Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Dayao, Yunnan: Spring silkworm harvest is bumper, silkworm farmers welcome “good start”

Dayao, Yunnan: Spring silkworm harvest is bumper, silkworm farmers welcome “good start”

Dayao, Yunnan: Spring silkworm harvest is good, silkworm farmers welcome “good start” At present, the purchase of spring cocoons in Zhaojiadian Town, Dayao County, Chux…

Dayao, Yunnan: Spring silkworm harvest is good, silkworm farmers welcome “good start”

At present, the purchase of spring cocoons in Zhaojiadian Town, Dayao County, Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture is coming to an end. This year’s spring cocoons are of good quality and high price. The majority of silkworm farmers welcome this year’s “good start” in silkworm production and won the first place. Bucket of “Silkworm Gold”.

At the Zhaojiadian spring cocoon purchase site, silkworm farmers came in droves with tricycles and agricultural vehicles, and soon the site was crowded. Silkworm farmers unloaded bags of cocoons, and purchasers inspected, priced, weighed, and issued invoices. , the scene was bustling with activity.

“My family raised 10 spring silkworms this year and sold 430 kilograms of spring cocoons for a total of about 27,000. I plan to raise another 5 to 6 summer silkworms.” Ma Dengping, who has more than 20 years of experience in mulberry planting and sericulture After finishing the silkworm room, he took the last batch of spring cocoons to the purchase point for sale. Seeing the white silkworm cocoons turned into “tickets” for making a fortune, Ma Dengping said with a smile on his face.

Silkworm breeding has the advantages of green environmental protection, low investment, short cycle, high efficiency, etc., and can fully absorb the idle rural labor force. It is an important factor for many village committees in Zhaojiadian Town. pillar industry of the society. Ji Xiaodong, secretary of the Party branch and director of the village committee of Jiangtou Village, Zhaojiadian Town, said that there are more than 1,200 acres of mulberry gardens in Jiangtou Village, and 89 sericulture households raise silkworms. The total annual silkworm cocoon output can reach more than 30 tons. Mulberry and silkworm rearing increase the average household income by more than 20,000 yuan every year.

In recent years, Dayao County has actively promoted the scientific, standardized and large-scale development of the mulberry industry in various towns and towns suitable for planting mulberry and raising sericulture. At the same time, it has strengthened training and guidance on mulberry breeding and improved the technical level of mulberry planting and sericulture. The yield and quality of silkworm cocoons have been greatly improved, and the sericulture industry has gradually become a pillar industry that increases the income of the people in Dayao County.



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