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The leadership team of the sixth council of China Cotton Industry Association was established and Dong Kuiyong was elected as president

The leadership team of the sixth council of the China Cotton Industry Association was established and Dong Kuiyong was elected president 1 2 Next page On May 24, the 6th Member Con…

The leadership team of the sixth council of the China Cotton Industry Association was established and Dong Kuiyong was elected president

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On May 24, the 6th Member Congress of the China Cotton Textile Industry Association, the 1st Council of the 6th Session and the 1st Standing Council of the 6th Session were held in Jiangsu Held in Wuxi. Gao Yong, Party Secretary and Secretary-General of the ChinaTextile Industry Federation, Duan Xiaoping, Vice President of the China Textile and Apparel Federation, Sun Xiaoyin, Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and Director of the Human Resources Department of the China Textile and Apparel Federation , Han Ping, President of Jiangsu Textile Industry Association, Zhu Beina, President of China Cotton Textile Industry Association, Vice President Dong Kuiyong, Vice President Ye Jianchun, Vice President Zheng Jiewen, Secretary General Li Jie and other relevant leaders and guests, as well as relevant leaders and guests of China Textile Federation Nearly 300 people including department heads, member companies of the China Cotton Textile Industry Association and heads of related upstream and downstream industries attended the meeting.

The meeting was chaired by Zheng Jiewen, vice president of the China Cotton Textile Industry Association.

The conference comprehensively sorted out and summarized the industry work carried out during the fifth session of the China Cotton Textile Industry Association’s Council, and elected a new Council. Dong Kuiyong was elected as the new president of the China Cotton Textile Industry Association, Zheng Jiewen, Li Jie, Wang Yao, Jing Shenquan and the heads of 20 cotton textile enterprises were elected as vice presidents, and Li Jie also served as secretary-general.

From a high position – jointly build a high quality development future for the industry

In his speech, Gao Yong, Party Secretary and Secretary-General of the China Textile and Apparel Federation, congratulated the convening of this meeting, fully affirmed the high-quality development of the cotton textile industry, and was full of expectations for the work of the new leadership team. He said that in recent years, the development of my country’s textile industry as a whole has been in a stage of deep adjustment and transformation, focusing on improving the quality of development, and the growth rate of economic aggregate has continued to slow down. At present, my country’s textile industry is still facing great pressure, including insufficient motivation for fixed asset investment and a decline in industry economic profits. After the fourth quarter of 2020, the production and domestic demand market of the textile industry have shown an accelerated recovery trend. Thanks to the drive of terminal demand, the Downstream transactions have maintained synchronized growth, new channels and new models have brought new consumption growth points, online retail channels have maintained growth, and textile and apparel exports have maintained steady growth. Among them, the added value of the national textile industry above designated size in the first quarter of 2021 increased by 20.3% year-on-year. Taking the first quarter of 2019 as the base period, the cumulative growth in the two years was 0.5%, indicating that the industry’s production scale has returned to pre-epidemic levels. Especially as the domestic epidemic prevention and control situation consolidates and improves, the domestic demand market has recovered significantly; the export scale of the textile industry has also exceeded the level of the same period before the epidemic.

He pointed out that 2021 is the first year of the “14th Five-Year Plan”. Looking back on the past five years, my country’s textile industry has continued to achieve rapid development on the basis of being the world’s largest producer, laying the foundation for high-quality development during the “14th Five-Year Plan” Lay a solid foundation for development. Whether in terms of scale or comprehensive capabilities, the goal of becoming a textile powerhouse has been basically achieved as scheduled. According to the competitiveness assessment results of my country’s 26 manufacturing industries carried out by the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the textile industry is one of my country’s five leading industries in the world and is in the first echelon in the process of building my country into a manufacturing power.

Regarding the development of the industry during the “14th Five-Year Plan”, he said that the future will be full of risks but there will still be opportunities. He emphasized that in the future, the industry must face uncertain and unstable factors at home and abroad, strive to open up the international cycle, further smooth the domestic cycle, enhance the autonomy and sustainability of development, enhance resilience, maintain stable and healthy development of the industry; continue to crack the development of the industry The “stuck neck” problem in fibernew materials, new spinning technology, weavingintelligent, etc. Provide an important path for the high-quality development of the textile industry; we must use “carbon peak carbon neutrality” as the driving force to build China’s own brands and fashion soft power and achieve green transformation of the industry.

