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The National Industrial Textiles Enterprise Party Building Work Exchange Meeting was successfully held

The National Industrial Textiles Enterprise Party Building Work Exchange Meeting was successfully held The century-old journey has been magnificent, and the mission at the beginnin…

The National Industrial Textiles Enterprise Party Building Work Exchange Meeting was successfully held

The century-old journey has been magnificent, and the mission at the beginning of the century has become stronger with time. On the occasion of celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party, in order to fully implement Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, actively promote the extension of party building to the grassroots and expand in depth, and fully display the nationalindustrial textilesResults of enterprise party building work, on May 11, in the loud sound of the national anthem, “celebrating the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party and promoting highqualitydevelopment of the industry” Party building work of national industrial textile enterprises The exchange meeting kicked off in Longgang, Wenzhou, Zhejiang.

The conference is hosted by the China Industrial Textiles Industry Association, hosted by the Longgang Municipal People’s Government, and co-organized by Huahao Nonwoven Co., Ltd. The meeting invited representatives of grassroots party organizations from industrial clusters, enterprises, etc. to carry out party history study and education in the industry, exchanges on strengthening industrial innovation through party building, promoting industry upgrading through party building, and exploring new The era’s grassroots party organization party building work methods lead the high-quality development of the industry and welcome the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China with outstanding results.

Gao Yong, Secretary and Secretary-General of the Party Committee of the China Textile Industry Federation, Member of the Party Committee and Vice President of the China Textile Industry Federation, Secretary of the Party Branch of the China Industrial Textiles Industry Association, President Li Lingshen, President of China Textile Workers Ideological and Political Work Research Association and Director of the Party Office of China Textile Industry Federation Xing Guanlei, Vice President of China Industrial Textiles Industry Association, Party Branch Organization Member and Discipline Inspection Committee Li Guimei, China Industrial Textiles Industry Association Zhu Xiusen, deputy secretary and secretary-general of the branch, Li Xiaodong, doctor of party history from Renmin University of China and lecturer at Zhejiang Red Boat Cadre College, Zheng Jianzhong, secretary of the Longgang Municipal Party Committee, Zhou Yanwei, deputy secretary of the Longgang Municipal Party Committee, Huang Xianman, member of the Standing Committee of the Longgang Municipal Party Committee and director of the Second Office, Longgang City Huang Zhenguo, deputy mayor of the People’s Government, Miao Chaoyang, deputy director of the Organization Department of the Longgang Municipal People’s Government, Lin Youhua, chairman of Huahao Nonwoven Co., Ltd., Lin Guohua, chairman of Zhejiang Huahao Holdings Co., Ltd. and other leading guests attended the meeting.

The meeting was chaired by Li Guimei.

After the meeting, the guests visited the factory production line and party-mass service center of Huahao Nonwovens Co., Ltd. to understand how the company closely integrates party organization building with corporate development goals, and leads group building through party building to achieve party building work and party-mass service center. The value goals of enterprise development are concentric, moving in the same direction and working together.

Study a century of party history and gather industry strength

Gao Yong said that at last year’s National Commendation Conference for Fighting the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic, many industrial textile companies were commended. In the face of major disasters and epidemics, they showed responsibility and social responsibility, which is the comprehensive performance of industrial textile companies since the 18th National Congress. On the basis of improving the party organization building, we have made outstanding contributions by strengthening the role of the party organization as a fighting fortress. Studying the history of the Party must be combined with the history of the development of the textile industry. In the past 100 years, my country’s textile industry, textile workers, party organizations and party members at all levels in the textile industry have made historical contributions. Zhao Mengtao, Hao Jianxiu, A group of model workers such as Wu Guixian have condensed advanced concepts such as the “Mengtao Spirit” and “Hao Jianxiu Work Method”. These valuable spiritual wealth in the textile industry have inspired generations of textile workers to be brave in innovation, dedication, excellence, and striving for excellence. The most beautiful striver in the new era.

With the theme of “Learning Party History, Promoting Development, and Gathering Majestic Power for Building a Powerful Country in Textile Science and Technology”, Li Lingshen introduced the Chinese spirit built by the century-old party history and how Chinese power can help China’s scientific and technological development and socialist modernization. journey. Learning party history, understanding ideas, doing practical things, and opening up new situations, the industrial textiles industry bears the heavy responsibility of fully realizing the dream of becoming a powerful nation in textile science and technology. The biggest new situation is to start the great cause of comprehensively building a strong country in textile science and technology.

