Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Various special flame retardant fabric finishing agent application technologies

Various special flame retardant fabric finishing agent application technologies

Various special flame retardant fabric finishing agent application technologies Classification: flame retardant fabric Cotton flame retardant fabricFinishing The flame retardant fi…

Various special flame retardant fabric finishing agent application technologies

flame retardant fabric

Cotton flame retardant fabricFinishing
The flame retardant finishing of cotton fabrics has developed rapidly. At present, it is relatively mature in China. Flame retardants can basically be used to industrially produce durable flame retardant finishing of pure cotton. There are generally two methods:
A﹒ Proban/Ammonia fumigation process, Proban method was first used in industrial production by Wilson in the UK. The traditional Proban method is a baking process after padding with flame retardant THPC (tetrahydroxymethylammonium chloride), an improved method It’s Proban/ammonia fumigation Technology, the process flow is: padding – ammonia fumigation – oxidation – water washing – drying. In China, Beijing Guanghua, Jiangyin Printing and Dyeing Factory, Anshan Cotton Printing and Dyeing Factory, etc. have introduced foreign auxiliaries and equipment for production. This is a process that is currently recognized as having good flame retardant effect, small fabric strength reduction, and little impact on hand feel.

B﹒ Pyrovatex “CP” finishing process. Domestic units such as Shanghai Pesticide Factory, Changzhou Chemical Industry Research Institute, Tianjin Composite Materials Research Institute, East China University of Science and Technology, and Qingdao Textile and Clothing Institute have produced this additive. The product has good flame retardant properties and good durability. It can withstand household washing for 50 or even more than 200 times. It feels good, but the strength reduction is slightly larger. There are twenty to thirty domestic manufacturers using this type of flame retardant.

Fabrics such as electric blankets, wall coverings, sofa cloths and other fabrics with temporary or semi-durable flame-retardant finishing of pure cotton do not have very high requirements for flame-retardant washing times. Such products can be treated with temporary or semi-durable flame-retardant finishing. That is, it can withstand 1 to 15 times of warm water washing, but it is not resistant to soaping. There are mainly borax-boric acid process, diammonium hydrogen phosphate process, phosphorus amine process, dicyandiamide process, etc. The above process is rarely used in industrial production of pure cotton fabrics. SFR-203 from Qingdao University College of Textile and Clothing is a semi-durable flame retardant finishing agent.

2. Flame retardant finishing of wool fabrics
Wool has a high moisture regain and ammonia content, so it has good natural flame retardancy. However, if higher standards are required, flame retardant finishing is required. The earliest flame-retardant finishing of wool used borax and boric acid solution impregnation method, and the product was used for decorative cloth on aircraft. This method has good flame retardant effect, but it is not resistant to water washing. After the 1960s, THPC treatment was used, which has better washing resistance, but the process is complicated, the hand feels rough, and the quality of wool fabric is lost. The method studied by the International Wool Bureau is to use a complex of titanium, zirconium and hydroxy acid to finish wool fabrics to obtain a satisfactory flame retardant effect without affecting the feel of wool, so it is widely used. Mainly include titanium, zirconium, tungsten and other metal complex finishing agents. Since the late 1980s, several domestic units have researched and developed flame retardants and finishing processes for wool, and have achieved satisfactory results. Tianjin Institute of Synthetic Materials has developed a series of composite WFR-866 flame retardants, one is WFR-866F (with fluorine complex as the main component), and the other is WFR-866B (with bromine-containing hydroxy acid as the main ingredient). Tianjin Renli Woolen Mill, Beijing Woolen Mill, and Beijing Woolen Mill all use Lu flame retardant to treat fine and woolen products. The School of Textile and Clothing of Qingdao University has developed SFW series of flame retardants for wool, and cooperated with Jining Woolen Mill and Weifang Second Woolen Mill to develop pure wool flame retardant products. The flame retardant performance of the products has reached or exceeded the level of similar products at home and abroad.

At present, pure woolFlame-retardant fabrics are mainly used in carpets, curtains, wall materials, etc. in aircraft cabins and high-end hotels.

3. Flame retardant finishing of polyester fabrics. So far, a suitable ideal flame retardant has not been found. Triphosphate (2,3-dibromopropyl) (TDBPP) has a certain effect on polyester flame retardancy, but it has carcinogenic effects. American Mobil (Mobilchemco) has launched Antiblaze19T flame retardant, which is suitable for 100% polyester fabrics. It has good effect and low toxicity. FRC-1 manufactured by the Changzhou Chemical Industry Research Institute in China is a similar product. Changzhou Knitting Factory and Shanghai Knitting Factory use this flame retardant to produce pure polyester knitwear. In addition, finishing agents containing bromine and antimony compounds, such as decabromodiphenyl ether, hexabromocyclododecane, antimony trioxide, antimony pentoxide, etc., have been studied. Adhesives are added to the working fluid to reduce the resistance. The fuel bonds to the fabric. But in general, the flame retardancy of the finished fabric is acceptable, but it feels hard, has hoarfrost, discoloration, etc., and the stability of the finishing fluid is not good. The main reason is that the flame retardant has large particle size, is easy to agglomerate, and has poor adsorption to fibers. According to foreign reports, when the particle size is 15 to 20 nm, the flame retardant effect can be increased by 3 times, the hand feel is soft, and the washability is good. Domestic research on polyester fabrics includes: Changzhou Chemical Industry Research Institute, Changzhou Knitting Factory, Changshu Weft Knitting Factory, Liaoning Warp Knitting Factory, China Textile University, Qingda University Textile and Clothing College, Shijiazhuang Textile Warp Knitting Factory, etc.

4. Flame retardant finishing of nylon fabric
Phosphorus and halogen flame retardants used in other fibers are not effective as nylon flame retardants. Hebei University uses hydroxymethyl resin to treat nylon cloth for conveyor belts, with good results. The School of Textile and Clothing of Qingdao University used compounds containing sulfur, bromine and antimony to finish the flame-retardant coating on nylon taffeta and achieved good results.

5. Flame retardant finishing of polyester/cotton blended fabricsThe amount of flame retardant materials used is very large, and the research on its flame retardant products is also quite active. Polyester and cotton are two types of fibers with different combustion properties. At the same time, blending makes the combustion process more complicated. Cotton fibers are carbonized after burning, while polyester melts and drips when burned. Because the cotton fibers become a support, the molten fibers can gather and prevent them from dripping, making the molten fibers burn more violently, which is the so-called scaffolding effect. Therefore, the flame retardant finishing of polyester/cotton blended fabrics is more difficult.

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