Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Du’anjiagui Township: Developing the silkworm industry and consolidating the industrial foundation

Du’anjiagui Township: Developing the silkworm industry and consolidating the industrial foundation

Du’anjiagui Township: Developing the silkworm industry and consolidating the industrial foundation Jiagui Township, Du’an Yao Autonomous County focuses on the developme…

Du’anjiagui Township: Developing the silkworm industry and consolidating the industrial foundation

Jiagui Township, Du’an Yao Autonomous County focuses on the development of characteristic industries, extends the “tentacles” of party building work, and vigorously develops silkworms through the operation model of “government support, technology demonstration, based on stone mountains, continuous planting, and processing guarantee” industry, driving farmers to increase their income and become rich, and lay a solid foundation for the revitalization of rural industries.

Huang Ailin from Banhantun in Jiaqi Village is a major farmer in the village growing mulberry and raising silkworms. This year, in addition to planting mulberry trees on 3 acres of their own land, they also rented 5 acres of land to plant mulberry trees and raise three-quarters of silkworms.

Huang Ailin, a villager in Banhantun, Jiaqi Village

I raised 5 batches this year, each batch (income) is 4,000 to 5,000 yuan. It is more worthwhile to raise silkworms, and you can get money faster by raising silkworms.

Luo Riran, who lives next door, is also a big sericulture farmer, with a mulberry garden covering an area of ​​more than ten acres. She said that although there was a drought this year, the harvest was generally good, and the price of fresh cocoons was relatively higher and stable than in previous years.

Luo Riran, a villager in Banhantun, Jiaqi Village

In the past, it only cost more than ten yuan per catty. This year, it costs twenty-seven, twenty-six, or twenty-four yuan per catty.

Since the beginning of this year, Jiagui Township has established a 10,000-acre silkworm planting demonstration base in Jiaqi Village in accordance with the operation model of “government support, technology demonstration, based on stone mountains, continuous planting, and processing guarantee”. Based on the production model of “cooperative + base + farmers”, we will build a “three excellent” sericulture demonstration base with quality optimization, efficiency optimization and ecological optimization. The silkworm industry has achieved large-scale development in Jiaqi Village and has become one of the pillar industries for villagers to increase their income.

Weiying Ying, Secretary of the Party Branch of Jiaqi Village and Director of the Village Committee

There are currently 418 households growing mulberry and raising silkworms in our village, with an annual output value of about 9.8 million yuan. There are more than 30 households with an annual income of more than 50,000 yuan from sericulture.

Wei Zhenbing is a villager in Jiaqi Village and has been engaged in the fresh cocoon purchasing business for many years. He said that although the weather is relatively dry this year, the amount of fresh cocoons purchased is not less than last year.

Wei Zhenbing, person in charge of Jiaqi Village Fresh Cocoon Purchasing Station

We started harvesting silkworm cocoons on April 20th. On average, we harvest 1.55 tons per day, and the price should be 24 to 28 yuan.

In addition to local villagers engaged in the business of purchasing fresh cocoons, there are also traders from other places who set up local purchasing points. Huang Chengxiang is a vendor from Yizhou District. He just came to Jiazuo Village, Jiagui Township in mid-May this year to set up a station to buy fresh cocoons.

Huang Chengxiang, person in charge of Jiazuo Village Silkworm Cocoon Purchasing Station

I have been collecting (cocoons) for a month, about 80,000 kilograms, and the price is about 26 yuan. It was a bit more expensive at first, with 27 and 28 yuan available, and now it is about 26 yuan.

The silkworm breeding industry is a traditional characteristic industry of Jiagui Township. In recent years, Jiagui Township has adhered to the leadership of party building, given full play to the fighting fortress role of grassroots party organizations and the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, and fully integrated party building into the development of the mulberry industry. Vigorously develop the sericulture industry through the operation model of “scatter planting and processing guarantee”. Through the pioneering demonstration of party members, the industry will be developed on the “chain” and the foundation for the revitalization of rural industries will be consolidated. In 2023, the township will have an area of ​​about 18,450 acres of mulberry gardens, 3,847 households planting mulberry and raising silkworms, with an annual output of about 4,494 tons of fresh cocoons, and the annual output value is expected to exceed 100 million yuan.

Jiagui Township Party Committee Deputy Secretary and Township Head Wei Wan

In the next step, our township will continue to increase support for sericulture farmers through industrial subsidies, micro-credit, breeding technology training, etc., optimize the development model of the sericulture industry, strengthen the upgrading and renovation of silkworm houses, and guide the masses to gradually realize the centralized factory Transform silkworms. Simultaneously promote the self-cultivation and self-breeding technology of young silkworms, strive to solve the supply problem of silkworms and ants, improve the quality of silkworms and increase agricultural income.

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