Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News The 2023 China International Cotton Conference was held, and industry insiders called for enhancing the power of China’s cotton brand

The 2023 China International Cotton Conference was held, and industry insiders called for enhancing the power of China’s cotton brand

The 2023 China International Cotton Conference was held, and industry insiders called for enhancing the power of China’s cotton brand From June 15th to 16th, the 2023 China Interna…

The 2023 China International Cotton Conference was held, and industry insiders called for enhancing the power of China’s cotton brand

From June 15th to 16th, the 2023 China International Cotton Conference was held in Guilin, Guangxi. Nearly 800 people from relevant domestic and foreign government departments, industry organizations, cotton merchants, textile companies and representatives of domestic brands attended the meeting. The theme of the conference is “Sustainable Development: The Future of Cotton”. Guests attending the conference will have in-depth discussions on topics such as “integrating into the new development pattern” and “promoting highqualitysustainable development in the industry”. Discuss.

At the “Sustainable Cotton and High-Quality Development” roundtable forum held at the same time, many cotton industry insiders called on companies throughout the industry chain to participate in the construction of China’s own sustainable cotton standard certification system to improve China’s cotton The brand power around the world promotes the export of related industries.

Promote the high-quality development of the cotton industry from three aspects

“China is a major country in cotton production, consumption, trade and textile and clothing exports. The cotton industry is directly related to the interests of cotton farmers and the development of the textile industry. It also affects foreign trade and stabilityemployment. As market demand gradually recovers, the cotton textile industry has achieved a good start, driving the prices of cotton and cotton yarn to gradually recover. This has laid a good material foundation for promoting the high-quality development of the cotton industry.” said Hou Shunli, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Board of Directors of the All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives.

In the future, how to better promote the high-quality development of the cotton industry? Hou Shunli believes that the high-quality development of the cotton industry can be promoted from three aspects: first, strengthening innovation leadership and enhancing high-quality development momentum; second, adhering to green development and advocating the promotion of green consumption; third, promoting open cooperation to achieve mutually beneficial and win-win development.

Gao Fang, President of the China Cotton Association, said that in the face of unfavorable factors such as rising raw material and energy prices and rising U.S. dollar interest rates, China’s cotton and textile industries will show strong resilience and rapid response capabilities in the supply chain in 2022, with production, Consumption and textile exports remained stable. Among them, the annual export of textiles and clothing reached US$323.35 billion, a year-on-year increase of 2.5%.

In Gao Fang’s view, the future development of China’s cotton industry must follow the path of high-quality and sustainable development. It must not only pursue quantitative growth, but also focus on quality improvement and regional coordination. While making the cake bigger, divide the cake well and allow the industry to develop. Benefit more stakeholders and make positive contributions to economic growth, technological progress, environmental protection, social development, etc.

Promote Xinjiang’s cotton advantages and promote international cooperation

Liang Yong, member of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference, deputy secretary-general of the People’s Government of the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and director of the Office of the Autonomous Region Cotton Industry Development Leading Group, gave a keynote speech on “Enhancing Xinjiang’s Cotton Competitive Advantages and Promoting International Cooperation in the Cotton Industry” and expressed his views on science and technology empowering Xinjiang. The high-quality development of cotton and prevention of industrial risks were elaborated and analyzed.

Liang Yong introduced that in recent years, Xinjiang’s cotton production has become significantly more intensive, large-scale, mechanized and intelligent. In 2022, the cotton mechanical harvest rate in Xinjiang will reach 85.6% (80.9% at the local level and 95.5% at the Xinjiang Corps). The cotton output in 25 major cotton-growing counties such as Shawan and Shaya has accounted for 90% of the total cotton output in Xinjiang.

It is mechanization, digitalization and intelligence that empowers the development of the entire industry chain of Xinjiang’s cotton industry, which has significantly improved Xinjiang’s cotton yield, total volume and quality, significantly enhanced international competitiveness, and the effect of industrial agglomeration has begun to appear, absorbing more jobs. It has made important contributions to Xinjiang’s economic development and social stability.

