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How to maintain composite fabrics? What are composite fabrics used for?

How to maintain composite fabrics? What are composite fabrics used for? The most common fabrics we come into contact with in our daily lives are cotton, linen, silk or animal hair …

How to maintain composite fabrics? What are composite fabrics used for?

The most common fabrics we come into contact with in our daily lives are cotton, linen, silk or animal hair fibers. But what you may not know is that there are far more categories of fabrics than just these. There are many There are many types of fabrics, including many functional fabrics, such as composite fabrics. How about the maintenance of composite fabrics? What are composite fabrics used for?

How to maintain composite fabrics? What are the uses of composite fabrics?

Uses of composite fabrics
Composite fabrics are used in many places in our lives. It is a combination of multi-layer textile materials or non-woven materials and other materials with certain functions. The flexible materials are made by bonding and laminating. After such operation, the advantages of the two fabrics will be integrated, so it can be used not only for clothing, but also for sofas or curtains. For example, people who love outdoor sports will require their clothing to have a certain waterproof and windproof effect. This kind of functional fabric is also made of composite materials. It feels light and thin but is very wear-resistant. While ensuring the windproof effect, it can also be used to breathability.

Composite fabric maintenance
This kind of fabric uses new synthetic fiber technology in the weaving process, so it can have better effects than ordinary synthetic fibers, and the surface of the fabric is fine. Clean and refined, and the color will be brighter. But similarly, more stringent technical requirements are required during the processing, because when the surface fabric and lining are bonded, they are required to be formed in one go. In addition, this kind of fabric also needs to be paid attention to during daily maintenance. We cannot dry clean it when cleaning, because the dry cleaning solution will destroy the coating on the surface of the fabric, so that the waterproof effect cannot be achieved, so cleaning can only It is done by hand, and there is no need to clean it too frequently. You only need to wipe it with a clean damp cloth after each wear.

The above is a summary of the relevant knowledge of composite fabrics for everyone. Of course, Hall 3 Mall ( also provides wholesale and retail services of composite fabrics. Friends in need can Search “composite fabric” directly in the mall to check the specific price.



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