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Research on durable flame retardant finishing process of nylon flame retardant cloth

Research on the durable flame retardant finishing process of nylon flame retardant cloth Classification: flame retardant fabric Through the analysis of flame retardant finishing an…

Research on the durable flame retardant finishing process of nylon flame retardant cloth

flame retardant fabric

Through the analysis of flame retardant finishing and process parameters of phosphorus-based flame retardants for nylon fabrics, it was determined that the best process for durable flame retardant finishing of nylon fabrics is: flame retardant dosage 200g/L, additive dosage 15g/L, impregnation The temperature is 8O℃ and the immersion time is 3h. After being washed 15 times, the flame-retardant performance of the finished nylonFlame-retardant cloth reaches the American aviation fire protection standard.

Due to its good elasticity, good wear resistance and high strength, nylon is widely used in interior decoration, tents, airbags and clothing. Many use cases require nylon fabrics to be flame retardant and thermally stable, but its flame retardancy has always been a very difficult problem, thus limiting its application. Nowadays, ordinary nylon flame-retardant fabrics are finished with halogen flame retardants. Although the fabrics have flame-retardant effects, when used in transportation such as airplanes, trains, and automobiles, they easily release toxic gases, reduce visibility, and cause serious harm to people and transportation. Security risks. The poor activity of nylon results in the inability of the flame-retardant finishing fluid to penetrate into the fiber, resulting in reduced flame-retardant effect and poor washing resistance. Therefore, the use of halogen-free flame retardants to perform flame-retardant finishing of nylon fabrics and achieve a certain degree of washability is the focus of this study.

1. Test

1.1 Materials and equipment flame retardant cloth,cotton flame retardant cloth, nylon flame retardant cloth

Materials: emulsifier LFIO0, caustic soda, phosphate flame retardant, penetrant (isopropyl alcohol), nylon 66 fabric.

Equipment: electronic balance, HH-S digital display constant temperature water bath, vertical combustion tester, Siemens fully automatic washing machine, baking oven, high and low temperature thermal alternating test chamber GDW/JB-0100.

1.2 Flame retardant finishing process flame retardant cloth, cotton flame retardant cloth, nylon flame retardant cloth

Prepare the flame-retardant finishing liquid according to the design formula of 9, then immerse the sample in the flame-retardant finishing liquid according to the bath ratio I:i0, stir once every 30 minutes to ensure that the flame retardant can adhere to the fabric to the greatest extent, dehydrate for 8rain after immersion, and then Dry in an oven (70oC, 30min) in preparation for subsequent flame retardant performance testing.

I. 3Test

I. 3.1 Flame retardant performance test

Using the vertical method, citing the standard GB/T8745 Textile Combustion Properties – Determination of fabric surface burning time (ISO10047-1993, IDT). Definition of flame retardant cloth,cotton flame retardant cloth, nylon flame retardant cloth – after-flame time: remove the fire source After the sample is taken, the time it takes for the sample flame to extinguish. One-drop flame time: 0-12S time period or burning after 12S will produce droplets. The longer droplet burning time is the droplet flame time. If too many droplets cause the flame to extinguish, the test will be invalid and needs to be retested. 1. Burning length: The original length of the sample minus the remaining length after burning is the burning length. The shorter the afterflame time, the shorter flame dripping time, and the smaller the burning length, the better the flame retardancy.

1.3.1. Principle

Sampling: 4 pieces are randomly selected from each box, the size of each piece is 300mm*75mm, and the 4 pieces form a set of samples. Pre-humidification: Place the sample into a box with a temperature of (20±1)°C and a relative humidity of (50±5)% to pre-condition the humidity for 24 hours. Steps: Adjust the flame shape to the flame shape required for methane lamp testing. The flame height is 38mm. Burn the sample on the flame for 12 seconds and then remove it. Test the afterflame time, dripping flame time, and burning length. Take the average of 4 tests as the final test result. Flame retardant cloth, cotton flame retardant cloth, nylon flame retardant cloth.

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