Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News The number of clothing brands and listed companies ranks first in the country, and Shenzhen strives to become a source of original innovation.

The number of clothing brands and listed companies ranks first in the country, and Shenzhen strives to become a source of original innovation.

The number of clothing brands and listed companies ranks first in the country, and Shenzhen strives to create a source of original innovation Recently, Shenzhen Design Week premier…

The number of clothing brands and listed companies ranks first in the country, and Shenzhen strives to create a source of original innovation

Recently, Shenzhen Design Week premiered the 2023 Shenzhen urban visual film “Dare to Venture, Dare to Try”. The film uses science fiction techniques and digital visual technology to tell a story about facing the stars, the sea, and the unknown world, fearing no hardships, moving forward courageously, and exploring never-ending stories. The spirit of Qian’s special zone shows Shenzhen’s urban temperament as a city of science and technology, a city of innovation, a city of the future and a city of dreams. Wu Hong, former dean of the School of Art and Design of Shenzhen University, doctoral supervisor, and chairman of the Shenzhen Fashion Design Association, said in an exclusive interview with reporters that the film uses modern digital imaging language to intuitively express the changing speed of Shenzhen’s construction and development visually and aurally. Quickly, it will move from a border agricultural county to an innovative and creative city with global influence. “Shenzhen Design” has become an important engine for Shenzhen’s transformation of economic growth mode and highqualitydevelopment.

“Shenzhen is a city that has had innovative genes since its birth. Whether it is scientific and technological innovation or creative design innovation, Shenzhen has overcome all obstacles in the process of rapid development, daring to venture and try at different stages and levels. Expansion and innovation can transform this city into a modern international metropolis in just over forty years.” Wu Hong pointed out that Shenzhen’s design industry has relied on the “three come and one supplement” model from the early stage of development to creating Shenzhen’s local brand and realizing From multi-brand clusters to different stages of design leadership, we insist on driving industrytransformation and upgrading with continuous innovation and exploration. The complete industrial chain system and innovation potential have always been at the forefront of the country.

A set of data is more convincing. There are more than 2,500 clothing brand companies in Shenzhen, more than 90% of which are independent brands. They occupy more than 60% of the first-tier shopping malls in large and medium-sized cities across the country. The total annual sales are nearly 270 billion yuan, accounting for 10% of the country’s total. Shenzhen’s clothing industry ranks first in the country in four indicators: economic aggregate, number of clothing brands, market share of clothing products, and number of listed clothing companies.

“Shenzhen design has very distinctive characteristics. It always adheres to market demand and has strong vitality and competitiveness.” Wu Hong believes that the rapid development of the design industry in Shenzhen is due to the complete industrial chain resources of the Shenzhen system. It covers all aspects from innovative design to product implementation “within 30 square kilometers”, greatly improving the efficiency of innovation.

Currently, Shenzhen’s design talents are injecting a steady stream of “innovative vitality” into the industry. According to statistics, the number of designers in Shenzhen exceeds 220,000. Wu Hong mentioned that Shenzhen has not only gathered a group of China’s top designers, such as Liang Zi, Luo Zheng, Liu Yong, Zhao Huizhou, etc., winners of the Golden Summit Award, the highest award in the fashion design industry, but also has a large number of emerging designers. “More and more designers are attracted by the city’s openness, inclusiveness, and diverse symbiosis, causing more innovative thinking and creative energy to flow into Shenzhen. They use their modern scientific and technological knowledge to subversively improve the design field. The thinking and tools are driving the transformation and improvement of the entire industry.”

This year coincides with the 15th anniversary of Shenzhen being awarded the title of “City of Design” by the UNESCO Creative Cities Network. Wu Hong said that design is not only an industry in Shenzhen, but also a characteristic of the city recognized by the world. The spirit of innovative thinking and pioneering spirit has been integrated into the fabric of this city like blood. Shenzhen is making every effort to create a source of original innovation, and “Shenzhen Design” has become an important engine for transforming the mode of economic growth and realizing innovation-driven development.



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