Sun protection clothing SPF

The sun is becoming more and more poisonous, and beauty lovers are beginning to prepare sunscreen products to start a “skin defense war” in summer. In addition to the p…

The sun is becoming more and more poisonous, and beauty lovers are beginning to prepare sunscreen products to start a “skin defense war” in summer. In addition to the popular sales of traditional sun protection products such as sunscreen, parasols and sun hats, colorful “sun protection clothing” is also particularly popular this year. However, a reporter’s investigation yesterday found that the “sun protection clothing” sold by most businesses in the island city is not worthy of the name. Many “sun protection clothing” labels do not have relevant sun protection index markings. Most businesses use “skin clothing” and “window protection clothing” Jackets made of ordinary materials and sold with the gimmick of sun protection. In this regard, quality inspection experts remind consumers that my country has clear standards for anti-UV products. When purchasing clothes, citizens should check whether the labels of the clothes meet the national standards before purchasing. In addition, medical experts believe that there are many benefits to sunbathing in summer. For citizens with non-sensitive skin who work indoors for a long time, there is no need to use professional sunscreen products to block the sun.

Citizen’s question: All clothes should be branded with “sun protection”
Ms. Liu lives in Laiwu 1st Road. Her daughter is in the second grade of junior high school this year. Because it is close to the school, her daughter walks to school by herself every day. A few days ago, her child came home and said she wanted a piece of sun protection clothing. Ms. Liu took advantage of the weekend to go shopping in clothing stores around Taitung and Hong Kong Middle Road. As a result, she was a little confused after this trip. Ms. Liu told reporters that this sun protection clothing is not difficult to buy, and they can be found in boutiques, brand clothing stores, and outdoor clothing stores. However, the prices of these sun protection clothing vary greatly, ranging from 50 to 60 yuan to 700 to 800 yuan a piece. There are various styles, some are made of smooth fabric, similar to rainproof cloth, and some are close to ordinary shirts or T-shirts. As for its sun protection effect, merchants all say that their products are good.

“The clothes are indeed very beautiful and are popular among young people. However, although the merchants said they were sun protection clothing, I looked at the labels and found that these clothes did not have sun protection clothing labeled on them. There were labels on single jackets and running clothes. These clothes were Is it sun protection clothing? What should we pay attention to when buying sun protection clothing?” Ms. Liu raised her own question.

Reporter investigation: “Sun protection clothing” is hard to find with SPF index
Yesterday morning, the reporter first came to a large supermarket on Ningxia Road. In the clothing area of ​​the supermarket, merchants hung three low-priced “sun protection clothes” on conspicuous upper hangers. The colors of the clothes are mostly bright blue, rose red, and fluorescent yellow, which are popular among young people, and the prices range from more than 60 yuan to more than 100 yuan. The reporter then looked at a piece of “sun protection clothing”. The real name on the sign was “skin clothing” and the material was 100% polyester fiber. There was no “sun protection” mark on the entire sign. “Look at the sun protection clothing worn by young people on the street. Aren’t they all made of this kind of material? If this is not sun protection clothing, what is sun protection clothing? I am the only one selling sun protection clothing in the whole mall.” When the reporter raised the question, the salesperson was a little uncomfortable. He introduced patiently.

After walking out of the clothing area of ​​the mall, the reporter came to a sports brand store. I heard that the reporter was looking for sun protection clothing. The guy in the store immediately pointed to a bright blue clothing in the discount area and said that this clothing is “sun protection clothing.” . The reporter looked at the label and found that this “sun protection clothing” also did not have a sun protection logo, and the merchant marked it as just a jacket. “Wearing it in summer will definitely provide sun protection.” When the reporter raised questions, the salesperson said vaguely.

Subsequently, the reporter went to a large supermarket on Hong Kong Middle Road. In the brand clothing section of the supermarket, he finally found a piece of sun protection clothing with a sun protection function. This sun protection clothing with a price of 699 yuan not only has a sun protection function, but also has a sun protection function. It has a “UPF20+” sun protection index, which is also promoted by merchants as a selling point. The reporter visited seven physical stores selling sun protection clothing in the morning and found that this clothing priced at 699 yuan is the only sun protection clothing with an SPF label.

Some operators also admitted that there are few sun protection clothing on the market. At an internationally renowned brand store on Hong Kong Middle Road, store manager Xiao Zhang made it clear that they do not sell sun protection clothing. “Except for the sun protection clothing sold in a few outdoor stores, which are genuine, the vast majority of sun protection clothing are made by the merchants themselves.” Xiao Zhang said that sun protection clothing first became popular in the United States in 2007, and then entered the country. It was originally designed for outdoor travel. Clothing, so as a sports brand store for ordinary consumers, the store does not sell sun protection clothing.

Compared with physical stores, online merchants are more “professional”. The reporter searched for sun protection clothing on an e-commerce platform and found that there were more than 300,000 related products, and popular merchants sold nearly 10,000 pieces per month. Merchants use breathability, quick-drying, windproof and insect-proof as selling points. The materials are also varied, ranging from natural silk to polyester fiber. Sellers have said that their products are cost-effective and can resist ultraviolet rays.

