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Among outdoor sports goods, smart devices are more popular

The explosive growth of the domestic running market in the past two years has led to domestic and foreign professional running product brands beginning to enter the market. Statist…

The explosive growth of the domestic running market in the past two years has led to domestic and foreign professional running product brands beginning to enter the market. Statistics show that when the running wave emerged in the United States, the number of people increased by about 12%, but in China the increase reached 59%-60%.

Following the launch of the running area for the first time at ispo last year, the 2015 Asia Outdoor Exhibition continued to launch the running area, covering an area of ​​about 730 square meters, twice the size of 2014. In the expanded running venue, in addition to a wide range of running equipment, there is also a seemingly inconspicuous but extremely active sharing area. According to industry analysts, it is conservatively estimated that in 2014, more than 50% of all citizens continued to exercise year-round. From another perspective, the running software “nike+” has 18 million users worldwide. In 2013, the global growth rate was 130%, and China’s growth rate was nearly doubled to 258%. The number of downloads of the “nike+” app increased from 2012 to 2012. 570,000 increased to 2.58 million in 2013, an increase of 350%. The newly emerged Yidong has reached 1 million registered users plus app users in two years.

“This year, we can clearly feel that there are more running and skiing brands.” Chen Guohua, the person in charge of Dugadi Outdoor, said that in the running area, we can clearly feel the trend of smart devices in outdoor equipment, “This means that running It has begun to break away from the field of sports and leisure and become a market segment of outdoor sports, and it has begun to emphasize smart equipment. “In addition, China’s enthusiasm for bidding for the 2022 Winter Olympics is also directly reflected in the exhibition, and the number of participating brands in ice and snow sports has increased significantly. .

In addition to smart bracelets, smart hats also appeared at the exhibition. In appearance, the smart hat is very similar to an ordinary sun hat, but when the user wears the hat, it can be monitored in real time. The user can see their heart rate, pace, calories burned, and walking distance during exercise on the client. and many other information.

Ding Siquan, chairman of Liwei Running, said that the explosive growth of the domestic running market in the past two years has led to domestic and foreign professional running product brands beginning to enter the market. Statistics show that when the running wave emerged in the United States, the number of people increased by about 12%, but in China the increase reached 59%-60%. “As an early manufacturer of professional running equipment, it can be displayed together with other equipment in the special area, which facilitates running enthusiasts to have an in-depth understanding of clothing and equipment, and also allows exhibitors to understand the public’s demand for products.”

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