Raw materials drive market prices up

Raw materials drive the market up ​ In April, the prices of raw materials such as PX, PTA, and polyester chips all rose sharply. Driven by costs, the market for Shengze’s dif…

Raw materials drive the market up

In April, the prices of raw materials such as PX, PTA, and polyester chips all rose sharply. Driven by costs, the market for Shengze’s differentiated fibers also saw a sharp rise.

In April, the cationic silk market in Shengze market showed a sharp rise. By the end of the month, the prices of FDY50D/24F, FDY75D/36F, and FDY100D/48F were 13,500 yuan/ton, 12,600 yuan/ton, and 11,800 yuan/ton respectively. Compared with the end of last month, prices increased by 1,400 yuan/ton, 2,100 yuan/ton, and 1,700 yuan/ton respectively. The prices of DTY75D/36F and 100D/36F are 13,000 yuan/ton and 12,400 yuan/ton respectively. Compared with the prices at the end of last month, they have increased by 1,300 yuan/ton and 1,500 yuan/ton respectively. The prices of POY50D/48F and 75D/36F are 11,200 yuan/ton and 11,100 yuan/ton respectively. Compared with the prices at the end of last month, they have increased by 1,400 yuan/ton and 1,400 yuan/ton respectively. Judging from the trend of varieties, the sales of cationic yarn are in demand in both thickness and thickness. FDY50D and 63D are relatively popular, followed by strong demand for 150D and 200D; DTY150D and 200D are also in strong sales. Mainly, downstream cationic jacquard fabrics and cationic linings are relatively popular, while imitation silk cationic fabrics are also selling smoothly.

The surge in cationic yarn prices in the Shengze market in April was mainly driven by the continued rise in the upstream raw material CDP slices and the impact of large-scale purchases in the downstream. At the end of April, the CDP slice acceptance short-distance delivery buyout price was around 9,500 yuan/ton, compared with the price at the end of last month, which was around 1,350 yuan/ton. The CDP price surge this time was mainly due to the sharp price increase due to tight supply in the upstream raw material PTA market. The PTA spot market showed a strong pattern in April. At the beginning of the month, the PTA spot market price in East China was between 6,500-6,600 yuan/ton. The external market price is between 790-800 US dollars/ton. By the end of the month, the internal market price of PTA spot in East China is around 8,000 yuan/ton. The external market price is between 930-940 US dollars/ton. The prices are respectively 1,400 yuan/ton and 140 US dollars/ton. Moreover, now is the traditional peak sales season in the market, and cationic jacquard fabrics and linings are relatively hot in the downstream market. In addition, downstream manufacturers are affected by the mentality of buying up and not buying down, and their purchases of cationic yarn have been greatly increased.

Market outlook predicts that the supply of upstream raw materials is still in short supply, and prices will be difficult to fall back in the short term. However, rising too quickly will also bring certain instability to the market. Therefore, an adjustment in the upstream raw material market may occur in early May, but there is not enough room. It will be huge. The downstream cationic jacquard fabrics, lining series, cationic imitation silk products, etc. are now selling better than conventional lining fabrics, causing some companies to turn to cationic lining and material production. Therefore, it is expected that the market outlook for cationic silk will be stable in price and rising in volume.

In April, the polyester/polyester composite yarn market in Shengze market also went up. Overall, the price has increased significantly in the two weeks before and after, and the other weekly increases have been around 100 yuan/ton. By the end of April, the market price of (DT flat lead + POY) 100+100 was around 10,700 yuan/ton, (DT flat lead + POY) 100+50 market price was around 11,200 yuan/ton, (DT flat lead + POY) 50 The market price of +50 is 11,800 yuan/ton. Compared with the price at the end of last month, there were increases of 1,500 yuan/ton, 1,400 yuan/ton and 1,400 yuan/ton respectively.
The price of polyester/polyester composite yarn surged in April, mainly due to the following aspects: rising costs, the price of upstream raw materials rose sharply this month, and by the end of April, the mainstream quotation in the semi-gloss slice market in Jiangsu and Zhejiang rose to 8,900 -9,000 yuan/ton, which is more than 1,500 yuan/ton higher than this month’s market low. The downstream polyester market has also raised prices in order to transfer cost pressure. For example, the mainstream prices of FDY150D/96F, POY150D/48F, and DTY150D/48F in Shengze market at the end of April rose to 10,200 yuan/ton, 9,900 yuan/ton, and 10,800 yuan/ton respectively. ; Secondly, the transaction volume increased and the market inventory was cleared. Polyester/polyester composite yarn manufacturers limited production in the early stage, so the market inventory has been small. However, with the arrival of the peak sales season, downstream market sales have picked up. In particular, the downstream related products of polyester/polyester composite yarn are seasonal products, such as decorative fabrics. , imitation linen and other products are particularly popular, so manufacturers are more active in purchasing.

At present, the upstream raw material prices are still trending upward, and cost pressure will still exist in the short term. Moreover, with the arrival of the peak season, downstream demand is smooth. In addition, the current inventory of polyester/polyester composite yarn manufacturers is low, and some specifications are even in short supply. However, considering that downstream weaving manufacturers are now increasingly resisting high-priced raw materials. Moreover, after early procurement, downstream weaving manufacturers are now mainly focusing on digesting inventory, so it is expected that the polyester/polyester composite yarn market will stabilize in early May.

The market for island composite yarn is rising steadily in April. Judging from the price trend, by the end of this month, the market price of DTY215D-225D is 15,200-15,500 yuan/ton, and the price of island composite yarn 105D is 16,500-17,200 yuan/ton. Judging from the sales situation, suede sales in the downstream fabric market this month are good, and orders are being accepted one after another. Sales of DTY105D island composite yarn have the upper hand this month, but overall they are good. Because the sales of downstream home textile products are relatively hot this month, the sales volume of various island suede fabrics is better than that of conventional velvet fabrics. This is mainly due to the wider marketability of suede products, and various new suede products are also very popular in the market. . The production and sales of downstream suede fabrics are now stable, and it is expected that the market for island silk composite yarn will continue to go smoothly in May.

The market for polyester/nylon composite yarn rebounded in April. Judging from the price trend, currently polyester/nylon compositeThe price of yarn DTY160D/72F×16 is 16,500 yuan/ton in warp and 14,600 yuan/ton in weft. The central price of DTY90D/75F×16 polyester/nylon composite yarn is 23,600 yuan/ton respectively. Compared with the previous month, the price is 300-500 yuan. Yuan/ton rise. The market for polyester and nylon composite yarns picked up in April, mainly due to the increase in prices of upstream raw materials. In addition, fabrics have entered the traditional sales season. Some downstream spring clothing fabrics, home textiles and other products are relatively popular, among which polyester nylon series, polyester nylon cotton series and so on. Series and other products have outstanding sales. With the emergence of these orders, the market demand for polyester/nylon composite yarn has increased. In April, nylon chips and polyester chips both experienced sharp increases, which played a role in driving up the price of polyester/nylon composite yarns in terms of cost, as the sales of downstream products increased. It is expected that the polyester/nylon composite yarn market will have an upward trend in May.



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