不合逻辑,导致竹纤维的名称混淆不清。在纺织品的纤维成分标注中,“竹”字大行其道,竹纤维、竹浆纤维、竹子纤维、竹浆粘胶纤维纠缠不清。 </p 其中常见的错误就是将竹浆粕粘胶纤维称为“竹纤维”� In the commercializati…



其中常见的错误就是将竹浆粕粘胶纤维称为“竹纤维”� In the commercialization process of bamboo pulp viscose fiber, in order to enhance the healthy and ecological image of the product, some merchants packaged bamboo pulp viscose fiber as “a perfect fiber produced using high technology” and claimed that “bamboo fiber” uses It is prepared using an environmentally friendly process and is covered with halos such as “green and environmentally friendly”, “natural antibacterial”, “warm in winter and cool in summer”, and “without any chemical additives”, which seriously misleads consumers. �更有甚者将竹浆粕粘胶纤维称为“除棉、毛、丝、麻以外的第五类天然纤维”,冠以“生态纺织品”的美誉,简直是混淆视听� �此外,还有一些专业人士直接以某个竹浆粕粘胶纤维品牌代称该类纤维(如“×竹纤维”),将商品名与纤维学名混为一谈,极不规范� �</p

1. The origin of bamboo fiber</p



1.1 Bamboo raw fiber</p



Generally, depending on the spinning system used in the textile factory, the bamboo is sawn into the length required for production, and mechanical and physical methods are used to remove impurities such as lignin, polypentose, bamboo powder, and pectin from the bamboo. Directly extract bamboo fiber from �竹原纤维对其原料的挑选是非常讲究的,通常以3~4年的新竹为原料加工而成� �生产上使用毛竹、苦竹、慈竹、黄竹等居多� �竹原纤维的生产工艺分前期处理工序、分解工序、成形工序和后处理工序等4部分� �竹原纤维为纯天然纤维,纤维性能优异,产品具有特殊的风格,的确具有一定的抑菌保健功效� �</p


1.2 Regenerated bamboo fiber</p





In terms of performance and production technology, viscose fibers made from bamboo are essentially the same as viscose fibers made from other raw materials (whether cotton linters or wood). They can be blended or pure. The form is used in textile end products �竹浆粕粘胶纤维是将竹子切片后,采用化学方法将竹片精制成符合纤维生产要求的浆粕,经溶解制备纺丝原液,再经常规工艺得到纤维� �</p


The traditional viscose method is used to produce regenerated bamboo fiber. The technology is relatively mature, but there are four problems: (1) There are many processes and the production cycle is long; (2) The spinnability of bamboo pulp is inconsistent with the dyeing uniformity of the fiber. Poor, this is related to the uniformity of polymerization degree of raw cellulose; (3) Product properties such as mechanical properties, dry and wet modulus, swelling property,The stretchability and hand feel are poor, not as good as cotton fiber; (4) By-products such as sulfide, ammonia, and zinc salts are discharged during the production process, which seriously pollutes the environment.


2. Foreign cases of “bamboo fiber” product specifications</p



2.1 U.S. Federal Trade Commission</p






根据报道,加拿大公平竞争局(The Competition Bureau)正在进行商标规范,以确保纺织品经销商在申请含有“竹”成分的纺织品标签时,可采取适用的《纺织品标签法》(TLA)及施行细则� As more and more textiles claim to use “bamboo”, “bamboo raw fiber” or contain “bamboo pulp fiber” and other raw materials, the Canadian Bureau of Fair Competition reiterates its position: as long as it is made of man-made fibers using bamboo as raw material For textiles, the general fiber name must be as stipulated in the Textile Labeling and Advertising Regulations (TLAR). The label ingredients must first indicate “man-made cellulose fiber (rayon)” or the corresponding chemical processing and production process, and then continue Indicate “from bamboo” �</p




3 Conclusion</p

诚然,纤维名称加上一个“竹”字后,产品形象会大大提升,市场推广也会随之变得事半功倍,但也在一定程度上反映出竹浆粕粘胶纤维行业的混乱� �为了保障消费者的权益,促进行业健康有序的发展,对于以竹为原料的纤维及其制品的规范化和标准化命名势在必行�

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