Liang Yong said that since 2019, in the face of U.S. anti-China forces spreading rumors, smearing, and suppressing sanctions, Xinjiang’s cotton industry has not collapsed, but has grown stronger. These show that the central government’s policies and measures to support the high-quality development of Xinjiang’s cotton industry are very important. Wise, correct, and effective, it is in line with the reality of Xinjiang, is conducive to the security of China’s cotton supply, and is conducive to the stability of the international textile and apparel industry chain and supply chain.

He said that some time ago, some social hot money spread rumors and hyped up Xinjiang’s cotton production cuts, driving up the spot price of Xinjiang cotton futures. Under the current situation of slow recovery in domestic consumer demand and sluggish exports of textiles and clothing, cotton demand growth is limited. How can cotton prices remain high?

He pointed out that it is necessary to learn deeply from the ups and downs of cotton prices, decline in cotton quality, high inventories of cotton processing companies, difficulties in repaying loans, and serious losses of cotton textile companies caused by hot money speculation and the “cotton grabbing” war in 2021, to prevent industrial risks, The government will not sit idly by.

Liang Yong believes that China’s Xinjiang region and its surrounding countries such as India, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan account for 60% of the world’s cotton production. Xinjiang cotton can be accelerated in terms of technology, trade and investment. Exchanges and cooperation between the industry and the “Belt and Road” countries will promote the sustainable development of my country’s cotton industry.

Promote the construction of sustainable standards for cotton in China

Internationally, many countries are promoting their own cotton standard certification systems.China’s cotton industry is also accelerating the promotion of sustainable cotton standards. According to reports, in June 2021, the China Cotton Association jointly launched the “China Cotton Sustainable Development Project (CCSD)” with four industry associations including the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Textiles, China Cotton Textile Industry Association, China Home Textile Industry Association, and China Garment Association. , committed to creating China’s first sustainable cotton standard, certification and evaluation system. The project aims to “produce sustainable cotton and promote sustainable cotton” and takes “environmentally friendly, high quality, respect for labor, and full traceability” as its concepts.

The China Cotton Association will release and implement the “China Cotton” sustainable production standards in April 2022. That year, CCSD completed the production audit and certification of more than 1.2 million acres of cotton fields, generating a total of 170,000 tons of sustainable cotton. At this meeting, the first batch of 19 sustainable cotton end products from three brands including Cotton Times, Shirushi brand and Pai brand under Esquel Group were listed for consumers to choose from.

According to Li Dehua, general manager of Xinjiang Lihua (Group) Co., Ltd. who participated in the roundtable forum, it is very necessary to promote China’s own standards. He believes that certified products will gain brand power. Although participation will consume energy and financial resources in the initial stage, if you persist, the company will eventually benefit. The participation of enterprises throughout the industry chain will help enhance the reputation of China’s cotton industry chain in the world.

Liu Hua, vice president of Shenzhen Cotton Times Technology Co., Ltd., said that with standard certification, many participants on the brand side can start a virtuous cycle in a healthy ecology, and consumers can quickly identify high-quality products. “The process of establishing standards from 0 to 1 is really difficult, but very valuable.” Liu Hua said.

Industry insiders are full of confidence in the prospects of China’s standard certification and the development of China’s related industries. Zhou Yejun, chairman of Wuxi Yimian Textile Group Co., Ltd., said that the Xinjiang cotton and Xinjiang yarn used by the company have been recognized by many well-known brands around the world. Industry participants should be full of industry and professional confidence and actively participate in certification projects. “Long-term success”, through unremitting efforts to improve quality, achieve sustainable high-quality development, and make China’s voice heard in the international market.

Guan Zhusun, executive vice president and chief operating officer of Responsible World (Beijing) Management Consulting Co., Ltd., is optimistic about the prospects of China’s cotton sustainable development project. He believes that this project is fully in line with international standards and its concept is consistent with the United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. He suggested that enterprises should advance in an appropriate and orderly manner based on actual conditions, while advocating open participation, learning from multiple parties, and persisting in advancement.

Wang Jianhong, executive vice president and secretary-general of the China Cotton Association, said that the purpose of establishing cotton sustainability standards is to standardize production, promote consumption, and enhance value at a higher level and within a larger scope. He called for the concerted efforts of the entire industry chain to promote the transformation of sustainable production and consumption patterns and create a sustainable future for China’s cotton industry.

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