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Hunan Phoenix: Sericulture industry is blooming everywhere

Hunan Phoenix: Sericulture industry is blooming everywhere In recent years, the Fenghuang County Party Committee and County Government of Hunan Province have attached great importa…

Hunan Phoenix: Sericulture industry is blooming everywhere

In recent years, the Fenghuang County Party Committee and County Government of Hunan Province have attached great importance to the development of the sericulture industry, and have gradually promoted it in Laershan Town, Lianglin Township, Luochaojing Town, Xinchang Town and other towns. The sericulture industry has become a star-like industry. Fire can start a prairie fire when it lands in Phoenix, and silkworm farmers reap abundant fruits as white as snow.

Industrial development, planning comes first. At the beginning of 2019, Fenghuang County began to develop the sericulture industry. At the same time, the Fenghuang County Sericulture Industry Office was established, which clarified the development focus, development goals, development stages, development direction, etc. Focusing on the three-win goal of “enriching the people, strengthening enterprises, and revitalizing the county”, Fenghuang County has successfully explored the Phoenix sericulture industry development model of “multiple batches of non-stop sericulture in different regions”, and the quality of silkworm cocoons /font>Superior and obvious industrial benefits, it promotes the continuous and healthy development of Phoenix’s sericulture industry. 8 new silkworm breeding rooms have been built successively, and industrialized management has been vigorously promoted. A total of 711 households and 3,015 mulberry farmers have been promoted, and 71 village collective economies have been developed, truly turning sericulture into a green industry and an industry that enriches the people.

In order to ensure that Fenghuang County’s sericulture industry has clear development goals in the early stage and strong development in the later stage, Hunan Sanxu Agriculture Co., Ltd. settled in Fenghuang in June 2019. The company determined based on Fenghuang’s climate, labor resources, working habits and other actual conditions. The development positioning and direction of the sericulture industry in Fenghuang County was determined. At the same time, it is clarified that Hunan Sanxu Agriculture Co., Ltd. is the key partner of the sericulture industry in Fenghuang County and is fully responsible for the technical guidance, product protection price acquisition, industrial planning and development of the sericulture industry in the county.

After the introduction of the company, Phoenix’s sericulture industry began to develop from scratch to excellence. The area planted with mulberry trees increased from 4,000 acres in 2019 to 14,200 acres in 2021, and the comprehensive industrial output value reached 1,235 More than 10,000 yuan, covering 8 towns, 71 administrative villages, and 711 households, and the comprehensive benefits of the industry are continuously released. The market sales situation is optimistic, the supply of silkworm cocoons exceeds the demand, and the purchase price of silkworm cocoons is rising steadily. At the same time, according to the overall deployment of the sericulture industry chain, Fenghuang County has successfully created products such as “Fengsi” brand silk quilts and Huangci Ganming mulberry bud tea, laying a solid foundation for better promoting the county’s sericulture products to the market. .

With the joint efforts of the Fenghuang County Party Committee and County Government, Hunan Sanxu Agriculture Co., Ltd. and the county’s sericulture farmers, and in accordance with the development idea of ​​”government guidance, policy support, enterprise-oriented, and driving farmers”, we adhere to high quality, efficiency, and safety , ecological sustainable development direction, focusing on building the sericulture industry into an industry for poverty alleviation and enriching the people, realizing the organized, large-scale and intensive development of the sericulture industry, and comprehensively promoting the improvement of quality and efficiency of the sericulture industry in the county. At present, 8 to 10 batches of silkworm cocoons can be sold every year, which directly brings considerable income to sericulture farmers. As a key industry for rural revitalization, it has incomparable advantages. Under the correct guidance of the “Phoenix Model”, the Phoenix sericulture industry is making great strides. Toward a broader market and toward a better future.



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