Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Wujiang invites German fabric fashion designers to teach textile companies

Wujiang invites German fabric fashion designers to teach textile companies

Wujiang invites German fabric fashion designers to teach textile companies Recently, an open class on “Forecasting International Fabric Trends in Summer 2010” organized by Wujiang …

Wujiang invites German fabric fashion designers to teach textile companies

Recently, an open class on “Forecasting International Fabric Trends in Summer 2010” organized by Wujiang Textile Technology Center for free for textile companies was held at the China Oriental Silk Market.

Wujiang Textile Technology Center is a provincial-level demonstration unit for the construction of technical services and social service systems for small and medium-sized enterprises that integrates scientific research, development, and training. The “Center” aims to transform and enhance the technical level and product quality of the traditional textile printing and dyeing industry, uses the combination of industry, academia and research as a means, and relies on the advantages of industrial clusters in China’s Oriental Silk Market to carry out textile technology research and development, textile skills training, and academies for small and medium-sized enterprises. A series of public technical services such as achievement transformation and docking, international fabric fashion trend information release, etc. The “center” has repeatedly invited domestic and foreign fabric designers from Italy, South Korea, Taiwan and other countries to give free classes to textile companies. For this open class, Wujiang Textile Technology Center specially invited Ms. Kristina Bussen, a German fashion designer, lecturer and fashion consultant who has obtained degrees in Italian and German fashion design. More than 70 fabric companies in Wujiang gave an open class on new fabric information, color fashion information, consumer trends, and 2010 summer international fabric fashion trends and predictions with themes of ethnic customs, leisure styles, etc., which was affirmed by companies and experts. .



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