Han Ping, President of Jiangsu Textile Industry Association, congratulated the convening of this meeting in his speech. He first introduced the development of the textile industry in Jiangsu Province. As a major textile province, Jiangsu has gradually increased its characteristic enterprises in recent years and the industry has developed steadily. Standing at the intersection of two centenary goals, China’s textile industry will take technology, fashion, and green development as its new orientation in the future. In this regard, Jiangsu textile enterprises must focus on four aspects of work. First, they must vigorously Promote research on new fibers and lead the development of subsequent textile products; second, we must vigorously promote automation, digitalization, and intelligence processes; third, we must vigorously promote the construction of clothing and home textile brands, and lead fashion with brands; fourth, we must vigorously promote green manufacturing and strengthen the improvement of production and equipment levels. Standing at a new historical starting point, we must continue to strengthen institutional innovation, pay attention to environmental friendliness, make a good start for the realization of the “14th Five-Year Plan” for the textile industry, welcome the 100th anniversary of the Party with excellent results, and jointly build China New advantages for textiles in global competition in the future. <�The honorary title of "Thirteenth Five-Year Plan" high-quality development demonstration enterprise in China's cotton textile industry.

In his concluding speech, Duan Xiaoping, Vice President of the China Textile and Apparel Industry Federation, fully affirmed the work of the fifth council of the China Cotton Industry Association on behalf of the China Textile and Apparel Industry Federation, and expressed his appreciation for the sixth Member Congress and the Sixth Congratulations to the newly elected sixth council and leadership team for the successful convening of the first council and standing council. He said that the development of my country’s cotton textile industry has made great progress in the past five years. In terms of production capacity and output, it currently owns more than half of the world’s spinning and weaving production capacity, making it a veritable textile power. It provides about 20 million tons of cotton yarn and 60 billion meters of cotton woven fabrics every year, providing healthy downstream industries. Development provides a strong supply guarantee. From the perspective of scientific and technological progress, the level of technical equipment in my country’s cotton textile industry continues to improve. Automatic winders have basically covered all ring spinning production capacity, and the level of intelligent production and modern management has been greatly improved. 80% of the world’s high-count yarns of more than 60 counts are produced in China, and more than 60% of the world’s high-end shirt fabrics that reflect the level of spinning and weaving are produced in China. From the perspective of industry work, the association’s operations continue to innovate, the industry’s green energy-saving emission reduction technology promotion, yarnfashion trendsresearch and release, cotton textilenew Productidentification, non-cotton fiber application torchbearer recommendation and organization of the National Textile Industry Basketball League have all opened up new development ideas for industry services and greatly enhanced industry cohesion. Duan Xiaoping emphasized that standing at a new historical starting point, the industry must achieve high-quality development and the association must play a greater role. The association should speak for enterprises, help the industry, and share burdens with the government. It should strive to establish a win-win platform for the government, industry, and enterprises.

He who walks alone is fast, but those who walk in groups are far away. He hopes that under the leadership of the new leadership team, the China Cotton Industry Association will continue to improve organizational construction, enhance business capabilities, and build an efficient team. He hopes that the association will continue to strengthen its “services for enterprises, be good advisers to the government, and create opportunities for employees.” value” mission responsibility. To this end, he put forward three suggestions: first, improve ideological understanding and strengthen team building; second, innovate work concepts and enhance service awareness; third, deepen work functions and enhance business value. Among them, we will focus on four aspects, continue to promote the market-oriented reform of the cotton system, and seek a fair competitive environment for Chinese cotton textile enterprises in the market; continue to report “Xinjiang-related” issues to relevant national departments, and provide relief to enterprises encountering difficulties. Strive for and implement government policy support, guide enterprises to actively start internal circulation, and explore domestic and international markets; plan long-term cotton planting issues, cotton quality issues, and Xinjiang cotton textile development issues from the perspective of industrial safety, and actively provide advice and suggestions to the government; strengthen Technical exchanges and cross-border cooperation will continuously improve the level and coverage of intelligent manufacturing and promote high-quality development of the industry. With a new look and style, we will solidly promote the construction of the association, create a new situation in the industry, and write a new and magnificent chapter for the bright future of my country’s cotton textile industry.



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