Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Reshaping the development pattern amid changes, China’s textile industry embarks on a new journey during the “14th Five-Year Plan”

Reshaping the development pattern amid changes, China’s textile industry embarks on a new journey during the “14th Five-Year Plan”

Reshaping the development pattern amid changes, China’s textile industry embarks on a new journey during the “14th Five-Year Plan” As a traditional industry in Ch…

Reshaping the development pattern amid changes, China’s textile industry embarks on a new journey during the “14th Five-Year Plan”

As a traditional industry in China, the textile industry has left an indelible mark in the long history. From being unable to meet domestic demand to clothing the world, China’s textile industry has gradually become the core force supporting the smooth operation of the world’s textile industry system. Today, China’s textile industry stands at the top of the world’s textile industry, and is one step closer to realizing the goal of becoming a world textile power, showing the world the strength and confidence of China’s textile industry.

Six steps for industry development

Since the founding of New China, several generations of textile people have experienced the hardships of starting a business, as well as the heroic spirit of building mountains and rivers. From a historical perspective and observing the development of the industry in the context of the times, the textile industry can be divided into six stages.

First, the industry has grown up, from poverty to a complete system, and the industry has laid a solid foundation. The founding of New China has enabled China’s textile industry to completely get rid of the embarrassing situation of surviving in the cracks and usher in a new era of rapid development. The textile industry has successively planned and laid out five new textile bases and the (Shanxi) JingweiTextile Machinery Factory and Zhengzhou Textile Machinery Factory, quickly opening up the large-scale construction of the textile industry; as of 1978, Our country has built 153 textile machinery factories, relying on independent research and development to manufacture complete sets of equipment, and has built production bases for cotton, wool, silk, linen, chemical fiber, printing and dyeing, etc. During this period, our country has basically established a textile industry system with complete categories and complete supply chains, laying a solid foundation for the long-term development of China’s textile industry.

Second, opening up has set the pattern. From closed and semi-closed to open to the outside world, the industry has opened up a broad space. As a pioneer in reform and opening up, the textile industry actively follows the trend of the times. In 1979, the Ministry of Textile Industry established Shenzhen Hualian Textile United Company as a window for China’s textile industry economy to directly open to the outside world; later, the “Qing Textile United” industrial enterprise jointly operated textile imports and exports in Qingdao. /font> Trade pilot, the textile industry has gradually become the core source of foreign exchange earnings from my country’s exports. In 1983, marked by the elimination of cloth stamps and opening up of supply, China’s textile industry took the lead in bidding farewell to the shortage economy and became the earliest and best solution to the five major people’s livelihood issues. From 1984 to 1992, the export volume of textile and clothing increased by 5.9 times, with an average annual growth rate of 27.23%. China’s share of world textile and clothing exports increased from 6.4% to 10.2%; Imported fiber Raw materials expanded from 600,000 tons to 1.34 million tons; the import and export surplus increased by 5.7 times, reversing my country’s continued deficit in goods trade. The continuous deepening of reform and opening up has expanded space for the development of the textile industry.

The third is to enter a stable period, from discussing the surname “social” to “capital” to firm market economy, which has stimulated the development vitality of the industry. During this period, the marketization of the textile industry continued to deepen, and the ownership structure began to undergo major changes. Loose economic policies and a stable market environment have led to the emergence of a large number of private textile and garment enterprises and their competitiveness has been continuously improved. In the late 1990s, the implementation of the policy of “pressing spindles to relieve difficulties” created a “fully competitive” market environment for the textile industry, forming a development pattern in which the state retreated and the people advanced, and the vitality of the industry was further released.

Fourth, we enthusiastically support the market. From shallow openness to deep integration, the industry has followed the trend of the times. After joining the WTO in 2001, China began to deeply integrate into the global value chain, providing a major historical opportunity for the textile and apparel industry to fully unleash its competitiveness. In the tide of economic globalization, China’s textile industry has entered the “fast lane” and ushered in the “golden period”. The industry’s position in the world’s textile value chain has steadily improved, its market share has continued to expand, and its influence and voice have continued to increase.