Li Lingshen said that at present, my country’s textile technology has made major breakthroughs in “stuck-neck” technology. The patent awards in the textile industry, the R&D investment of industrial enterprises above the industry’s designated size, and the formulation of industry standards have increased significantly. However, it is also faced with weak basic research capabilities in the industry and enterprises. Challenges include low technological innovation capabilities and relatively weak industrial chain integrated innovation. In the future, the development of textile science and technology will move towards high-end, high-tech, diversified, ecological and unknown fields, becoming a breakthrough project to realize the innovation of basic industrial capabilities, a strong foundation project for core common technology innovation, and an excellence in high-end alternative engineering application technology. Engineering, keep up with the technological trends of the times, and actively integrate into the development trend.

With the theme of “Reviewing the History of the Founding of the Party and Carrying forward the Red Boat Spirit”, Li Xiaodong shared the spiritual power extracted from the “Red Boat Spirit”, the historical footprints nurtured by the “Red Boat Spirit”, and the contemporary value of the inheritance of the “Red Boat Spirit” . He said that the “Red Boat Spirit” is the pioneering spirit of pioneering and daring to be the first, the spirit of firm ideals and perseverance, the spirit of dedication to building a party for the public and being loyal to the people. It is also what the Chinese Communists have practiced in the great practice of founding the party. A revolutionary spirit formed, that is, the great party-building spirit. This spirit is profound in connotation, profound in thought, and timeless. It is the spiritual source that the Communists pass on from generation to generation.force to promote high-quality development of enterprises.

Liu Qiang, Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Shaanxi Textile Science Research Institute, shared a case study of party building work on public platforms. Shaanxi Textile Science Research Institute, as a national and regional key textile research unit and high-tech enterprise, is mainly engaged in the research, development, production, and production of safety protection textiles, high-performance fiber reinforced material preforms, agricultural textiles and other industrial textiles and textile electromechanical products. Sales and textile technology information services, testing and measurement and other businesses. Over the years, the company’s party-building work has mainly focused on “raising the level” of political construction, “broadening” ideological construction, “digging depth” of organizational construction, “increasing the system” of the decision-making process, and “grasp of the party-building team. “Talent “, “increase efforts” in the construction of party style and clean government, and promote development through party building.

Chen Zengjie, full-time deputy secretary of the Party Branch of Huahao Nonwovens Co., Ltd., shared cases of party building work in private enterprises with the theme of “Party and enterprise work together to develop together”. He introduced that focusing on “party building guidance and red action”, the company’s party building work is mainly carried out from four aspects: first, red care unites the hearts of employees, establishes a “red fund”, opens a “convenient express”, and creates a “warm harbor”; It is the red incentive that leads the development trend. It carries out orientation activities to stimulate new motivation for new employees, conducts orientation training to improve the comprehensive quality of employees, and carries out golden idea activities to strengthen employees’ thinking ability; thirdly, red helps shoulder responsibilities and go deep into village enterprises. Pair up and assist in poverty alleviation, be committed to public welfare, establish a high-quality image, adhere to epidemic prevention and control, and contribute to social love; fourth, red leadership helps enterprise development and deeply integrates party building work with enterprise reform and development, and operation and management.

At the end of the meeting, a party flag handover ceremony was held. Lin Youhua, chairman of Huahao Nonwovens Co., Ltd., passed the party flag to He Weilin, chairman of Yongfei Holding Group Co., Ltd. In 2022, the National Industrial Textiles Enterprise Party Building Work Exchange Conference will be held in Held in Yongfei, Hunan.

To recall a century of party history, understand the original intention and mission, and promote industry development, history is the best textbook, and the history of the Chinese revolution is the best nutrition. Standing on the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party and the beginning of the “14th Five-Year Plan”, our country is embarking on a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country. As a sub-field of the textile industry, the industrial textiles industry is also forging ahead, daring to create, and making new achievements on its great journey, striving to support the dream of a technological, green, and fashionable textile power. This meeting leads everyone to review the original mission, learn from the advanced models of party building work in grassroots party organizations, and explore the future integration of party building and technological innovation. It is the source of motivation to stimulate high-quality development of the industry.



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