Principle of electricity dissipation in anti-static fabrics
Anti-static work clothes, anti-static fabrics, anti-static fabrics, conductive fibers
Anti-static work clothes refer to functional work clothes sewn with anti-static fabrics in order to prevent the accumulation of static electricity on clothing. Anti-static fabric is a fabric made by mixing conductive fibers or anti-static synthetic fibers at equal intervals or evenly during weaving, or a mixture of both. Conductive fiber refers to the general term for fibers made entirely or partially of conductive or sub-conductive materials using metal or organic materials. According to the distribution of conductive components in the fiber, conductive fibers can be divided into three types: uniform conductive components, covered conductive components, and composite conductive components. At present, the vast majority of anti-static fabrics are made of conductive fibers, especially composite types with conductive components, and composite fibers are commonly used. The anti-static work clothes made by adding conductive fibers to chemical fiber fabrics are based on two mechanisms: charge leakage and neutralization. When grounded, the static electricity on the fabric is not only neutralized by the corona discharge of the conductive fibers, but also discharged to the earth through the conductive fibers; when not grounded, the static electricity is eliminated by the weak corona discharge of the conductive fibers. Practice has shown that anti-static work clothes can effectively suppress static electricity in clothing and eliminate or reduce the hazards of electrostatic discharge.
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