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The first batch of spring silkworms in Gao County, Sichuan achieved a “good start”

The first batch of spring silkworms in Gao County, Sichuan achieved a “good start” Recently, the author learned from the relevant departments of Gao County, Sichuan Pro…

The first batch of spring silkworms in Gao County, Sichuan achieved a “good start”

Recently, the author learned from the relevant departments of Gao County, Sichuan Province that the first batch of 54,000 spring silkworms in the county handed over the “harvest answer sheet”: a total of 2.538 million kilograms of cocoons, and the income of silkworm farmers from cocoon payments reached 152 million yuan, a year-on-year increase 30%, silkworm production achieved a “good start”.

Gao County is the “Hometown of Chinese Sericulture” and “China’s High-Quality Cocoon Silk Production Base”. The county has 235,000 acres of mulberry gardens, ranking first in Sichuan Province in terms of planting area. In recent years, the county has combined the development of the sericulture industry with the promotion of rural revitalization. Taking “revitalizing sericulture through science and technology” as the starting point, it has promoted the quality and efficiency of the sericulture industry through “co-cultivation support + technology promotion”, and unleashed its potential to help farmers increase their income. More vitality.

“I fed 12 silkworms (seeds) in the first season and sold them for more than 36,000 yuan. I plan to feed two more in the second season and strive to earn more than 40,000 yuan.” In Guntuo Village, Laifu Town, Gao County , Hu Yongqiang, a sericulture farmer who had just sold his cocoons, was busy cleaning and disinfecting the silkworm room in preparation for the arrival of the second season of baby silkworms.

Thanks to the support of co-breeding technology of small silkworms, silkworm farmers no longer worry about small silkworms and focus on feeding large silkworms. The cocoon emergence is fast and the efficiency is good. The number of silkworm breeding batches has also increased from the traditional 4 batches a year to 6 batches. Secondly, the “short-term, flat and fast” efficiency advantages of the sericulture industry have been further highlighted, which has effectively promoted the increase in the income of sericulture farmers.

In the modern large-scale silkworm breeding factory in Renmin Village, Jiale Town, Gao County, a series of new technologies and new machines such as orbital lifting silkworm tables, automatic mulberry cutting machines, and automatic rotating trellis racks make raising silkworms simple and easy. Efficient. “In the past, the whole family was busy raising a few silkworms every season. Now with these high technologies, it saves a lot of trouble.” Zhou Song, a big silkworm farmer in the village, can raise silkworms every year by leasing a large silkworm breeding factory in the village. There are more than 40 pictures, and the annual income exceeds 100,000 yuan.

Sericulture is a technical activity, and mulberry garden management and feeding techniques are also the keys to increasing cocoon production. The agricultural technology service team of the county’s sericulture station visits villages and households to guide sericulture farmers in all aspects of mulberry garden management, raising, bunching, cocoon harvesting, etc., to improve the sericulture farmers’ technical level in mulberry planting and sericulture. At the same time, we will continue to strengthen the improvement of silkworm and mulberry varieties, actively promote checkered clusters and labor-saving sericulture technology, and further increase the income of sericulture farmers by improving yields and quality.

“In the past, raising silkworms relied on luck. Now, not only do agricultural technicians come to provide guidance, but the government also sends us mulberry seedlings and fertilizers for free. We are confident that we can raise silkworms well and live better and better days.” Luochang, Gao County Huang Dingyong, a silkworm farmer in Zhenhongqi Village, earned nearly 10,000 yuan from the three pieces of spring silkworms he carefully fed. After tasting the benefits, he was full of confidence in raising silkworms.

It is worth mentioning that the purchase price of silkworm cocoons in the first quarter of this year was also particularly gratifying, with the average purchase price reaching 60 yuan per kilogram, a record high. As the sericulture industry becomes more and more profitable, villagers welcome “silkworm babies” into their homes one after another. At present, there are 386 silkworm co-breeding rooms and 32 co-breeding factories in the county, and nearly 100,000 rural people are engaged in sericulture production. In the next step, the county will continue to strengthen the promotion of small silkworm co-breeding technology, and at the same time actively promote the “company + sericulture farmers” order model, further extend the sericulture industry chain, promote the development of the sericulture industry to mid-to-high-end and cluster, and make small sericulture a way to get rich and increase income. “Big Industry”.



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