Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Sun Ruizhe, Chairman of the International Textile Federation and Chairman of the China Textile Federation: Stick to the profession, create the ultimate, and pursue the future diligently

Sun Ruizhe, Chairman of the International Textile Federation and Chairman of the China Textile Federation: Stick to the profession, create the ultimate, and pursue the future diligently

Sun Ruizhe, Chairman of the International Textile Federation and Chairman of the China Textile Federation: Stick to the profession, create the ultimate, and pursue the future with …

Sun Ruizhe, Chairman of the International Textile Federation and Chairman of the China Textile Federation: Stick to the profession, create the ultimate, and pursue the future with dedication

From March 16th to 17th, Lingdi Style3D·2023 China Apparel Forum was held in Beijing. Focusing on the theme of “Extreme: The Future of Specialization”, it gathered the insights of cross-field thinkers and the experience of outstanding practitioners in the industry to develop ideas. Theme conferences such as the Investor Conference, the Tiangong Kaiwu Summit, the Fashion Concept Ceremony, and the Hidden Champions Summit focus on new technologies, new concepts, and new paradigms that drive global industrial change. Sun Ruizhe, Chairman of the International Textile Federation and Chairman of the ChinaTextile Industry Federation, delivered a keynote speech at the forum. The full text of the speech is as follows.

Stick to the profession, create the ultimate, and pursue the future

Sun Ruizhe, Chairman of the International Textile Federation and Chairman of China Textile Industry Federation

China Clothing Forum on March 16, 2023

New spring, new blueprint, new journey.

The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed the new era mission of comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese-style modernization, and started a new era of comprehensively building a modern socialist country. The just-concluded National Two Sessions have transformed the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China into national will and joint action, sketched out the phased construction drawings of building Chinese-style modernization, and also built a modern industrial system for the Chinese garment industry and achieved highQualitydevelopment defines the direction.

“The mountains stand high and the sea goes deep.” High-quality development is the primary task of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. Based on the new situation and new requirements of building a quality, brand and fashion power in the new era, “professionalism” has become the foundation of brand development, “extremeness” has become the advantage of market competition, and “future” has become the space for value creation. With the theme of “Extreme: The Future of Specialization”, this forum aims to study the underlying logic that drives the high-quality development of the industry and position unique solutions for brand in-depth innovation.

“How can plum blossoms smell so fragrant without a bone-chilling cold?” In 2022, the external environment will be stormy, the COVID-19 epidemic will fluctuate, raw material prices will be high, and the triple pressures of shrinking demand, supply shocks, and weakening expectations will add up to unexpected changes, giving rise to unexpected changes. The impact on our country’s economy has deepened. Despite adversity, China’s garment industry has weathered waves and achieved steady development as a whole. Data from the National Bureau of Statistics show that in 2022, although the growth rate of fixed asset investment completion in my country’s clothing industry has slowed down, it still increased by 25.3% year-on-year; online clothing retail sales have grown steadily, with online retail sales of wearing goods increasing by 3.5% year-on-year in 2022. %; China Customs data shows that my country’s textile and clothing exports reached a new high in 2022, reaching 340.95 billion U.S. dollars, a year-on-year increase of 2.5%, of which 184.11 billion were exports of clothing and clothing accessories. US dollar, a year-on-year increase of 3.4%. Overall, my country’s garment industry will enter a restorative and normal development cycle after experiencing a phased decline, ushering in the development trend of “resilient growth and steady recovery”.

Great changes contain great opportunities, and the new era breeds a new future. Standing in an important period of strategic opportunities during the transition between old and new driving forces, the transformation of development models, and the transformation of consumer demand, we must work hard to be in-depth and thorough, make great efforts to do good, create things with heart, win with quality, keep integrity and innovate, and move forward bravely. That is, polish products with the spirit of craftsmanship, establish irreplaceable competitive advantages with professionalism; stick to the original intention with strategic determination, and build a unique brand self with long-termism; drive innovation with an aesthetic perspective, and demonstrate the value of leading the market with futurism claim.

I would like to use this forum to share three thoughts with you.


