Clothing Manufacturer_Clothing Factory clothing manufacturers News Identify cotton fiber and linen fiber fabrics

Identify cotton fiber and linen fiber fabrics

Identify cotton fiber and linen fiber fabrics Recently, due to the non-standard labeling of fabric ingredient names and contents by some textile and clothing manufacturers sold on …

Identify cotton fiber and linen fiber fabrics

Recently, due to the non-standard labeling of fabric ingredient names and contents by some textile and clothing manufacturers sold on the market, unscrupulous businessmen have taken the opportunity to pass off sub-standard products as genuine products and deceive consumers. In order to help consumers accurately identify the main real components of clothing fabrics, a simple identification method is introduced. The simple method to identify the components of clothing fabrics is the combustion method. The method is to pull out a strand of cloth containing warp and weft from the seam of the garment, ignite it with fire, observe the state of the burning flame, smell the smell of the burning cloth, and look at the residue after burning to judge. Whether it matches the fabric composition marked on the clothing durability label to identify the authenticity of the fabric composition.

Both cotton fiber and hemp fiber ignite as soon as the flame is near, burning quickly, with yellow flame and blue smoke. The difference between the smells emitted by the two when burning and the ashes after burning is that cotton emits a paper smell when burned, while hemp emits a grass ash smell after burning. After burning, cotton has very little powdery ash, which is black or gray, while hemp produces a small amount of off-white powdery ashes.

Source: “China Textile Network”



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