Protective clothing design concepts

Design concept of protective clothing Tag: Protective clothing, flame retardant and insulating clothing, chemical protective clothing, waterproof clothing, radiation protection clo…

Design concept of protective clothing


Protective clothing, flame retardant and insulating clothing, chemical protective clothing, waterproof clothing, radiation protection clothing

Protective clothing refers to clothing designed for certain hazardous factors with hazardous characteristics existing in a certain environment. It has special protective functions and is suitable for wearing in special environments. Protective clothing has special properties such as high strength, high temperature resistance, flame retardancy, radiation protection, and corrosion resistance. People wearing these clothes can survive and work in complex and dangerous environments such as high altitudes, deep seas, severe cold, and high temperatures. They are a Clothing with high technical content. There are many types of protective clothing, including flame-retardant and heat-insulating clothing, chemical-proof clothing, waterproof clothing, radiation-proof clothing, dust-proof clothing, and poison-proof clothing. At present, the application fields of functional protective clothing are gradually broadening, from the initial military field to ordinary civilian fields such as medical and health, public utilities, construction, entertainment, industry, and pus. Functional protective clothing plays an increasingly important role in human beings’ challenging the limits of life, exploring the universe, developing new energy sources, and expanding living space. ​



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