Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers Applications The integration of technology and fashion opens up new space for the development of the textile industry

The integration of technology and fashion opens up new space for the development of the textile industry

The integration of technology and fashion opens up new space for the development of the textile industry “As the technological revolution accelerates, the industrial foundati…

The integration of technology and fashion opens up new space for the development of the textile industry

“As the technological revolution accelerates, the industrial foundation continues to mature, and policy dividends are being released, a favorable environment for digital technology to assist fashion development is taking shape; from ‘single point technology’ to ‘multi-technology and multi-scenario application’ , from ‘digital individuals’ to ‘platform services’, from ‘weak artificial intelligence’ to ‘perception enhancement’, the key capabilities of digital technology to help fashion development are evolving.” At the 2021 China Textile Innovation Annual Conference·Design Summit held recently At the meeting, Sun Ruizhe, Chairman of the ChinaTextile Industry Federation and Chairman of the International Textile Manufacturers Federation, was very optimistic about the driving force of digital technology for the textile industry.

Standing at a new starting point, how should the digitalization process of the textile and apparel industry be promoted? This design summit gave new ideas. From the perspective of macro-situation and top-level planning, the participating experts sorted out the new trends in the integrated development of the fashion industry and digital technology, discussed new models of cross-border collaboration between sustainable fashion and digital technology, and explored new paths for industry digital transformation and digital fashion ecosystem construction.

Seize the digital trend of the fashion industry

“The digitalization of the fashion industry has ushered in the best opportunity for development.” Yu Jianyong, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and president of Donghua University, pointed out that China’s fashion industry has both the scale and technological advantages of the manufacturing economy, as well as the demographic dividend and market economy. Consumption potential, the new development pattern of “big cycle” and “double cycle” have laid sufficient application scenarios, rich data resources and imaginative value space for the deep integration of digital technology and fashion industry.

Against a favorable background, the development of digital technology is making great strides. Cao Xuejun, a first-level inspector of the Consumer Goods Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, pointed out that design is an important productivity in fashion innovation and the most active link in the application of digital technology. Human body big data supports customized versions of one person and one code. Artificial intelligence software has greatly improved design efficiency. Blockchain technology has been used for traceability protection of design copyrights. Virtual implementation can three-dimensionally display design effects to enhance consumers’ experience. , the integration of digital technology and fashion design shows great prospects.

The integration of digital technology and design has become a new blue ocean for the development of the fashion industry. However, Sun Ruizhe emphasized that in the future, in the process of intelligent industrialization and industryintelligentization, it is urgent to increase the industry penetration of digital technology, broaden the application scenarios of digital technology, and guide digital technology. The necessary paths to achieve breakthrough include the value conversion of technology and strengthening the effective governance of digital fashion.

Building a new industrial ecology

In the context of digital transformation, the fashion industry is undergoing all-round changes, and consumer psychology, fashion system value chains, and brand marketing models will all be restructured.

Wang Weifeng, managing director of Accenture Greater China Product Manufacturing Division, pointed out that in the current situation of human experience, technology, work and sustainable development, to grasp the technological opportunities in the era of change, we need to grasp five major trends, that is, to establish a solid enterprise Develop the future architecture of the foundation; provide high-end quality services based on the ubiquitous mirror world of digital twin intelligence; realize universal technology through all-innovation of human-machine integration; break through the boundaries of time and space to achieve an unbounded working model of flexible collaboration; build multi-party trust Environment, looking for vitality in the chaotic pattern.

Gao Feng, chairman of Shanghai Juaniao Silin Brand Management Co., Ltd., believes that for brands, although intangible assets come from tangible assets, the value of intangible assets is always greater than tangible assets. For example, brand management in the four dimensions of design, materials, craftsmanship, and functionality is a key factor in becoming unique and having the ability to command a premium over competitors. He also said that in the new era of industrial development, brands must clearly understand their strong Chinese genes, tell brand stories starting from fiber, and let fiber carry Chinese culture and natural energy, so that it can follow the trend with warmth and strength. Every consumer conversation.

 “93 billion m3 water consumption, 6 million tons of waste textiles, and 500,000 tons of microfiber discharged into the ocean.” Lenzing Group China Market Development Manager Tao Ke pointed out that the carbon neutrality goal proposed by my country last year is the largest climate commitment made by any country to reduce expected global warming so far. This goal will force companies to upgrade their technologies and reduce the carbon footprint of purchasing goods and services to specifically solve the problem of carbon emissions. She introduced that the net-zero carbon footprint Tencel™ fiber developed by Lenzing Group can effectively promote the low-carbon development of the textile industry, and can guide consumers to engage in sustainable consumption by providing a zero-carbon concept supported by certification.

Better adapt to consumer needs

With the advent of the digital age, what is the future of the fashion industry? Zhou Yilu, associate professor at Fordham University in the United States and co-founder of Fashion DeepBlue (FDB), introduced that as early as 2016, American economic experts pointed out that “data-driven decision-making can improve company performance by 5 to 6%” by studying 179 listed companies. According to a survey, some scholars believe that “each decision is supported by an average of 5.3 decision-making tools.” “Future fashion”The digital development of the industry is from subjective decision-making judgment to judgment that can be empowered and driven by data. “Zhou Yilu said.

Xu Yuanchun, chief operating officer of Xiaoice and head of the Artificial Intelligence Creativity Laboratory, said that the smart manufacturing upgrade will help companies produce more SKUs, smaller batches, More customized production can adapt to the personalized and diversified needs of contemporary consumers and drive new consumption behaviors. At the same time, with the help of AI technology, Chinese traditional culture and clothing fashion will be recreated to create new beauty and value, so that it can be liked, purchased and used by more young consumers, and even go abroad and go global. , to better interpret the cultural confidence and cultural self-improvement of the Chinese nation at the world level.

However, when planning the blueprint for future fashion changes, we must also realize that the textile industry is different from other industries. The digital transformation of large benchmark companies will help themselves, but the industrial chain is still not open. Guan Zhen, chief technical advisor of Microsoft (China) Co., Ltd., pointed out that in addition to the core enterprises that need to change, surrounding supporting enterprises also need to change. “The difficulty of using artificial intelligence will be reduced in the future,” Guan Zhen said.



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