Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Hunan releases the first batch of typical cases of new models and new business formats in the textile industry to give full play to the benchmarking effect of “three products”

Hunan releases the first batch of typical cases of new models and new business formats in the textile industry to give full play to the benchmarking effect of “three products”

Hunan releases the first batch of typical cases of new models and new business formats in the textile industry to give full play to the benchmarking effect of “three products…

Hunan releases the first batch of typical cases of new models and new business formats in the textile industry to give full play to the benchmarking effect of “three products”

The reporter learned from the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology that the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology has recently released the first batch of typical cases of new models and new business formats in the textile industry in Hunan Province. As of the end of 2022, there are 640 textile industry enterprises above designated size in the province, with about 110,000 employees and operating income of nearly 120 billion yuan. They are growing steadily and promotingPlayed a positive role in employment and protecting people’s livelihood.

The textile industry is not only an important people’s livelihood industry, but also an industry that enriches the people; it is both a basic industry and a fashion industry; it is both a traditional industry and a modern industry. In recent years, the Hunan Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government have attached great importance to the development of the textile industry, deployed and implemented light textile excellence projects, and accelerated the upgrading of traditional industries. Based on the industrial development foundation and resource advantages, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology and other departments have guided and vigorously supported the textile industry “Increasing varieties, improving quality, and creating brands” has cultivated several “three-product” benchmark enterprises, created a number of regional textile brands, and promoted the textile industry to achieve better development.

In order to give full play to the benchmarking effect of the “three products” and the typical demonstration role of the brand, and accelerate the promotion of high quality development in the textile industry, the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology recently organized the first batch of Collection and selection of typical cases of new models and new business formats in the textile industry in Hunan Province. After extensive collection, city and state recommendation, expert selection, social publicity and other procedures, 10 typical cases were selected, including 3 in the brand innovation category, 2 in the digital intelligence innovation category, 2 in the design innovation category, Technological Innovation, covering the main categories of the textile industry such as home textiles, clothing, cotton textiles, industrial textiles, and linen textiles.

This collection and release of typical cases is the result of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology focusing on promoting the quality and upgrading of traditional industries. Through focusing on typical cases, in-depth research, and comprehensive selection, it has discovered a group of representative, replicable, and promoteable cases in the industry. The experience and practices of design innovation, technological innovation, green innovation, and brand innovation will be given to the industry through publicity and promotion, so as to solve the pain points in process, technology, design, brand, market, etc. faced by the development of the textile industry in our province. , difficulties and blocking issues. The 10 typical cases are of great reference significance in terms of design innovation, brand innovation, digital innovation, technological innovation, etc. Through the demonstration of typical cases, they can inspire more companies in the industry to continue to develop in digital intelligence, branding, high-end and other aspects. Innovation creates new momentum for the industry and promotes the textile industry to achieve high-quality development and reach a new level.



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