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Lightweight multifunctional composite materials

20世纪70年代后,国外普遍重视保温材料的生产和在建筑中的应用,力求大幅度减少能源的消耗量,从而减少环境污染和温室效应� The foreign thermal insulation materials industry has a long history, and thermal insulation materials for building ene…

20世纪70年代后,国外普遍重视保温材料的生产和在建筑中的应用,力求大幅度减少能源的消耗量,从而减少环境污染和温室效应� The foreign thermal insulation materials industry has a long history, and thermal insulation materials for building energy conservation account for the vast majority. For example, in the United States, building thermal insulation materials have accounted for about 81% of all thermal insulation materials since 1987, and in Western European countries such as Sweden and Finland, more than 80% of rock insulation materials have been used. Cotton products are used to save energy in buildings �国外一些发达国家早在上世纪70年代未就已经开始了建筑节能的工作,强制建筑业在新建建筑中执行节能标准� �美国在1975年第一次颁布了ASHRAE(美国采暖、制冷及空调工程协会)90—75新建筑物设计节能标准� �以此为基础,1977年12月官方正式颁布了《新建筑物结构中的节能法规》,并在45个州内收到很明显的节能效果� �美国国家能源局、标准局及全国建筑法规和标准大会,不断在建筑节能设计等方面提出新的内容,每5年便对ASHRAE标准进行一次修订� �<br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;" /
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  发达国家对建筑节能的重视和采取的一些行之有效措施,取得了巨大的成效,使这些国家的建筑能耗大幅度下降� For example, Denmark's heating area increased by 30% in 1985 compared with 1972, but heating energy consumption decreased by 3.18 million tons of standard coal. The proportion of heating energy consumption in the country's total energy consumption also dropped from 39% to 28%; since the United States enacted and the implementation of energy-saving standards have saved a lot of money so far. It is estimated that by 2011, another US$43 billion will be saved on this basis. �由此可见,国外的建筑节能法规30多年来取得了显著的社会效益和经济效益� �建筑节能不仅仅靠建筑节能法规的颁布执行,它的实现还涉及一个庞大的产业群体,其中保温隔热材料与制品是影响建筑节能一个重要的因素� �<br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;" /
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  建筑保温材料的研制与应用越来越受到世界各国的普遍重视,新型保温材料正在不断地涌现� �从建筑保温材料的材质和品种上看,国内外对以聚苯乙烯为主要原料的保温材料研究相对广泛� Although polystyrene boards have good thermal insulation effects when used as insulation materials, due to the characteristics of the boards, when the polystyrene boards are connected to the main body during construction, point fixation is the main method and surface fixation is supplemented. Necessary work must be done between the boards. Splicing and bonding are not suitable for thermal insulation of buildings with complex shapes. The construction technology is complex and the overall cost is high. At the same time, because the hydrophobicity of polystyrene boards is not compatible with conventional hydrophilic materials, the quality of subsequent construction other than the surface layer is difficult to ensure, and quality problems such as cracking, falling off, and hollowing of the surface mortar are prone to occur, which has a negative impact on the building's quality. The use or construction of exterior decorations such as tiles and coatings poses great constraints �不定形的浆体保温材料可以克服板材类的这些不足,因此它构成了建筑保温隔热材料的重要组成部分� �欧美等发达国家在浆体保温材料的研究与应用方面起步较早,技术较为成熟,在研究和应用上已卓有成效� �<br style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box !important; word-wrap: break-word !important;" /
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  目前,发达国家在浆体保温材料研制开发方面,是以轻质多功能复合浆体保温材料为主� �此类浆体保温材料的各项性能较传统浆体保温材料明显提高,如具有较低的导热系数和良好的使用安全性及耐久性等� At the same time, this type of composite slurry insulation materials has excellent functionality, such as Freon-free flame-retardant polyurethane foam composite slurry insulation materials, ultra-light fully hydrophobic calcium silicate slurry insulation materials, etc., which can meet different uses. Conditional requirements �此外,国外非常重视保温材料工业的环保问题,积极发展绿色保温材料制品,从原材料准备(开采或运输)、产品生产及使用和日后的处理问题,都要求大限度节约资源和减少对环境的危害� �保温材料工业是国外资源重新回收利用的一个很成功的典型�

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