Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Jiangxi Institute of Fashion Technology: “Light of Textile” Award-School Linkage to Jointly Promote the Construction of a Textile Power

Jiangxi Institute of Fashion Technology: “Light of Textile” Award-School Linkage to Jointly Promote the Construction of a Textile Power

Jiangxi Institute of Fashion Technology: “Light of Textile” award school links up to jointly promote the construction of a strong textile country Liu Zijie, vice presid…

Jiangxi Institute of Fashion Technology: “Light of Textile” award school links up to jointly promote the construction of a strong textile country

Liu Zijie, vice president of Jiangxi Institute of Fashion Technology, said in an interview that on the one hand, the “Light of Textile” China Textile Federation Teacher Award and Student Award have strengthened textile talents The cultivation of students has promoted the development of textile science and education in my country and played an irreplaceable role in the prosperity and development of textile science and education. On the other hand, the “Light of Textile” Education and Teaching Achievement Award provides a platform for mutual learning and reference for the textile education community, assists the reform of my country’s textile higher education, and promotes the development of my country’s textile industry.

According to Liu Zijie, Jiangxi Institute of Fashion Technology was upgraded to a bachelor’s degree in 2011. In 2015, the Second Standing Council of the Sixth China Textile and Clothing Education Society and the Annual Meeting of the Higher Education Branch were held at the school. Sun Ruizhe, then vice president of the China Textile and Apparel Federation, was Ye Zhimin, Vice Chairman of the Textile Light Foundation, and Ni Yangsheng, President of the China Textile and Clothing Education Society, attended the meeting. After the meeting, they visited the school’s Creative Design Center, Clothing Culture Exhibition Hall, Experimental Training Center and Jiangxi Modern Clothing Project. Technology Research Center, etc., spoke highly of the school’s clothing cultural characteristics and school-enterprise cooperation talent training model. Since then, the school has formed an indissoluble bond with the China Textile Federation, China Textile Education Society, and Textile Light Foundation. . In 2016, in order to commend advanced models who have made outstanding contributions to the development of the industry, the China Textile and Apparel Education Society launched a selection event for national advanced units and advanced collectives in textile and apparel education. After layers of screening and review by the expert group, Jiangxi Fashion Institute won the title of National Advanced Unit for Textile and Clothing Education in 2016. In 2019, the school was selected by the China Textile Federation as a unit with outstanding contributions to the training of skilled talents in the national textile industry. So far, the school has awarded a total of 8 teachers and 40 students with the support of Textile Light Foundation.

The “Light of Textile” China Textile Federation Student Award has a high popularity and reputation among the students of Jiangxi Institute of Fashion Technology, mobilizing the enthusiasm and initiative of the majority of students to continue to study and develop in the field of textiles, and in cultivating professional talents. It has played an important guiding and promoting role in the process, mainly affecting the following three aspects.

First, promote the connotative development of discipline construction. Award-winning teachers have devoted themselves to research, accurately condensed the development characteristics of the discipline, deeply grasped the development of the connotation of the discipline, actively practiced, connected with the industry, transformed research results, constantly opened up research fields, explored the cross-integration of disciplines, proposed new theories and ideas, and became the core of discipline construction. source, which has effectively promoted the rapid development of education, teaching and textile education. The clothing design and engineering teaching application team headed by Professor Chen Juanfen was selected into the high-level teaching team of Jiangxi Province. Professor Chen Juanfen, as the person in charge, applied for the “New model of training talents in clothing engineering based on the OBE concept of art and engineering ability logic ‘One Outline, Three Layers and Four Eyes'” and Professor Min Yue, as the person in charge, applied for “Competence-based,Employmentoriented and taking the path of integrated development of industry and education, the reform and innovation of the talent training model” won the 2021 ChinaTextile Industry Federation Textile Higher Education The first and second prizes of the Education and Teaching Achievement Award. Teaching and research are based on advantages and characteristics, closely integrated with the frontiers of subject development, and oriented to serving the country’s major development strategies and local economic development, constantly improving the education system to promote subject construction and assisting the connotative development of the school. In 2022, the school was successfully approved as a new master’s degree project construction unit in Jiangxi Province.

The second is to promote professional construction to be deeper and more solid. Give full play to the advantages of integrating industry and education to create a “tri-academic” talent training model of professional colleges, industrial colleges, and entrepreneurial colleges; establish a sense of strengthening the quality of talent cultivation, highlight professional characteristics, and focus on Cultivate students’ professional literacy and innovation ability; give full play to the exemplary role of award-winning teachers, build a professional teaching team through various forms such as mentoring, strengthen connotation construction, and improve the quality of talent training.

The third is to promote in-depth reform of curriculum construction. Adhere to the fundamental task of cultivating people with moral integrity, benchmark against first-class curriculum construction standards, explore curriculum advantages, create curriculum characteristics, highlight ability training, comprehensively clarify curriculum construction ideas, and build a “trinity” curriculum construction and cultivation system at the school level, provincial level, and national level. , focus on the “main battlefield” of curriculum construction, further improve the quality of teaching, and ensure that the teaching reform work is implemented and achieved results.

Economic and social transformation puts forward new demands for education in the textile industry

Talking about the impact of the development of the textile industry on textile college education, Liu Zijie listed the needs of the country’s economic and social transformation and development, as well as the new demands of the times for college talents.

According to the 2021 National Education Statistics Report, my country’s gross enrollment rate in higher education has increased from 17% in 2003 to 57.8% in 2021. Higher education has moved from popularization to universalization. In the “China Education Modernization 2035”, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council clearly proposed to accelerate the reform of education in the information age and make an overall design and overall arrangement for the development of education informationization. Popularization, informatization, technology, humanization, diversification, personalization, and internationalization have become the largest�Jianwen is still deeply impressed by receiving the Textile Light Scholarship, “The Textile Light Scholarship is indeed full of light as the name says, a light that illuminates my student days. From my student days to working in a brand company to starting a business, I will Keep going with this honor.”



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