Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers Applications Create a world-class industry with a more open pattern – Interview with Sun Ruizhe of China Textile Federation

Create a world-class industry with a more open pattern – Interview with Sun Ruizhe of China Textile Federation

Create a world-class industry with a more open pattern – Interview with Sun Ruizhe of China Textile Federation Food, clothing, housing and transportation are related to peopl…

Create a world-class industry with a more open pattern – Interview with Sun Ruizhe of China Textile Federation

Food, clothing, housing and transportation are related to people’s daily lives. The textile industry has always been an important industry related to people’s livelihood. During the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, how should my country’s textile industry take the initiative and develop innovatively? How should the textile industry grasp both domestic and international markets? Recently, a reporter from Economic Daily interviewed Sun Ruizhe, President of China Textile Industry Federation.

Reporter: Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, what significant changes have occurred in my country’s textile industry in recent years?

Sun Ruizhe: Looking back, the party has united and led the industry to achieve world-renowned achievements, standing at the top of the world’s textile industry. Especially since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the overall development of the textile industry has been steady and progressive. The industry’s technological innovation, brand building, and talentCultivation and green development have leapt to a new level, and most indicators have reached the world’s advanced level, making outstanding contributions to building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way.

The system and scale advantages of the textile industry have been continuously strengthened, forming the largest and most complete industrial system in the world. Its production and manufacturing capabilities and international trade scale have long ranked first in the world, and its position in the global value chain has steadily improved. In 2020, my country’s total textile fiber processing volume reached 58 million tons, accounting for more than 50% of the world’s share, and its chemical fiber output accounted for more than 70% of the world’s total; textile and clothingexports It reached US$299 billion, accounting for more than one-third of the world’s total, ranking first in the world.

At the same time, the development quality and development efficiency of the textile industry have been continuously improved, and the industrial structure has been comprehensively optimized and upgraded. At the end of the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan“, my country has become the country with the widest coverage of fiber production varieties. Among them, the total production capacity of high-performance fibers accounts for more than one-third of the world’s total, and the processing volume of industrial textiles fibers has increased by more than 40% compared with 2015.

What is even more gratifying is that a large number of small giant companies, individual champion companies and industry chain leading companies have emerged in the industry. As of the end of 2020, the number of listed textile and apparel companies in Shanghai and Shenzhen has reached 192.

Reporter: How to strengthen the strategic support of science and technology to achieve independence, controllability, self-reliance and self-reliance?

Sun Ruizhe: The textile industry has always placed scientific and technological innovation at the core. Industrial scientific and technological strength is moving from quantitative accumulation to qualitative leap, from point breakthrough to improvement of system capabilities. During the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, first, breakthroughs in key technologies must be made a top priority. Realize the safety, independence and controllability of the industrial chain, and promote key technologies for intelligent, green and high-end transformation. Strengthen original innovation and basic research, focusing on fibernew materials, textile green manufacturing, advanced textile products, textileintelligent manufacturing and Carry out technological equipment R&D and innovation in the four fields of equipment.

The second is to improve the scientific and technological innovation system as an important guarantee. Actively promote the construction of innovation platforms such as national manufacturing innovation centers, nationally recognized enterprise technology centers, industry key laboratories and technology innovation centers, nationally recognized enterprise industrial design centers, industrial technology innovation alliances, and industry-university-research consortiums. Continuously improve mechanisms, promote cross-field cooperation, and collaborate with industry, academia, and research.

The third is to take the construction of a standards system as an important direction. Improve the construction of standards institutions, optimize the organizational system, and increase the formulation and integration of standards. Focus on the formulation of standards for new textile fiber materials, functional textiles, smart textiles, high-tech industrial textiles, as well as green manufacturing, intelligent manufacturing, digital technology and other fields.

Fourth, stimulating the innovative vitality of talents should be the fundamental focus. Accelerate the cultivation of leading talents, professional and technical talents and technical skills talents. Develop high-level research-based textile disciplines, accumulate basic research talents, establish scientific and technological innovation teams, and expand the training scale of textile professional and compound talents.

Reporter: Under the new situation, how can industry brands achieve high-quality development?

Sun Ruizhe: Promoting fashion development and brand building in the textile and apparel industry is an important way to enhance industrial value and influence and stimulate cultural confidence and consciousness.

