Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Digitalization helps the textile and apparel industry chain extend to the mid-to-high end

Digitalization helps the textile and apparel industry chain extend to the mid-to-high end

Digitalization helps the textile and apparel industry chain extend to the mid-to-high end On June 21, the Henan Province Textile and Garment Industry Chain Digital Integration and …

Digitalization helps the textile and apparel industry chain extend to the mid-to-high end

On June 21, the Henan Province Textile and Garment Industry Chain Digital Integration and Garment Industry Talent Innovation and Development Forum was held at Zhengzhou Sesame Street. Industry experts, scholars, and entrepreneurs gathered together to discuss the path to highquality development in the textile and apparel industry.

“The innovative development of the textile and apparel industry and industrial talents requires resilience. We must strengthen our confidence and work together to push the development of the textile and apparel industry to new heights.” Wu Tong, a fourth-level researcher at the Consumer Goods Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said, We must insist on taking high-quality development as the primary task, work hard, take the initiative, accelerate the upgrading of the textile and apparel industry chain, and promote the innovative development of industrial talents. It is necessary to promote the digital development of the entire industry chain of consumer goods industries such as textiles and clothing, and encourage relevant universities to promote the cultivation of comprehensive talents such as digital design, digital management, and digital marketing.

At the forum, Henan Province’s Digital Intelligent Clothing Industry Talent Training Base and the Asian Fashion Color Joint Conference Zhengzhou Center were unveiled. Representatives from Xinxiang Chemical Fiber Co., Ltd., China Fashion Science and Technology Innovation Research Institute and other units gave keynote speeches focusing on promoting the digital transformation of the clothing industry, digital integration of the industrial chain and clothingintelligent manufacturing. Sun Xuemin, professor of Zhengzhou University, Wang Yongzheng, chairman of Henan Longyun Clothing Co., Ltd., and other experts had in-depth exchanges on topics such as the exploration and implementation of vocational education models in the garment industry.

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