Use wisdom as a tool:

Rely on science and technology to become self-reliant and establish a modern industrial system

On the one hand, technology is the primary productive force, talent is the primary resource, and innovation is the primary driving force. The China National Textile and Apparel Council has launched the research and compilation of the “Action Outline for Building a Modern Textile Industrial System (2022-2035)” to anchor industry needs and key innovation directions, lay a solid foundation for the upgrading of the industrial foundation, modernize the industrial chain, and promote the innovation chain. , industrial chain, capital chain and talent chain are deeply integrated to achieve high-level self-reliance and self-reliance in science and technology, create an industrytechnological innovation center with global influence, and cultivate a group of “specialized and specialized” “New” enterprises and individual champion enterprises solve key technical problems from the source and bottom, and realize the transformation from following and running to running and leading through forward-looking layout and collective intelligence to tackle key problems.

On the other hand, the industry is increasing investment in research and development of digital intelligence technology and platform software to form an independent and controllable software ecosystem for the entire industry chain. From personalized customization, intelligent production to networked collaboration and service-oriented manufacturing, from NFT and Metaverse to Web 3.0, DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), from AR From try-on and 3D printing to digital co-creation and the popularization of ChatGPT at the application level, the apparel industry continues to form its own relationship with the digital world.The concept of sustainable fashion has begun to rise, and sustainable terms such as “environmental protection”, “organic materials”, “biodiversity” and “extending the entire life cycle of products” are also constantly mentioned. Consumers’ awareness and consumption recognition of sustainable fashion Continuously improve, and be more willing to pay for safer, traceable, and controllable products.

On the other hand, sustainable fashion has been externalized into a vivid practice of Chinese clothing brands. More and more Chinese clothing brands follow the modernization of harmonious coexistence of man and nature as their values, take the “carbon peak carbon neutral goal” as their strategic orientation, and use technological innovation, model innovation, and management innovation as the driving force for development, starting from production. to consumption, from source to end, accelerate the green transformation of the entire chain, continuously strengthen sustainable design, optimize production processes, eco-friendly material substitution, energy efficiency improvement and fuel substitution, waste clothing recycling and diversified communication, in materials, design, Actions are carried out in all aspects of production, sales, use, recycling, processing, etc., showing strong appeal, innovative vitality and market potential.

For example: Anta launched the first sweatshirt product with CELYS™ (Celise®) biodegradable polyester fiber as environmentally friendly technology, and also applied for biodegradable polyester fiber corporate standard (Q/ATZG 144-2022); klee klee joined hands with pokeke pokeke to create a series of exhibitions “Plant Portraits” with plants as the creative objects, and built a “countryside” in the klee klee & friends store in the center of the city Garden”; Jiangnan Buyi released the “Making the Best Use of Cloth” project, and joined hands with the trend forecasting agency WGSN and the non-profit organization Rong Design Library to research traditional handicraft materials to jointly release the “White Paper on Material Trends of Making the Best Use of Cloth”; UR joined hands with the WABC Art Charity Foundation We will jointly launch the “Wrong Socks Action” to encourage everyone to express their unique attitude and tolerance for multiculturalism through “Wrong Socks”.

Carrying responsibility means that the industry will push its own development resilience to the extreme in a farther and more extended time dimension. In the future, we need to integrate the dual dimensions of human and nature, and re-understand and comprehend people, people, and people. relationship with nature, establish new thinking models and knowledge paradigms, conduct profound “ecological introspection”, and form a high degree of “ecological self-discipline”. At its core is respect for diversity claims of all kinds, including biological diversity, mental diversity and technological diversity; its vision is not just to protect diversity, but to create diversity, to innovate with imaginative action, to build productive , the beauty of life and ecology are integrated and symbiotic, realizing the organic connection of green fiber materials, green manufacturing, recycling and demand-side green consumption, and accelerating the integration and unification of economic benefits, ecological benefits and social benefits.

“When the wind is good, it is time to set sail and chase the waves towards the future.” In today’s China, the spring breeze is mighty and everything is renewed; in today’s Chinese fashion, hundreds of flowers contain talents, and the sun is rising. The world’s largest and most complete modern industrial system, together with the ultra-large-scale domestic market and strong domestic demand potential, together form a solid foundation and broad space for the upgrading of China’s garment industry, helping China’s garment industry achieve industrial self-reliance, industrial self-improvement and The industry is confident and has the confidence and stamina to leap to a higher level of development.

Standing at the historical starting point of a new era and a new journey, China’s garment industry will continue to uphold the sentiment of serving the country through industry, gather the power of fashion for good, move forward courageously on the high-quality development track of “technology, fashion, and green” and pursue the ultimate goal. Excellence, leading value with professionalism, inspiring the present with the future, reaching new aesthetic peaks by stirring up a new brand atmosphere, and achieving new Chinese-style modernization!



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