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Shaanxi Wubao: Strengthening the “big head” of the sericulture industry to promote rural revitalization and development

Shaanxi Wubao: Strengthening the “head” of the sericulture industry to promote rural revitalization and development The mulberry trees are mulberry trees, and the celes…

Shaanxi Wubao: Strengthening the “head” of the sericulture industry to promote rural revitalization and development

The mulberry trees are mulberry trees, and the celestial insects are silkworms. On the “Sandao Plateau” in Koujiayuan Town, Wubao County, green mulberry trees bring coolness to people in front of and behind villagers’ houses, and down the mountains. In farmers’ homes, under the careful care of “silkworm mothers” and “silkworm fathers”, the baby silkworms are growing vigorously and have spun silk and formed cocoons.

Koujiayuan Town is located in the southeast of Wubao County. In the land of thousands of ravines, God has given people three relatively flat plateaus (Eastern Plateau, Middle Plateau and West Plateau), where Mujiayuan, Yangjiayuan, Chejiayuan, Lijiayuan and other villages. According to the elderly, the local people have a history of raising sericulture for more than 300 years. People have been raising sericulture for generations. Planting mulberry and raising sericulture has become an important means for local people to get rich. “Mulberry and jujube are very popular, and silk is sold in Shanxi and Henan.” During the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty, there were records of silk here.

As the central base of the sericulture industry in Wubao County, Koujiayuan Town has more than 10,000 acres of mulberry gardens and more than 300 sericulture households, raising more than 800 silkworms and producing 15 tons of cocoons annually. In response to this traditional industry that enriches the people, 5 professional sericulture cooperatives and 1 sericulture association have been established in the town. Corresponding support policies have been introduced and the approach of “cooperative-driven, technical guidance, and decentralized breeding” has been implemented to develop this ancient but young industry. characteristic industries.

Wang Ronglian, 60 years old, is a major sericulture farmer in Chejiayuan Village. She has been learning sericulture since she was 20 years old and is a well-known sericulture expert. When the author saw her, she had just come back from picking mulberry leaves. Because she raised a lot of silkworms, she often drove a three-wheeled motorcycle to collect mulberry leaves from home. Wang Ronglian carried the bundled mulberry branches from the car. She didn’t have time to wipe the sweat from her forehead, so she carefully took care of her “silkworm babies.” The body of “silkworm baby” is white and fat, slightly smaller at the ends and larger in the middle, and has a round shape, which is very cute.

According to Wang Ronghuan, this year she raised three “summer silkworms” and took the cocoons to the cooperative to process 25 kilograms of silk. Each kilogram of silk was sold for 500 yuan. Now she is raising “autumn silkworms” and they have spun silk. . “The benefits of sericulture are very impressive. All the silk I processed in the summer was sold out, and I raised 3 more silk quilts.” Wang Ronglian said happily, “Nowadays, middle-aged and elderly people like to cover themselves with silk quilts, especially when they meet people who are getting married, and use them as dowries.” Once you get it, you will have three or four silk quilts, so you don’t have to worry about selling them.”

In Koujiayuan Town, there are many big silkworm farmers like Wang Rongli. With their hard-working hands, they led the villagers to develop the sericulture industry, weaving a happy and well-off road and laying a solid foundation for rural revitalization.

In order to allow the sericulture industry to better play its role in driving people to get rich, Wubao County has renovated existing mulberry gardens and built new standardized mulberry gardens, hired city and county professional technicians to provide technical guidance to sericulture farmers, and provided subsidies to sericulture farmers for each ticket. 650 yuan, and encourage cooperatives to actively carry out in-depth development of the sericulture industry and other series of measures to continuously increase the number of farmers raising sericulture and the comprehensive utilization benefits of sericulture. It is estimated that by 2025, 20,000 acres of high-quality and high-yielding mulberry gardens will be built in the county, with the annual number of silkworms raising up to 5,000, and the output value of silkworm raising reaching 10.8 million yuan.



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