Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Anhui Textile Industry Association: In building a new development pattern, enhance development potential and demonstrate industry responsibility

Anhui Textile Industry Association: In building a new development pattern, enhance development potential and demonstrate industry responsibility

Anhui Textile Industry Association: In building a new development pattern, enhance development potential and demonstrate industry responsibility Since the establishment of the Anhu…

Anhui Textile Industry Association: In building a new development pattern, enhance development potential and demonstrate industry responsibility

Since the establishment of the Anhui Textile Industry Association on June 18, 2021, under the care and guidance of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, the Provincial Department of Economic and Information Technology and other government departments, and with the joint efforts of all members , closely focusing on the 14th Five-Year Development Plan, actively promote the process of industrial integration in the Yangtze River Delta, seize opportunities for textile and garmentindustrial transfer, and strive to cultivate textile and garmentIndustrial clusters, strive to promote industrytransformation and upgrading, strive to improve the overall level of the industry, guide the industry to develop towards scale, branding and clustering, and effectively Promoted the highquality development of the industry.

1. Innovative services enhance the new status of the industry

Improving service capabilities through political leadership

Since its establishment, the association has always comprehensively implemented Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era ideologically, politically, organizationally, and in action, exerted the political core and political leadership functions of the party organization, and promoted the development of the industry and association with high-quality party building. healthy growth. First, attach great importance to party building work and give full play to the political leadership role of party organizations. Over the past two years, theme party day activities have been organized every month to deeply study the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping’s speech at the 20th National Congress, and the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The Party branch of the association signed a cooperation agreement on party building and co-construction with the Committee of the Textile and Clothing College of Anhui Engineering University of the Communist Party of China; conscientiously implemented the “Opinions of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee on Promoting the Normalization and Long-term Effect of Party History Learning and Education”, through the president’s party lectures, study and training, Thematic Party Day activities and other forms, combined with party history learning and education, July 1st celebrations and other activities, solidly carried out the theme Party Day and theme education Party Day activities of “Welcoming the 20th National Congress and Forging ahead on a new journey”, and successively visited the Hefei Dujiang Battle Memorial Hall , Wandong Martyrs Cemetery, and Suncun Red Base visited and studied to remember the great achievements of the martyrs and recall the deeds of our ancestors. The second is to use party building to promote association building and fully integrate the party’s leadership into all the work of the association. Since its establishment, the association has organized more than 20 training and learning activities, conscientiously studied and implemented the spirit of the province’s conference on improving work style, doing practical things for the private sector, and optimizing the environment for enterprises, and studied the “On Better Playing the Industry Consultation” issued by the General Office of the Provincial Party Committee and the General Office of the Provincial Government. “Opinions on the Association’s Role in the Construction of “Three Places and One District” and Double Recruitment and Double Introduction”, organized study of “Anhui Province’s “14th Five-Year Plan” Textile Industry Development Plan”, Anhui The modern history of the textile industry, etc., while actively participating in relevant training and learning organized by the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs and the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, and in accordance with the rectification requirements of the “Provincial Social Organization Special Action”, further standardize the association’s behavior, strengthen service awareness, and improve service levels.

Promote industry planning through inspection and research

In order to assist local governments in formulating the 14th Five-Year Textile Industry Plan, carry out forward-looking and targeted guidance for the development of the industry in the post-epidemic era, discover and cultivate contemporary and leading enterprises and emerging industry clusters, and promote Since the establishment of the national textile and garment emerging industry base, the association has carried out more than 40 research activities in Hefei, Anqing, Bengbu, Wuhu, Fuyang, Chuzhou and other cities, inspected and visited local parks and key enterprises, and cooperated with government departments, Company leaders and front-line employees communicated to promote local governments to formulate industry development plans. Completed more than ten research reports, assisted the China Textile Construction and Planning Institute in formulating the “Wuhe County Textile and Garment Industry Plan (2022-2030)”, and compiled the “Wangjiang County Modern Textile and Garment Industry Three-Year Action Plan” and the industrial chain map.

