Alar: Cotton tops and bears peaches at the end of July, entering a critical period for field management
The military-land integration demonstration area and high-standard cotton demonstration base created by the First Division Cotton and Linen Company have a cotton sowing area of 79,700 acres this year. Now is the critical period for cotton topping and peach production. The focus of the company’s personnel has shifted to field management and technical services. They go deep into the fields every day to conduct field management such as disease and insect pest control, chemical regulation, water dripping and fertilizer dripping for cotton farmers. Guidance on key technologies. At present, the average plant height of normal cotton fields reaches 75 centimeters, the average number of fruit branches is 8.2, and the average number of peaches per plant is 10. The cotton is growing well.
As the recent high temperature weather continues, it is necessary to do a good job in dripping water in cotton fields. According to factors such as cotton growth, soil conditions, growth process, soil type and other factors, drip water in a timely, appropriate and even manner to avoid cotton suffering from drought, maintain the humidity of cotton fields, and improve the microclimate of cotton fields. Improve the pollination rate of cotton and reduce budding and flower shedding.
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