Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Sustainable trade and investment dual cycle, the 2021 China Textile Industry “Belt and Road” Conference was successfully held

Sustainable trade and investment dual cycle, the 2021 China Textile Industry “Belt and Road” Conference was successfully held

Sustainable trade and investment dual cycle, the 2021 China Textile Industry “Belt and Road” Conference was successfully held On October 15, the 2021 China Textile Industry “…

Sustainable trade and investment dual cycle, the 2021 China Textile Industry “Belt and Road” Conference was successfully held

On October 15, the 2021 China Textile Industry “One ​​Belt and One Road” Conference was held in Huzhou, Zhejiang. Leaders from national ministries and commissions and local governments, China Textile Federation, Representatives from overseas government agencies, business associations, and industry leaders participated in depth. With the theme of “sustainable dual circulation of trade and investment”, based on the strategic basis of expanding domestic demand, accelerating the integration of domestic and foreign trade, and studying and judging policy trends for industry development, the release Important guidance.

At the meeting, Cao Xuejun, first-level inspector of the Consumer Goods Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, vice president of the ChinaTextile Industry Federation and China International Trade Xu Yingxin, Chairman of the Textile Industry Branch of the Promotion Committee, and Xiang Lemin, Vice Mayor of Huzhou Municipal People’s Government, delivered speeches respectively. Gao Yong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Secretary-General of China Textile and Apparel Federation, delivered a keynote speech. The meeting was chaired by Liang Pengcheng, director of the Marketing Department of the China Textile and Apparel Federation and executive vice president of the Textile Industry Branch of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade.

Gao Yong pointed out that China’s textile industry has gone through an extraordinary two years in overseas investment and cooperation. The COVID-19 epidemic has had a greater impact on China’s textile industry’s overseas investment. In 2020, our industry’s overseas direct investment will grow significantly. Slowing down; by the first half of this year, the industry’s foreign investment showed a restorative growth trend, with the scale of foreign investment reaching 950 million US dollars, a year-on-year increase of 101.3%, accounting for 11.5% of my country’s manufacturing industry’s foreign investment in the same period.

At present, countries along the “One Belt and One Road”, especially those in Southeast Asia and Africa, are the current key areas for overseas greenfield investment in the textile industry, attracting a large amount of new production capacity investment in the industry. For the textile industry, it is necessary to actively and steadily carry out international cooperation, comprehensively consider and optimize the layout of domestic and foreign production capacity, integrate and utilize high-quality global resources, consolidate the core position of the industry in the international textile supply chain, and have a high impact on the industryQualitydevelopment and transformation and upgrading are of great significance.

Cao Xuejun pointed out in his speech that the “14th Five-Year Plan” period is a critical starting period for starting a new journey of building a modern country on the basis of building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way. Based on the new stage, the development of the textile industry must be based on the fundamental purpose of meeting the people’s needs for a better life, with the theme of promoting high-quality development, and with deepening supply-side structural reform as the main line, and must form a stronger innovative, higher added value, and more Build a more flexible, safer and more reliable industrial and supply chain to build a higher-level textile power. Deepening international textile cooperation is an inevitable requirement for high-quality textile development. It should be based on strengthening the domestic industry. It is necessary to enhance risk prevention and control awareness, build a mutually beneficial and win-win industrial chain supply chain, and expand diversified markets. This is in line with the requirements for promoting high-quality development in the joint construction of the “Belt and Road Initiative” and is also a necessary strategy for the development of a strong textile country.

Xu Yingxin said at the meeting that as a staunch supporter of the “Belt and Road” cooperation and an important participant in the “Belt and Road” construction, China’s textile industry has always adhered to the concept of mutual benefit and win-win international cooperation and development. And achieved remarkable results. After eight years of hard work, China’s textile and apparel industry has become a leading and demonstration industry for the “One Belt, One Road” initiative, and cooperation along the routes has yielded fruitful results. Since 2000, the total foreign direct investment in China’s textile and apparel industry has exceeded US$11 billion, mainly to countries and regions along the “Belt and Road”. Adhering to the joint construction of the “Belt and Road” has become an industry consensus.

Xiang Lemin said that in recent years, under the guidance of China Textile Industry Federation and other units, Huzhou’s modern textile industry has taken high-quality development steps. On the one hand, Huzhou has accelerated the “green and quality” development of the industry, forming a full industrial chain from textile raw materials, weaving to textile home textile end products. The current annual output value exceeds 70 billion yuan and has 4 listed companies. On the other hand, Huzhou actively serves enterprises to better “go out” and promotes enterprises to deeply participate in the “Belt and Road” construction.

In the exchange and sharing session set up by the conference, representatives from the Kenya Investment Authority, Sri Lanka United Clothing Association Forum, Antai Group, Jialinjie Enterprise, China Textile FederationIndustrial Economy Representatives from governments, institutions, and enterprises at home and abroad, including the Research Institute, Huzhou Council for the Promotion of International Trade, and Guangxi Council for the Promotion of International Trade, conducted discussions focusing on “sustainable cross-border investment along the Belt and Road” and “mutually reinforcing domestic and foreign market dual cycles.” comminicate.

“The Development Endowment of African Countries’ Textile Industry and the Potential for China-Africa Textile Industry Cooperation” was released on-site, and the establishment of China Textile International Capacity Cooperation Enterprises in five countries including Egypt, Cambodia, Myanmar, Vietnam, and Zambia was announced. The first batch of overseas liaison offices of the alliance.

According to reports, the China Textile Industry “Belt and Road” Conference is held every two years, focusing on the international layout of the textile industry and “Belt and Road” cooperation.The most authoritative and professional industry event on the topic. Since the national “Belt and Road” initiative was proposed in 2013, the conference has been successfully held four times in Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing and Shengze respectively, bringing together global industry development experience and cross-border wisdom to discuss the capital, production capacity and market of Chinese textiles and world textiles. The way to integration and win-win.

This conference is guided by the China National Textile and Apparel Federation and the Huzhou Municipal People’s Government, and hosted by the Textile Industry Branch of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade, the China Textile International Capacity Cooperation Enterprise Alliance, and the Huzhou Municipal Committee of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade. .



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