Fifth, growth amidst challenges. From rapid expansion to growing pains, the industry has accelerated its transformation exploration. With the occurrence of the global financial crisis in 2008, demand in the international textile and apparel market shrank, posing huge challenges to the development of the industry. In response to the confusion about the direction of industry development, the pain of transformation and upgrading, and the itch of continued growth, in April 2009, the State Council issued the “Textile Industry Adjustment and Revitalization Plan” and supporting supporting policies. , the industry’s confidence in development has been greatly encouraged. The industry has opened up markets externally, tapped potential internally, adjusted the product industrial structure in a timely manner, actively promoted the integration of informatization and informatization, and accelerated the embrace of the network economy. It has finally achieved slow progress and further consolidated its position in the global textile industry.

The sixth is to open a new era of value. From a century-old change to a century-old dream, the industry has entered a new stage of development. At present, our country has the most complete modern textile industry manufacturing system in the world, and the manufacturing capabilities and levels of all links in the industrial chain are among the best in the world. In 2018, my country’s total fiber processing volume was approximately 54.6 million tons, accounting for 51.28% of the world’s total fiber processing volume, nearly 20 times that of 1978; chemical fiber production exceeded 50 million tons, accounting for more than two-thirds of global fiber production; 60 80% of yarn count and above is produced in China, more than 90% of colored yarn is produced in China, 60% of high-end shirt yarn-dyed fabrics are produced in China, 30% of high-end denim fabrics are produced in China, and high-count and high-density fabrics are produced in China. Fabric production technology master�In China.

Start again from a new starting point

2021 is the first year of the “14th Five-Year Plan”. Standing at a new historical starting point, the textile industry is also facing new historical tasks and issues of the times. Recently, the China Textile and Apparel Industry Federation issued the “Textile Industry “14th Five-Year Plan” Development Outline” and “Guiding Opinions on Technology, Fashion, and Green Development” (hereinafter referred to as the “Outline and Guiding Opinions”), clarifying the textile industry during the “14th Five-Year Plan” period. The positioning of the industry in the entire national economy, namely: the pillar industries of the national economy and social development, the basic industries that solve people’s livelihood and beautify life, and the advantageous industries of international cooperation and integrated development; the long-term goals of the industry in 2035 are proposed, that is, 2035 When our country basically becomes a modern socialist country, our country’s textile industry must become the main driver of the world’s textile technology, an important leader of global fashion, and a powerful promoter of sustainable development.

Sun Ruizhe, president of the China Textile and Apparel Industry Federation, said that using this as a guide, the “Outline and Guiding Opinions” provide the key directions for industry development in the future. That is to strengthen the strategic support capabilities of technological innovation, which is the driving force for the development of the industry. Thequality, depth, and efficiency of industry development depend on the quality, depth, and efficiency of technological innovation. We must firmly grasp the “narrow nose” of technological innovation, break through major bottlenecks, and create a powerful engine for industrial development.

Building a high-quality textile manufacturing system is the foundation for the growth of the industry. The manufacturing system is the backbone of industrial innovation and value realization. To create a high-quality textile manufacturing system, it requires not only breakthroughs and strengthening, but also systematic advancement and improvement. During the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, we must focus on quality and efficiency to enhance the high-end and modernization level of the manufacturing system.

Smoothing the industrial cycle with domestic demand as the strategic basis is the focus of industry development. Accelerating the cultivation of a complete domestic demand system is a major scientific judgment and strategic choice made by the Party Central Committee with a profound understanding of the domestic and international development trends. The textile industry will focus on better meeting people’s living needs and create high-quality life with high-quality supply.

Improving the level and level of international development is the pattern positioning of the industry. Only by fully integrating into the world can we become a world-class industry. The textile industry must conform to the trend of globalization and create new advantages in international cooperation and competition with a more open pattern.

Promoting the fashion development and brand building of the industry is the high value of the industry. Promoting fashion development and brand building in the textile and apparel industry is an important way to enhance industrial value and influence and stimulate cultural confidence and consciousness.

Promoting social responsibility construction and sustainable development is the future potential of the industry. The construction of ecological civilization is a millennium plan of the Chinese nation. Establishing a green low-carbon cycle system is an important way for the textile industry to practice the concept of green development and achieve the goal of peak carbon neutrality.

Optimizing domestic layout and improving development coordination is the spatial layout of the industry. Coordinated development of industries and regions is a powerful way to leverage comparative advantages and resource potential, and is an inherent requirement to achieve more balanced and sufficient development.

Constructing a safe development system for the textile industry is the bottom line of industry safety. Under the new situation, safety issues have become the core concern of the industry and are placed in a prominent position. It is necessary to integrate safety development into all fields and the entire process of industrial development, and firmly grasp the initiative in development.



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