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Cross-border e-commerce will become a new bright spot in foreign trade

Cross-border e-commerce will become a new bright spot in foreign trade Cross-border e-commerce will become a new bright spot in foreign trade. Foreign trade companies no longer nee…

Cross-border e-commerce will become a new bright spot in foreign trade

Cross-border e-commerce will become a new bright spot in foreign trade. Foreign trade companies no longer need to resort to rent-seeking and struggle with issues such as tax refunds and arbitrage every day, and their efficiency will be greatly improved.
Just during the Two Sessions, the General Administration of Customs announced our foreign trade data for February 2016, in which export data fell by 20%. This was the largest decline since the U.S. subprime mortgage crisis in May 2009. Therefore, during the Two Sessions, it caused All walks of life were panicked. China’s foreign trade export data has been declining for nearly 20 months, and import data has been declining for more than 16 months. Therefore, among all economic data, the prospect of the “carriage” of foreign trade is the most worrying. I think that if we go forward with the traditional “Made in China” path since 1998, it seems that it will not work now, so foreign trade must make a strategic choice. Since the end of 2014, we have seen a model called the free trade zone model, which means that we hope that by opening a foreign trade zone window, the government can provide China with tax exemptions and tax incentives through national reciprocity. Open a window for foreign trade companies.
During my research in 2015, I saw a new foreign trade model called the cross-border e-commerce model. In March last year, the State Council designated Hangzhou as a comprehensive experimental zone for cross-border e-commerce. By December, 12 cities had joined the comprehensive experimental zone model. In the past year, e-commerce foreign trade platforms represented by Alibaba, HC, Dunhuang, etc. have carried out a series of reforms under the national strategic circumstances. I believe that during the “13th Five-Year Plan” period, it is likely that the new cross-border e-commerce model represented by the Hangzhou Comprehensive Inspection Zone will become a very important new highlight of China’s foreign trade.
One of the biggest differences between the cross-border e-commerce model and the past e-commerce B2B model is that, first, the government has become an important driving force for China’s foreign trade exports. As can be seen in the Hangzhou Comprehensive Inspection and Quarantine Zone, many government functional departments related to foreign trade, such as customs, inspection and quarantine bureaus, industrial and commercial bureaus, banks, etc., have moved their services to foreign trade enterprises to the Internet, establishing a one-stop Customs clearance platform, what are the benefits of this? The biggest benefit is streamlining administration and delegating power. Since taking office, Premier Li Keqiang has been talking about streamlining administration and delegating power, and changing the government from an approval-oriented government to a service-oriented government. We have seen a great push for such administrative reform in the practice of cross-border e-commerce. Therefore, institutional changes are sometimes brought about by technological revolutions. This is the first part.
The second part is more important. When all the data enters a platform through the Internet, we see a new scene, that is, the emergence of big data, the real big data of China’s foreign trade. How many goods a company has exported this month, which country the goods are exported to, how buyers in this country evaluate the goods, and what is the status of capital inflows and outflows have begun to emerge through big data. When big data begins to appear, those foreign trade service companies like Alibaba will have new functions. They can participate in the development speed of China’s entire foreign trade through big data, and then may provide some new financial services. Tools, for example, Alibaba provides some new tools such as E-Partner, Credit Insurance, etc. This is the biggest breakthrough in our foreign trade. For the first time, we have begun to use the information revolution to reform or revolutionize our foreign trade industry.
Since March last year, the foreign trade data of these pilot units in China, represented by the Hangzhou Comprehensive Inspection Zone, have been greatly developed. Last year, Hangzhou’s foreign trade grew by 5%, the fastest growth among all provincial capital cities. A large part of this growth came from the reform of the comprehensive inspection zone. Moreover, before the two sessions, the Ministry of Commerce also held an on-site meeting in Hangzhou. Therefore, when cross-border e-commerce enters the operation pattern of foreign trade, we will see new highlights and a new spring. It is very likely that after the Two Sessions in 2016, we will see a new scene, that is, all friends who care about China’s foreign trade and are engaged in China’s foreign trade industry will start to pay attention to the birth of a new foreign trade model – it is called cross-border e-commerce. . Cross-border e-commerce will become a new bright spot in foreign trade



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