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Building textile industry clusters from four dimensions

Build textile industry clusters from four dimensions Industrial clusters, in terms of their status and role, are important cells that store and release the energy of the economic b…

Build textile industry clusters from four dimensions

Industrial clusters, in terms of their status and role, are important cells that store and release the energy of the economic body of China’s workwear industry. They are the strategic high ground for the competitive advantage of China’s workwear industry. They are also the “point-to-point innovation” and “chain” integration of China’s workwear industry. The best transformation window for “formal innovation” and “collaborative innovation”.

Since the reform and opening up, thanks to the rapid development of the national economy, and With the strong momentum of market-oriented allocation of resources, the workwear industry cluster has achieved good progress. This is specifically reflected in several aspects: the resource agglomeration effect is obvious, the level of public services is gradually improved, the innovation ability is continuously enhanced, and the regional brand effect is initially revealed.

In terms of type, the fabric workwear industry clusters have their own characteristics. There are those that develop vertically across the entire industry chain, those that are characterized by a certain industry, and those that are represented by small categories of products in subdivided professional fields, but the common points are scale, specialization, and agglomeration.

About 65%~70% of the production and sales of the workwear industry comes from For industrial clusters, its importance is self-evident. Since the China Fabric Industry Federation launched the “Industrial Cluster Demonstration Pilot” work in 2002, after 14 years of cultivation and progress, the number of cluster demonstration pilots in the workwear industry has reached 59. According to incomplete statistics from the China Workwear Association in the first half of 2016, the 49 pilot clusters that submitted statistical data had a total industrial output value of 886.9 billion yuan in 2015, a main business income of 800.4 billion yuan, and a total profit of 67.3 billion yuan.

Industrial clusters have gone through the original industrial agglomeration stage, the industrial related agglomeration stage and the industry The innovation aggregation stage has now entered a new round of strategic adjustment stage. As the saying goes: Don’t forget your original intention and keep moving forward.

The current industry development challenges are unprecedented, but many industrial clusters have already established clear ideas and decisive measures to accelerate the pace of transformation and upgrading, such as collaborative innovation of the industrial chain, construction of cross-border e-commerce systems, regional brand cultivation, talent echelon construction, etc. The “2015 Workwear Industry Cluster Work Report” and the “China Workwear Industry Cluster “13th Five-Year Plan” Upgrading and Progress Strategy Outline” have very good guiding significance for the industry and fully elaborate on the common issues of industry development and the next work direction. The future progress of the workwear industry cluster is related to the long-term progress of the workwear industry. In order to further carry out the pilot work of the industrial cluster, different work will be carried out around the four dimensions of upward, downward, outward and inward.

Upward – leading the upgrade, using public service platforms to enhance regional brands and individual brands

Industrial clusters are the “best incubators” for regional brands and individual corporate brands. In the future, it should not only be a gathering of production capacity and scale, but also a gathering of recognition and reputation. This is inseparable from the conscious shaping and polishing of one’s own public brand. At the same time, within industrial clusters, on the one hand, we should strengthen the pioneering leadership of leading and leading brands, and at the same time, we should actively create a group of “hidden champions” of small and medium-sized enterprises with unique competitive advantages to build a healthy, balanced, and lively industry. Cluster innovation ecology.

The effective way to improve is to continuously use the public service platform to promote cluster development promotion effect.
<br sResponsible and self-disciplined, promote corporate social responsibility and green supply chain construction

Corporate social responsibility construction has a good foundation in the fabric workwear industry. The all-round social responsibility construction of people-oriented, environmental protection, fair competition, and consumer safety is a solid support for the sustainable development of the industry and regional brand building. The construction of social responsibility in the workwear industry is not only crucial to the leading brand companies in the industry, but also has a direct pulling effect on a large number of small and medium-sized enterprises and even small and micro enterprises in the industry chain. Therefore, the construction of corporate social responsibility is the key to the healthy ecological construction of China’s fabric workwear. This important link is an organic component of corporate brand and regional brand building and should attract everyone’s full attention. China Textile Federation has decided to fully open the social responsibility governance system CSC9000T to enterprises in the industry, and will take various measures to promote social responsibility construction at the enterprise level.

By vigorously promoting the construction of corporate social responsibility, driving regional brands is a cluster economy The inevitable path to development is that the beneficiaries are first of all the small and medium-sized enterprises within the cluster. While strengthening the regional brand image, continuing to build corporate independent brands is also a strong support for regional brands.



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