On the one hand, we must improve cultural leadership capabilities and conserve ecology. Deeply explore the excellent traditional culture of China and the advanced culture of the contemporary world. Shape a fashion ecology with Chinese characteristics, world influence, and characteristics of the times, enhance industrial supply, enrich brand connotation, and guide market demand. Strengthen the protection, inheritance and innovation of textile intangible cultural heritage. Accelerate the cultivation of “national trend” brands and independent brands.

On the other hand, it is necessary to improve product innovation capabilities and support development. Strengthen fashion trends, lifestyle research and the application of new materials and new technologies, and improve the product research and development system from fiber raw materials to end products. Increase the development of smart wearable, green health and composite functional products. Develop advanced customization with the direction of product personalization and quality.

At the same time, improve digital drive���strength to promote innovation. Use data analysis to drive design innovation, and strengthen the application of artificial intelligence and other information technologies in customer group analysis, trend research, product design, and marketing. Use the digital economy to assist brand building, give full play to the traffic convergence effect of social media and e-commerce platforms, establish deep connections between brands and consumers, and promote the renewal of traditional brands and reinvention.

In addition, it is necessary to improve the platform’s service capabilities and empower growth. Focus on masters, big names, and major events to enhance brand support and cultivation capabilities. With the direction of specialization, distinctiveness, and internationalization, we will promote the upgrading of industry exhibitions, fashion weeks, and design competitions, and assist in the construction and development of brands. Use public service platforms such as national brand activities to strengthen the promotion of independent brands. Actively promote the connection between capital and brands to accelerate brand growth.

Reporter: How can the textile industry better integrate into the new development pattern?

Sun Ruizhe: Building a new development pattern is a strategic choice to keep pace with the times and improve my country’s economic development level. It is also a strategic choice to shape my country’s new advantages in international economic cooperation and competition. To build a new development pattern, we must adhere to the strategic basis of expanding domestic demand, make production, distribution, circulation, and consumption rely more on the domestic market to form a virtuous cycle of the national economy. For the domestic market, the textile industry will focus on better meeting people’s living needs and enriching high-quality life with high-quality supply.

To ensure people’s basic needs. Strengthen technological innovation, product innovation, and model innovation to meet multi-level consumer needs with diversified product supply. Quality control must also be continuously strengthened.

Cultivate new consumption in the industry. Guide the industry to form digital consumption, green consumption, experiential consumption and service consumption, promote platform integration and scene integration, strengthen cultural empowerment and data empowerment, and realize model and business innovation across the entire industry chain and omni-channel.

Expand the industrial application space. Promote the optimization and upgrading of product structure to better serve production, life and ecology. Focus on the industrial textile industry, innovate and upgrade, and promote the application of products in key areas.

We must deeply realize that only by fully integrating into the world can we become a world-class industry. The textile industry must conform to the trend of globalization and create new advantages in international cooperation and competition with a more open pattern. Optimize the international technical and economic cooperation model and rationally introduce international high-quality raw materials, equipment, technology, etc. Strengthen the acquisition and merger of international brands, rely on the integration of talents, channels, and management to increase the value of the corporate brand system. Make full and rational use of international capital to establish a good ecosystem of mutual benefit and win-win results. Focusing on product supply, we serve the global market. Enhance the value of foreign trade products and promote innovative development of foreign trade. Accelerate the development of new foreign trade formats and models such as cross-border e-commerce. Deeply cultivate traditional export markets and expand emerging markets. Give full play to the role of overseas exhibitions and increase the proportion of independent brand exports of textiles and clothing. Promote the international and domestic connection of quality standards, certification and accreditation in the textile industry, and promote the smooth circulation of textiles and clothing in the international and domestic markets with the same standards and homogeneity. With production capacity cooperation as the core, we will improve global production. Efforts will be made to build a global production network with my country’s textile industry system as the resource allocation center, and orderly coordinate the layout of domestic and foreign manufacturing capacity. Strengthen analysis and research on the international production capacity cooperation situation, investment policies, business environment, etc., and accurately grasp the good opportunities for the industry to “go out“. Actively participate in the construction of the “Belt and Road“, strengthen cooperation in the construction of industrial parks, and create iconic projects for international production capacity cooperation.



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