Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers Applications A training class for leading talents in the efficient sericulture planting and breeding model of Hunan’s “Agricultural Broadcasting Assistance to Agriculture” project was held in Dao County

A training class for leading talents in the efficient sericulture planting and breeding model of Hunan’s “Agricultural Broadcasting Assistance to Agriculture” project was held in Dao County

A training class for leading talents in the high-efficiency sericulture planting and breeding model of Hunan’s “Agricultural Broadcasting and Aiding Agriculture” …

A training class for leading talents in the high-efficiency sericulture planting and breeding model of Hunan’s “Agricultural Broadcasting and Aiding Agriculture” project was held in Dao County

On October 12, the opening ceremony of the Hunan “Agricultural Broadcasting and Agriculture Assistance” project sericulture efficient planting and breeding model leading talent training class was held in Daoxian County. The training lasted for 6 days. The training location was the Dao County Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau. More than 100 leading talents and experts in the mulberry and sericulture industry from 15 counties and cities across the province participated in the training.

At the opening ceremony, Li Yiping, director of the Hunan Sericulture Research Institute, and Fu Shengcai, principal of the Hunan Farmers Science and Technology Education and Training Center (Provincial Agricultural Broadcasting School) attended the opening ceremony and delivered speeches. Li Yiping comprehensively and systematically described the current situation and development trends of the sericulture industry in Hunan Province. Fu Shengcai made requirements and explanations on the requirements and purpose of this training. Chen Wangsheng, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of Dao County Agriculture and Rural Affairs Bureau, delivered a welcome speech, expressing a warm welcome to all leaders, experts and leaders from the province’s mulberry and sericulture industry, and providing comprehensive services for this training. The training class for leading talents in the efficient sericulture planting and breeding model of Hunan’s “Agricultural Broadcasting Assistance to Agriculture” project has been held in the county. This is the provincial department’s recognition and concern for the relevant work in the county. The county’s existing sericulture industry base covers an area of ​​more than 6,000 acres, with an output value of more than 6,000 acres. Reaching more than 40 million yuan, it has become an important characteristic industry for local farmers to increase their income and become rich. It is also one of the six “222” sericulture efficient planting and breeding model demonstration base counties in the province.

For this training, more than ten experts were specially invited to discuss labor-saving and efficient sericulture technology, diversified and efficient utilization of sericulture, poverty alleviation in the sericulture industry and strengthening rural revitalization, practical technologies for the production of mulberry edible fungi, and diversified development and utilization of sericulture production. Theory and practice, key points of mulberry cultivation technology, comprehensive prevention and control technology of rural silkworm diseases, technical exchanges and industrial development prospects for mulberry planting and sericulture, demonstration and promotion of the “222” sericulture efficient planting and breeding model in Hunan Province, high-efficiency sericulture development model and application in Fenghuang County, sericulture Comprehensive explanations and mutual exchanges will be conducted on comprehensive technologies, industrial development prospects and relevant national support policies such as the status quo and trends of the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries, so as to cultivate more and more specialized sericulture industry professionals for the province, expand the talent team, and comprehensively Improve farmers’ comprehensive skills and abilities, lay a more solid foundation for promoting the refinement and modernization of the sericulture industry, and help comprehensively promote rural revitalization.



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