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Flame retardant fabrics – EN532 standards and test methods

Flame retardant fabrics-EN532 standards and test methods Classification: flame retardant fabric BS EN The full Chinese name of 532: Work Protective Clothing-Thermal Insulation and …

Flame retardant fabrics-EN532 standards and test methods

flame retardant fabric

The full Chinese name of 532: Work Protective Clothing-Thermal Insulation and Fire Protection-Test Methods for Detection of Temporary Burn Spread Detection Operation Process and Preparation.

Preparation of test samples:Six pieces ofFlame-retardant fabricTest sample length (200±1) mm X
Width (160±1) mm, three pieces are cut radially and the other three are cut weft and installed on the cloth. Humidity and temperature adjustment: The test sample must be placed in an environment with relative humidity (65±5%) and temperature (20±2)°C for at least 24 hours for state adjustment. After the status adjustment, if the test is not performed immediately, the adjusted test sample should be placed in a fully enclosed container. Remove the fabric sample from the fully enclosed container or conditioning environment and start testing within 2 minutes.
Adjustment of the testing environment: Perform the testing test in an environment between 10-30°C and a relative humidity of 15-80%. At the same time, when the testing starts, the airflow rate through the surface of each test sample is 0.2 seconds.

Igniter operating position:

Keep the igniter at a vertical angle to the surface of theFlame-retardant fabric test sample, so that the central axis of the igniter is higher than the lower one. The row of puncture needles is 20 mm and should be kept in line with the vertical centerline of the test sample. Ensure that the distance between the igniter and the surface of the test sample is (17 ± 1) mm. Flame adjustment: Place the igniter in a vertical resting position, ignite and preheat the igniter for at least 2 minutes so that the flame length is approximately 40 mm. Move the igniter to the horizontal rest position and adjust the horizontal flame length to (25±2) mm.
Flame position: Move the igniter from the initial rest position to the horizontal position, and confirm whether the flame can touch the sample in this position. Note: The distance between the flame touching the sample should be checked regularly.

Detection operation process

Install the testing instrument and install the testing sample cloth on the testingFlame-retardant fabric sample clip. Ignite and burn on the surface of the cloth sample for 10 seconds. Observe and record the following conditions (please refer to the correct flammability testing standards)

a) The properties of the test sample and the sequence number of each layer of fabric in the test sample composed of multi-layer composite fabrics
b) Detect which surface layer of the sample is ignited with the detection flame
c) For any ignition source, observe whether the boundary of the flame touches the upper edge or vertical edge of the test specimen
d) Whether there are holes formed
e) Burning droplets or melting droplets are produced
f) Whether smoldering has spread (usually from the charring area) to the damaged area
g) The ignition delay time is accurate to the nearest second. Note: A delay time of less than one second should be recorded as 0 seconds.
h) The smoldering time should also be accurate to the nearest second. Note: Smoldering times of less than one second should be recorded as 0 seconds.
The test report should include the following records:
a) Reference standard document number of the detection method,
b) For each test sample, judge it by applying the correct flammability performance standards, and list the records as required.

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