Authoritative testing: The passing rate of “sun protection” is only 3% 
So are these sun protective clothing really effective? The reporter consulted about thisStaff from the Business Section of the Textile Fiber Inspection Institute said that there are no manufacturers of such functional clothing in Daocheng, so they have never tested such products. However, the Shanghai Consumer Protection Commission’s test of sun protection clothing revealed the actual situation of the popular “sun protection clothing” on the market. Staff of the Shanghai Consumer Protection Commission randomly purchased 32 pieces of anti-UV clothing from the market, 14 of which were purchased from large shopping malls and 18 from online stores, with prices ranging from 62 yuan to 483 yuan. The products purchased all express or imply UV protection or sun protection in one way or another. Some products claim to have “anti-UV, strong UV isolation performance”, “sun protection”, “comprehensive UV protection technology, effectively filtering sunlight and providing complete protection for the skin”, etc., but most of them have no explicit basis. Comparative tests showed that 29 of the 32 samples had a UV protection coefficient of less than 15, accounting for 90.63% of all samples. Of the 18 items marked with UV protection factor values, 17 did not meet the stated value of their products. For example, a women’s ultra-light sports jacket produced by a company in Zhuhai has a UV protection factor of 50, but the actual measured value is only 20. The 14 items that were not marked with UV protection coefficients but were clearly stated to have “anti-UV” or “sun protection” functions were tested to have UV protection coefficients less than 15, indicating no UV protection. Only one of the 32 samples met the national standard requirements, and the compliance rate was only 3.13%.

In addition to the lack of sun protection, inspectors found that the quality of “sun protection clothing” purchased online is even more worrying. Among them, the pH value of two products did not meet the requirements of the national mandatory standards. They were both purchased from online malls. During the interview, the reporter learned that the pH value is one of the basic safety requirements for clothing. Under normal circumstances, the surface of human skin is weakly acidic. , can prevent the invasion of external germs. If the pH value of close-fitting clothing exceeds the suitable range of human skin, it can easily cause skin itching, allergies, inflammation and other diseases.

Testing expert: Pay attention to national standards when choosing functional clothing
So what are the national standards for sun protection clothing, and what should citizens pay attention to when buying them? After consulting the relevant national standards, Section Chief Su of the Municipal Textile Fiber Inspection Institute told reporters that my country’s current national standard “Determination of UV Protection Performance of Textiles” stipulates that UV protection product labels should be marked with numerical values, national standard numbers and three reminders. Basic content of the item. When the ultraviolet protection coefficient UPF is greater than 40 and the sunlight ultraviolet transmittance is less than 5%, it can be called an “UV-protective product.” In the current standards, he did not find a proprietary standard for so-called “sun protection clothing.” If citizens want to buy clothing with UV protection, they should pay attention to these parameters on the clothing labels.

Regarding sun protection clothing, Professor Deng from the Department of Textiles of Tianjin University of Technology, who is committed to the research of functional fabrics, also gave a professional introduction in an interview with local media. Professor Deng said that the higher the UPF value, the better the sun protection effect. Fabrics with UPF less than 15 basically have no UV protection effect. The UPF value of ordinary pure cotton is 2 to 3, and the UPF value of the pure cotton fabric measured in the experiment was only 10. The UPF value of polyester fabric is higher, which can reach 10 to 20, and the effect of linen among natural fibers is better.

In addition, the staff of the Consumer Protection Commission reminded consumers that many ordinary clothing also have UV protection properties. For the same clothing, dark colors are better than light colors, thick fabrics are better than thin ones, fabrics with a tight structure are better than loose fabrics, and synthetic fibers such as polyester are better than natural fibers such as cotton and silk. Don’t believe the excessive propaganda of merchants, and purchase UV-resistant clothing products rationally based on your actual needs.

Medical experts: Avoiding the sun in summer is not advisable
If the vast majority of “sun protection clothing” is unreliable, then how should ordinary citizens do a good job of sun protection in summer? The reporter interviewed Lu Huiqing, a dermatologist at Haici Hospital. “First of all, I want to correct you. You should not bask in the sun in summer, or try to avoid the skin being exposed to the sun. This view is wrong.” Dr. Lu said. She told reporters that many businesses now exaggerate the harm of ultraviolet rays in summer in order to promote sunscreen products. In fact, for most people, sunbathing can promote the absorption of vitamin D, and ultraviolet rays in the sun have strong sterilizing capabilities. , proper exposure to ultraviolet rays can effectively kill bacteria on the skin and increase the skin’s resistance. Especially for infants, young children and the elderly, they should go outdoors to bask in the sun every day.

“There are also a few people with sensitive skin who experience symptoms such as itching and red spots after being exposed to the sun. They should go to a cool place immediately and apply cold compresses to the affected area. If severe, go to the hospital for treatment.” Dr. Lu said. Dr. Lu believes that only people with sensitive skin and special groups who need to work under the hot sun for a long time in summer need special sun protection equipment.

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