Enhance industry status with innovative services

Inheriting the mission and innovating services are the purpose of the association. The first is to do a good job in service. Actively assist and cooperate with governments at all levels in carrying out various tasks, and have signed cooperation service framework agreements with government departments such as Wangjiang County, Yaohai District, and Wuhe County. Submitted the report material “Efforts to Promote the High-Quality Development of Anhui’s Textile and Garment Industry” to the Provincial Department of Civil Affairs, and submitted the report “On Promoting Industry Development Ideas” to the China Textile Federation; accompanied the Consumer Goods Division of the Provincial Department of Economy and Information Technology and the Yaohai District of Hefei City to Zhejiang Inspection, study and exchange; accompanied the Anqing Textile and Garment Industry Chain Special Class to visit the China Textile Federation, and participated in the China Textile Federation Anqing Textile and Garment Industry Development Work Conference, etc.; as the provincial government affairs information direct reporting unit, the association will report to the provincial government in September 2022 The General Office submitted the proposal “There are “Four Difficulties” and “Four Hopes” in the high-quality development of textile and clothing in our province under the framework of the Yangtze River Delta Integration, which attracted the attention of provincial leaders and made important instructions. Actively provide services to member companies such as Huayang Clothing, Qingyi Knitting, Yuanchen Technology, Yaoshun Socks, Yinshan Pure Cotton Home Textiles and other aspects of social responsibility, product promotion, project financing, image publicity, legal consultation, recommendation application, achievement evaluation, etc. Good service job. The second is to strive to promote cluster construction. Since its establishment, the association has participated in the planning and construction demonstration meetings, seminars, and scheduling meetings of the China Fashion Original Design Base project many times to provide reasonable and feasible opinions and suggestions for the construction of the project; with the support of the association, in 2022 nationwide Textile industry cluster pilot area review results, new�Promote industrial transformation, upgrading and innovative development in areas along the river. Promote the transformation, upgrading and innovative development of traditional advantageous industries along the river in Anqing, Chizhou, Wuhu, Tongling, Ma’anshan and other industrial belts; support the construction of Wuhu Suncun characteristic towns; focus on supporting and promoting Shenzhou Knitting, Huamao Group, Hongai Industrial, The construction of a “chain master” full-industry ecological system such as Swan Home Textiles, Hongrun Group, and Fuchun Dyeing and Weaving has accelerated the overall level of characteristic industrial clusters in counties such as Wangjiang, Susong, Langxi, Fanchang, Nanling, and Dongzhi, and gathered strength Create a world-class intelligent manufacturing base for the textile and apparel industry.

Promote the construction of emerging textile bases in northern Anhui. Focus on relying on a number of leading enterprises such as Fengsheng Chemical, Huafu Fashion, Hanlian Textile, Huayang Clothing, Tianzhu Technology, Sanbao Knitting and other leading enterprises to accelerate the formation of an industrial base and characteristic clusters with comparative competitive advantages; give full play to the population and population of northern Anhui Traditional comparative advantages such as resources, location and transportation are gradually being transformed into kinetic energy advantages for accelerated development. We are actively assisting governments at all levels to undertake industrial transfers, and strive to build northern Anhui into an agglomeration area and preferred location to support the transfer of the textile and garment industry in the Yangtze River Delta region, and promote Construction of modern textile and clothing manufacturing base in northern Anhui Province.

3. Strive for a new journey of industry development

In 2023 and in the future, the association will actively promote the integration process of the Yangtze River Delta and help Anhui improve its development status in the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and a new round of regional restructuring by creating a high-level and modern textile industry system. trend and demonstrate industry responsibility.

Continue party building to promote high-quality development of associations and industries. Adhere to the leadership of the party, ensure the correct development direction of the association, enrich the carrier of party building activities, and innovate the content and form of party building. Continue to carry out large-scale industry research activities across the province and assist local governments in making industry plans. Further understand the current situation of the industry, conduct in-depth industrial research, sort out and analyze the future development direction of the industry, further optimize the industrial layout, and form a regional layout with precise positioning, supporting industries, complementary advantages, and coordinated development. Dedicated to providing good services to member companies. Spare no effort to provide services for enterprises’ development planning, policy support, technological innovation, market development, legal consultation, investment and financing, talent transportation, product promotion, image publicity, etc., and effectively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of member enterprises. Assist the government in building industrial clusters (bases). Continue to create textile and apparel industry clusters, parks and bases, and cultivate and support qualified textile and apparel bases to meet standards and upgrade. Continue to hold expos, development conferences and other activities. Efforts should be made to make conferences and activities an important platform to promote double recruitment and double introduction, form a “four-chain integration”, promote industry exchanges, and promote the integration process of the Yangtze River Delta. Promote the construction of Hefei’s fashion industry system. Relying on the Hefei metropolitan area, we will promote Anhui fashion districts, especially the China Hefei Clothing Original Design Town project, and help organize Hefei Fashion Week activities. Promote the integrated development of industry, academia and research. Focus on expanding and linking resources among large enterprises, scientific research institutes, colleges and universities, industrial capital and professional institutions, continuously meeting the development needs of governments, enterprises and various institutions, and promoting coordinated development of industries. Strengthen the cultivation of independent brands. Promote the research and development and creation of Anhui textile independent brands, expand market influence and competitiveness, and attract consumption upgrades. Build an innovation and development platform for intelligent manufacturing. Promote the innovative application of the Internet, big data, and artificial intelligence in the textile industry, promote the construction of a number of industrial clustersintelligent service platforms, accelerate the application of new technologies and new equipment, and help enterprises improve competition capabilities and operational efficiency.



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